Sunday, December 20, 2020


Clonmacnois Parish
December 20th 2020
Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/  0868319500  Radio 106.5FM
‘The Word became flesh’
In the heart of the ancient city of Naples lies the much visited ‘Via Gregorio Armeno’, which for obvious reasons is known as ‘Christmas Alley’. From early in the year artists and craftsmen spend hours in their workshops along that street designing cribs with a difference. They have come up with the ingenious idea of depicting the Bethlehem scene in ordinary settings. Consequently, these unique cribs contain not only the figures of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds and the Wise Men, but also the figures of ordinary people going about their everyday chores. The message is strikingly clear. Jesus is to be found not only in the manger, but also in the market place. Wherever people gather to pray, work or play He is there. When the celebration of Christmas ends and the real work of Christmas begins we need to be aware of His presence in ordinary people and places and in surprising people and places too.
By now all masses (bar 10 seats for 12 Noon Dec 25th in Shannonridge) have been filled. If you have booked and your seating needs have changed– we would need to know how many. Capacity is set at 50 plus essential staff. 
Updated HSE advice counsels that people not come too early, that they wear face coverings, avoid physical contact (hugging/handshakes etc). The use of printed materials (booklets) is discouraged-  you may wish to bring your own Missal if you have one.  Music wise bar erecting Perspex screens for a soloist (no choirs)– it’s instrumental/organ with no woodwind instrument. Congregational/Carol Singing is ruled out in the guidelines.  As Celebrant I will wear a face covering as I move but not at altar as I am 3-4 metres away from nearest person.  I have the full HSE document of 24 pages if you like to consult.  I hope to broadcast on a local link 106.5FM to a 4 mile radiues– but as we go to print, it’s simply  not working except on Facebook. I will update.
If you are coming to the Church after attending online, be aware of social distance, a Eucharistic Minister or myself will be available. Masses will be streamed online at and shared thereafter on
Saturday 19th December 7:00p.m.
Eileen Higgin (Anniv.)
Monday 21st December 7p.m. Mass
Confessions 6-6:45pm
Tuesday 22nd December 10a.m. Mass
Wednesday 23rd December Mass
Thursday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
5:00p.m.  Mass of Christmas Eve
9:00p.m. Mass of Christmas Night
Friday 25th December (Christmas Day)
12 Noon Mass of Christmas Day
Saturday 26th December (Stephen’s Day)
7p.m. Mass Vigil of  Sunday 27th December (Holy Family)  Anniv: Damien Kenny
Sunday 20th December 10:30a.m. Devery Family, (Clonlyon) Nancy & Sonny Egan
Tuesday 22nd December 7p.m. Mass
Confessions 6-6:45p.m.
Thursday 24th December 7:00p.m.
Friday 25th December 10:30am
Sun 27th Dec (Holy Family) 10:30am   
OFFERTORY  December 12/13th €890
RECENT DEATHS Please pray for the repose of the soul of Kieran Kelly Leharrow who was laid to rest on Dec 19th in Clonmacnois
BAPTISM  We welcome Clodagh Lynn Donaghy into the Christian Community
PRAYER CARD & CALENDARS are available in both Churches.
PARISH CHRISTMAS MESSAGE A sincere word of thanks to all who contributed to the life of our Parish during 2020, a very challenging year for us all. Your support, unfailing kindness and generous hospitality is greatly appreciated. Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain Shuaimhneach. Fr. Tom
BOOKING MASSES 2021  The Diary is open.
Are being delivered. Thank you to all who deliver. If you haven’t received a Box or would like one– let us know.
Mobile Foot Health Practitioner Service - House Calls Available Daytime and Evening. Contact Maura at 086-8053671 to arrange an appointment.
 Christmas Message 2020
A year ago, in preparation for our Diocesan Assembly, I referred to “the joys, anxieties and hopes that come with family life”. Little did we know then the extraordinary challenges that 2020 would entail.
We have missed what we value most - people. We miss being with and among people, all the ordinary everyday encounters, free from restriction and anxiety. Christmas brings thoughts of people who are no longer with us, especially those who died during this year. We miss those we cannot visit as freely as usual, especially our family and friends who are in hospital or in nursing homes.
We cannot gather as a community to worship the Lord as we normally do; we long to be back. Priests and parishioners carry out Trojan work to keep our churches welcoming and safe and we are grateful to them for their work and care. Although we have experienced lockdown and restrictions the Lord is present with us in so many ways.
At Christmas we celebrate the arrival of God’s son among us. The story of the first
Christmas in Bethlehem was full of hope and joy. What was expected for so long had come to pass. The Christmas story always refreshes our joy and our hope. The joy that each human life is of vital importance to God because of the baby in Bethlehem. The hope that this baby has changed the way we see ourselves, one another and our destiny.
We hope that life will become safer and less restricted because, decisions taken by
individuals will, collectively, reduce the threat to health, lives and livelihoods. There is the hope that vaccines will assist in our great efforts to be safe. During 2020, there were times of sacrifice, when some of our normal freedoms were curtailed for the common good. There are many examples of great care and generosity throughout our parishes. We are grateful to all in leadership, essential services and in our communities whose work and sacrifice contribute
to our safety.
The candles on the Advent Wreath are lit one Sunday after another, ushering us closer and closer, week by week, to Christmas. We look forward with great hope to celebrating the birth of the Saviour. Our hope is in him.
I wish you and your family and friends at home and abroad a happy Christmas.
Francis Duffy
Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois
 BIBLE DIARIES 2021 We sold out last weekend and I can order more if you let me know €9 each St. Pauls Missals €5 (free for Parish Readers) Some people prefer to have their own  hard copy rather than use the Missalette.
Results Dec 14th 2020 9-13-29-31 No jackpot winner, no match threes. Next week's jackpot will be €6,200. Thanks to everyone for their continued support!  While we're at it...
As a possible Gift for Christmas you could purchase a long term GAA lotto ticket from     Search for "shannonbridge" in the "find my club" box and you will be brought to the "Doon & Shannonbridge GAA Lotto"  you can purchase in blocks of 1, 10, 25 & 52 weeks.
We would like to thank all our generous sponsors for their support throughout 2020. We would like to acknowledge the efforts of all our volunteers and committee members and thank them for their commitment and hard work throughout the year. We wish them and all our club members a very Happy Christmas and we look forward to some exciting developments in 2021!
Shannonbridge Senior and Underage GAA
SVP - As we are not allowed to have our annual Church Gate Collection and you would like to contribute– we would ask you to pop an envelope into the Offertory Collection simply marked SVP or via the Presbytery Letter box and it will be gratefully received.
ADVENT CANDLES  for your Advent prayer space available at Masses.
God our Father,
You sent your only son, Jesus, as a little child
To love us and to be our Saviour.
Your Holy Spirit came down on Mary
And gave wisdom to  Joseph
So that they could prepare for His birth.
As we pray here around the crib, open our hearts
To His love and to his gentle care.
Take away our fears and fill our hearts with joy.
Guide and care for our families and
Help us to care for one another
So that we can live as the people of God.
May we know His presence with us and
Find deep peace in our lives during
These days of Christmas and in the year ahead.
From  Dioceses of the Western Province, Ireland

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