Saturday, September 14, 2024

Clonmacnois Bulletin September 15th 2024


Clonmacnois Parish

September 15th   2024

Twenty Fourth Sunday (B)                                            Tel. 090 9674125

Fr. Michael Alanga 089 9644381

Parochial House, Shannonbridge, Athlone, Co. Offaly N37 W2A0





Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes  September 20th—28th Sept in preparation for visit of Relics of St. Bernadette Soubirous

Go to Mass and Holy Communion at least once during the 9-day novena. It is also recommended that you receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the novena.

Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes,

You appeared in the hollow of the rock of Massabielle  To Bernadette, a small and simple shepherdess. You brought her the radiant light of your smile, The gentle, resplendent brightness of your presence. Day by day, you built a relationship with her Where you looked at her like one person talking to another. We, too, come here before you in our poverty, and we humbly pray to you.May those who doubt discover the joy of trust,

= May those who despair sense your discreet presence. Mary,- Our Lady of Lourdes,

You revealed your name to Bernadette

By simply saying “I am the Immaculate Conception”. May we discover the joy of a forgiveness that never falters, Instil in us the

desire for a rediscovered innocence and a joyful holiness. Help the blinded sinner.

You who gave birth to the Saviour of the world, Look tenderly on our beautiful but tragic world. Open in us the path of hope,

Guide us to the One who is the Living Source,

Jesus, your Son, who teaches us to say Our Father. AMEN

(Pray a decade of the rosary)


“Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!”

“Saint Bernadette, pray for us!”

“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!”


Sat 14th Sept 7pm Eileen, Sonny & Dessie Keena

Mon16th Sept No Mass 

Tues 17th Sept 10am

Wed 18th Septn10am

Thurs 19th Sept 10am

Fri 20th Sept 10am

Sat 21st Sept 7p.m.  Jim Downey (7th Anniv.)


Sun 15th Sept 10:30am

Sun 22nd Sept 10:30am  Padraig Kelly M/M

OFFERTORY  Sept 8th Offetory to be published later. Thank you for your financial support.

All donations raised in any parish– stay  in that parish. You can also support using electronic transfer if it is more convenient. Bank details are :   Clonmacnois Parochial Account.

HARVEST DUES falls this  month Thank you for your support of what forms our income as priests.

CLUAIN CHIARAIN   Next Mass Wed 18th September  @ 7:30pm 

Feast Days This Week

  Sept. 16th Ss Cornelius & Cyprian (Died 253) St Crprian, a friend of Cornelius, wrote that Cornelius was elected Pope “by the judgement of God and of Christ, by the testimony of most of the clergy, by the vote of the people, with the consent of aged priests and of good men” Sept. 20th Korean Martyrs (1839-1867)

Sept.21st St Matthew (Apostle)

The Climate Crisis – what can we do?

In response to the Climate Crisis, you are invited to a Webinar facilitated by Jane Mellett of Trocaire on Thursday 19th September at 7.30 pm.  To register for this webinar, click the following link and enter your name and address

Clonfanlough Seniors Christmas Party Sunday November 24th 1pm Mass  in Hall

Temple Conor Christmas Carol Service Sunday 8th December 2024 at 3:30pm

 SHANNONBRIDGE/DOON G.A.A.  LOTTO Sept 9th ’23  Results Numbers drawn 1-13-17-22  No Winner, Eight Match 3.  Jackpot now  €11,800. Next draw 16/9.24


N37 Y2P8 Eircode

● Women's Pilates Monday 16th at 8pm

● Men's pilates 6 week block starting Mon 8th Oct 8.30-9.30 for 8 weeks

● Womens fitness class starting Sept Wed 25th @7.30

● Lunch Club - Offaly Healthy Homes Project

Join us for a delicious meal, dessert, tea/coffee, and live music in Clonfanlough Hall on Thursday, October 10th, 2024, from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Open to ages 55+, €10 per person.Booking Essential: Contact Shirley at 087 2175998 to reserve your spot


Shannonbridge 21/9/24

Reader:  Ruth Quirke  Eucharistic Minister Eileen Quinn  Server H& E Mitchell Church Care  Paula Claffey, Antoinette Kelly, Deirdre Kenny

Clonfanlough 22/9/24  Reader: Bridie Coughlan  Euchristic Minister  Declan McEvoy  Server T & J. Rohan, K & K. Kelly Church Care Anne McEvoy

Rota copies in Sacristy & displayed in Sacristy 

MEALS ON WHEELS if you would like to receive these  (4 meals delivered twice weekly Mon & Wed)  contact 087-2410587

SYNTROPIC AGROFORESTRY WORKSHOP September 21st - 22nd. €110 - €230. Coole Eco Community, Ferbane. Learn how to use trees to increase productivity and reduce farm inputs. For more information and to register: Info@CooleEcoCommunity. ie or call Siobhán: 089-2196045.

