Clonmacnois Parish
Passion (Palm) Sunday (B)
March 24th 2024
Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500
‘Blessed is He who comes in the
name of the Lord’
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. The word holy means ‘set-apart’. Holy Week, ‘an tSeachtain Mhór’, is indeed set apart from all other weeks on the Church’s calendar. It brings us to the centre of who we are. It takes us to the heart of our faith. On Holy Thursday we will give thanks for the incomparable gifts of the Eucharist and priesthood. On Good Friday we will raise the Cross high and salute the ‘triumph of failure’ which was the ‘triumph of love’. On Holy Saturday night we will light the Paschal Candle and proclaim joyfully that the Lord is risen, that we are going somewhere and
the grave will never be our final address. As we journey through the week may our faith be renewed and our hope strengthened.
By His cross and resurrection He has set us free.
Sat 23rd 7pm Mass
-Harry Gunning(A)&br in law Tony Teehan 1A
-Paddy & Mary Martin & granddaughter Olivia Kinsella
-Hubert (Louis) Darcy Anniv
-Joe O’ Leary M/M
[Confessions after Mass “Short General preparation with individual absolution”
Mon 25th10am
Tues 26th 10am
Wed 27th 10am Confessions after
-Chrism Mass: Blessing of the Holy Oils celebrated in St. Mel’s Cathedral, Longford on Spy Wednesday 27th March at 7 p.m. Celebrant – Bishop Paul Connell. All Welcome
Please note no 10am Mass Thursday/Friday
Holy Thurs 28th7pm “Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper” followed by a period of Adoration.
Good Friday 29th 3pm Celebration of the Passion & Veneration of the Cross
[Audio Stations of the Cross 8pm]
Holy Saturday 30th 7pm Parish Easter Vigil
[Summertime Begins 2am (0200 hours) on Sunday 31st March. We advance
Dawn Mass: High Street 6am.
march 31st 2024 12 Noon Shannonbridge
Sun March 24th 10:30am
[Confessions after Mass “Short General preparation with individual absolution”
Tues March 26th 7pm Confessions after
Holy Thurs 28th 7pm “Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper” followed by a period of Adoration.
Good Friday 29th 7pm Celebration of the Passion & Veneration of the Cross
Holy Saturday 30th (Easter Vigil @ 7pm in Shannonbridge)
Easter Sunday 31st 10:30am
FEAST DAYS Mar 25th Today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, but because it is Holy Week the feast day will be celebrated on Monday April 8th .
OFFERTORY March 17th ‘24 €615
MINISTRIES Readers: 30/3/24 @7pm EASTEfR VIGIL 3 Readers 31/3/24 Easter Sunday @10:30 Noelle Daly (CF) 12 Noon Fiachra Anderson (SB) Communion 30/3/24 @7pm Dympna Fitzpatrick 31/3/24 @10:30 Enda Molloy Church Care Eileen Quinn, Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes (CF) Olive Daly (March )Counters Clonfanlough Servers; 30/3/24 L. Fitzpatrick, K. Rocke, D. O’Duffy (SB) 31/3/24 Clonfanlough T. Rohan, J. Rohan, K & K. Kelly
Trócaire Boxes / Envelopes can be returned during the week
PALM CROSSES Parishioners are invited to take them home and place the names of deceased loved ones at the foot of the Cross on Good Friday
Holy Thursday—Mass of The Lord’s Supper.
Shannonbridge 7pm Clonfanlough 7pm
This evening we remember the farewell gift of the Eucharist that Jesus gave his Church, so that He could be with us for all time in the wine and in the bread that is blessed and broken and shared in his memory. Also the New Commandment of love Jesus gave his church and which is vividly expressed during the Mass this evening in the ceremony of washing of feet.
Good Friday—The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion. Shannonbridge 3.00 pm. Clonfanlough 7pm This Celebration consists of three parts: (1) The Liturgy of the Word, which includes the Solemn Reading of the Passion and the 10 Solemn Prayers of Intercession. (2) The Veneration of the Cross. (3) The service of Holy Communion. The Cross is a sign of hope, victory and resurrection for us as we1I as sign of pain, suffering and death As we share in the suffering of the crucified Christ, we also share in the new life of hope of the Risen Lord.
Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence.