POOR CLARES GALWAY - Monastic Experience Day for Women 18-35. An opportunity to explore and experience Poor Clare life and spirituality. The event will take place from 10am to 5pm on Saturday 21st September. Contact: to book a place. Info at :

12 Things to Always Remember 1. The past can't be changed. 2. Opinions don't define your reality. 3. Everyone's journey is different. 4. Judgements are not about you. 5. Overthinking will lead to sadness. 6. Happiness is found within. 7. Your thoughts affect your mood. 8. Smiles are contagious. 9. Kindness is free. 10. It's okay to let go and move on. 11. What goes around, comes around. 12. Things always get better with time.

 CATHOLIC MARRIAGE Encounter Weekend - Is for married couples who want something more in their marriage. The next weekend is in the Focolare Centre, Prosperous, Co. Kildare, 8-10 Nov.. Online booking

Prayer for the Season of Creation 

(September 1st to October 4th)

God our Heavenly Father, 

creator of all, 

we praise you for your goodness, 

visible in all the diversity 

that you have created,

making its a cosmic family living 

in a common home. 

Through the earth you created, 

we experience love and nourishment, 

home and protection.

Grant us a fresh vision 

of our relationship with earth, 

and with one another, 

as creatures that are made 

in your image. 

In the name of the one who came to 

proclaim the good news to all creation, 

Jesus Christ, Amen


ST. BERNADETTE OF LOURDES - This  month the Relics of St. Bernadette of Lourdes will be taken to Ireland to visit each diocese. In our own diocese the relics will be in St. Mel’s Cathedral on Fri 27th and Sat 28th September. The purpose of this visit is to Bring Lourdes to the Faithful-   to help those who may not be able to travel to Lourdes themselves, to share in some of the atmosphere of prayer and consolation that pilgrims experience, while they are there. All welcome to join in the Message of St. Bernadette.















Saturday, September 07, 2024

September 8th 2024 Clonmacnois Parish


Clonmacnois Parish

September 8th   2024

Twenty Third Sunday (B)                                            Tel. 090 96741257

Fr. Michael Alanga 089 9644381






‘He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak’. Today Jesus encounters and heals a deaf man who also has an impediment in his speech. The Lord’s gesture re minds us that the gifts of hearing and speech are among God’s greatest gifts, and are closely connected. Many talk, but few actually listen. Research has found that we only listen at twenty five per cent of our capacity. If we do listen, it is most often with the intent to reply, not to understand. One of the most sincere forms of respect is to listen to what another has to say. The esteemed German theologian, Paul Tilich went so far as to say that ‘the first duty of love is to listen’. It is interesting to note that the words ‘listen’ and ‘silent’ are composed of the same letters! We would do well, then, to heed the wisdom of the Turkish proverb: ‘listen a thousand times and speak once’. In that way, we will be more likely to use the precious gift of speech to lift-up, not to tear down; to heal, not to wound; to help not to hurt. At a recent audience in Rome, Pope Francis concluded his remarks on the theme of listening with a beautiful prayer: ‘May the Lord give us the grace to discern when we should speak and when we should stay silent’



Sat 7th Sept 7p.m. Vigil Mass  (Fr. Alanga)

Mon 9th Patronal Day Feast of St. Ciaran  7p.m. Mass

Tues 10th Sept 10am

Wed 11th Sept 10am

Thurs 12th Sept 10am

Fri 13th Sept 10am

Sat 14th Sept 7pm Eileen, Sonny & Dessie Keena


Sun 8th Sept 10:30am

Sun 15th Sept 10:30am

RECENT DEATH  - Please pray for the repose of the souls of Fr. Michael Campbell, PP, Abbeylara; Breeda Connolly, Knockaulin Drive;

OFFERTORY  Sept 1st €500  Thank you for your financial support. All donations raised in any parish– stay  in that parish. You can also support using electronic transfer if it is more convenient. Bank details are :   Clonmacnois Parochial Account.

HARVEST DUES falls this weekend. September 8th. Thank you for your support of what forms our income as priests.

Feast Days This Week

 Sept. 9th St Ciaran Born around 512, Ciaran came to Clonmacnois in 545 where he founded a monastery. He died at the age of 33 while the monastery was still being built. Patern Day in Clonmacnois is on next Sunday.

Sept 10th Sept 13th St Peter Claver

St John Chrysostom (347-407) As Archbishop of Constantinople, he was renowned as a great preacher. ‘Golden-mouthed’ was the name given to him. Sept. 14th The Exaltation of the Cross The discovery of the True Cross is dated to 14th September 320. St Helena is credited with discovering the True Cross.

Ballinasloe Flower and Garden Club are celebrating our 30th anniversary and holding a Flower Arranging Demonstration by Ann Slattery, AOIFA Ennis in Gullanes Hotel, Ballinasloe on Wednesday ,11th September at 8.00pm. Grower's competition: Vase of Flowers from the garden. New members are very welcomed.  Admission  10 euro



Ardagh & Clonmacnois

Pattern Day Clonmacnois

 Sunday, September 15th 2024

N37 V292

2:45p.m. Pattern Prayers

 3:00p.m. Pattern Mass

Preacher: Fr. Peter Burke PP Ferbane, Administrator Clonmacnois Parish

Pattern Co-odinator: Fr. Brendan O’Sullivan


N37 Y2P8 Eircode

Women's pilates back Monday 16th at 8pm
Men's pilates 6 week block starting Mon 8th Oct 8.30-9.30 for 8 weeks
Womens fitness class
starting Sept Wed 25th @7.30


Shannonbridge 14/9/24

Reader:  Rachael Carty Eucharistic MinisterMarie McManus Server L. Fitzpatrick, K. Rocke, D O’Duffy Church Care  Dympna Fitzpatrick. Dympna  O’Carroll. Linda Moran  


Reader: Della Fitzgerald Euchristic MinisterLeanne Quinn Server Hennessy. R & O. Daly, H. Maloney Church Care Anne McEvoy

Rota copies in Sacristy & displayed in Sacristy

FOOT CARE:  MOBILE Foot Health Practitioner Service House Calls Available Daytime and Evening:Maura  (086) 8053671

MEALS ON WHEELS if you would like to receive these  (4 meals delivered twice weekly Mon & Wed)  contact 087-2410587

SYNTROPIC AGROFORESTRY WORKSHOP September 21st - 22nd. €110 - €230. Coole Eco Community, Ferbane. Learn how to use trees to increase productivity and reduce farm inputs. For more information and to register: Info@CooleEcoCommunity. ie or call Siobhán: 089-2196045.

POOR CLARES GALWAY - Monastic Experience Day for Women 18-35. An opportunity to explore and experience Poor Clare life and spirituality. The event will take place from 10am to 5pm on Saturday 21st September. Contact: to book a place. Info at :

ANAM CARA MIDLANDS - The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding it’s monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 11th September at 7.15pm in the Mullingar Park Hotel. This event is FREE. For more information call 01 4045378.

CLUAIN CHIARAIN   Next Mass Wed 11th September  @ 7:30pm 


We bless you,

God of Seed and Harvest

And we bless each other

That the beauty of this world

And the love that created it

Might be expressed though our lives

And be a blessing to others

Now and always  AMEN

 Clonfanlough Seniors Christmas Party Sunday November 24th 1pm Mass  in Hall

Temple Conor Christmas Carol Service Sunday 8th December 2024 at 3:30pm

SHANNONBRIDGE/DOON G.A.A.  LOTTO Sept 2nd ’23  Results Numbers drawn 10-13-15-32  No Winner, One  Match 3.  Jackpot now  €11,600. Next draw 9/9.24

CATHOLIC MARRIAGE Encounter Weekend - Is for married couples who want something more in their marriage. The next weekend is in the Focolare Centre, Prosperous, Co. Kildare, 8-10 Nov.. Online booking

ST. BERNADETTE OF LOURDES - This  month the Relics of St. Bernadette of Lourdes will be taken to Ireland to visit each diocese. In our own diocese the relics will be in St. Mel’s Cathedral on Fri 27th and Sat 28th September. The purpose of this visit is to Bring Lourdes to the Faithful-   to help those who may not be able to travel to Lourdes themselves, to share in some of the atmosphere of prayer and consolation that pilgrims experience, while they are there. All welcome to join in the Message of St. Bernadette.



As I (finally!) say goodbye to you in Clonmacnois Parish. I would like to thank all of you for the past 8 years among you in “Ciaran’s Land”.

Your support, kindness, generosity of heart and hand was much appreciated. A lot has been done– more to come. The involvement of as many people as possible has been and will be so crucial in every parish. It’s a time of change & opportunity! Working together for the good of the parish community. I commend our Parish Committees and wish you all well and will remember you in prayer in my mountain fastness of North Roscommon! I will miss you very much.

Thanks for the night of Aug 17th last.. It was so touching & thanks to all for the cards, mass bouquets & gifts from so many.. I couldn’t believe it really. I never had that experience before.   Fr. Tom


A very warm welcome to Fr. Michael Alanga a diocesan priest of 33 years experience on loan to us from Pankshin Diocese of Northern Nigeria who begins his ministry in our parish this weekend. May God bless you in your ministry here in Clonmacnois  and grant that you will be happy here.