Holy Saturday Night —Parish Easter Vigil. Shannonbridge 7pm Pro Populo. This night is the most important of all Vigils when the Church waits for the Resurrection of the Lord. To-nights ceremony is divided into four parts. (1) The service of light. (2) The liturgy of the word. (3) The blessing of the Easter Water and the renewal of our baptismal promises. (4) The Liturgy of the Eucharist. We begin with the blessing of the Easter fire and the lighting of the Easter Candle, symbol of the risen Christ who is the light of the world and it will be lit for all baptisms and at removals and funeral Masses for the next year
DRAW 1 11/3/24 numbers 12-14-16-20 No Winner, Three Match 3 Next Draw 25/3/24 Jackpot stands at €6,400
DRAW 2 draw 18/3/24 numbers 8-12-28-30 No Winner, One Match 3 Next Draw 25/3/24 Jackpot stands at €6,600
MEALS ON WHEELS : If you would like to avail of this service contact 087 2410587
Ardagh & Clonmacnois Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 takes place 31st May – 5th June 2024. For information and bookings contact Joe Walsh Tours 01 2410800 or email
LOURDES Diocesan Assisted Pilgrimage Fund Collection next Sunday 31st March. Outside Collection
Zumba for kids - boys and girls aged 4 to 10 ,continuing in the hall Mondays 4.45 to 5.30
-Music Generation Offaly: Music lessons in Clonfanlough Hall every Wednesday
Times: 4-5pm ages 8-12 (primary school) 5-6pm ages 13+(secondary school).
-Pilates with Ger: Monday’s 8.00-9.00pm
-Women’s Fitness class with Nicky: Wednesday’s 8:00-9.00pm Note Change of Time
Chair Yoga Four Week Class starting Wednesday 10th April at 10:30am in Clonfanlough Hall with Edel from Your Yoga Space. €10 per class. Call/text Edel to book on 086 1003420
PALM SUNDAY This Sunday & the beginning of Holy Week, which joins in the foretelling of Christ’s regal triumph and the proclamation of the passion. Palms will be blessed during Masses. There us a strong tradition where the palms are taken home, where they will serve as a reminder of the victory of Christ over sin and death. .
CLONMACNOIS N.S. Enrolment for new pupils is now open. Please contact the school on 090964 74150 for Enrolment forms from April 8th onwards
SOCIAL DANCE - In Cloghan Hall on Friday 29th March at 9.30pm. Music by John Molloy. Adm. €10. All welcome
HIGH STREET/BELMONT WOMEN’S GROUP - Mon. 25th March: A night with Candlemaker Jackie Sweeney. A night with a difference! A variety of candles for sale on the night. High Street Hall at 7.30pm. Please note change of time. All welcome.
CASH4CLOTHES Fundraiser for Clonmacnois
National School
Bagged items can be dropped off at Clonmacnois School Monday 8th April to Friday 12th April OR
Shannonbridge Hall Friday 12th April and Saturday 13th April Drop off Days : Monday April 8th & Friday April 12th at the school
We accept All Clothes in good condition, paired shoes, handbags, costumes, school wear (no crest), clean underwear & swimwear, Jewellery.
WE CANNOT ACCEPT end-of-life clothes, curtains, duvets, pillows, cushions, wet or damp clothing, uniforms with crests.
All Support is greatly appreciated.
Sumertime begins 1am on Sunday 31st March (Easter Sunday)
Prayer before the Crucifix Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul I pray and beseech of Thee to impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity. With true repentance and contrition for my sins and a firm purpose of amendment; while with deep affection and grief of soul, I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five precious wounds, having before my eyes the words which David Thy prophet put on Thy lips concerning Thee O Good Jesus. “They have pierced my hands and my feet, they have numbered all my bones.” Amen. (Psalm 21:17-18) Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be to the Father.
Trócaire 2024 Part of the call of Lent is for Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. Trócaire fulfils that call. Thank you for supporting the Trócaire Lenten Campaign. All Trócaire Boxes or their contents should be returned at any stage. If you don’t have a Trocaire Box simply mark “Trocaire” on an envelope & leave in the collection on Holy Saturday night or Easter Sunday or to Parochial House . Thoughts/Prayer before Receiving Holy Communion –As we hold out our Hands – Body of Christ – Lord, as we fervently process, we offer You a throne Upon to rest Oh, King of everyone May Your will be done and
What we now receive, we become. Amen
We want the war horse.Jesus rides a donkey.
-We want the bird of prey.
The Holy Spirit descends as a dove.
-We want the militia.
Jesus calls fishermen, tax collectors, women, and children.
-We want the courtroom.-Jesus sets a table.
-We want the gavel.-Jesus washes feet.
-We want to take up swords.
Jesus takes up a cross.
-We want the empire.
Jesus brings the Kingdom of God.-
-We want the nation.-Jesus calls the church.
-We want the roaring lion
God comes as a slaughtered lamb.-
-We keep trying to arm God.
God keeps trying to disarm us -Benjamin Cremer
Sacrament of Confession for Easter
Clonfanlough 7:30pm Tuesday after 7pm Mass
Shannonbridge 10:30am Wednesday after 10am Mass
[also after Ceremonies Holy Thursday/Good F riday or Holy Saturday (S’bridge) 3-5pm
[Nearby Confessions 11-3pm Ferbane on 30/3/24 High Street 12-1 on 30/3/24