Monday, November 15, 2004

Dan Jack Doheny called in on Friday and was showing Colin one of the new mousetraps that he has for sale called MouseMaster. Colin said it reminded him of one of John Price's inventions many years ago which consisted of a piece of cheese suspended over a bocket of water with a length of timber giving access to the top of the bucket . A straw was attached to the end of the timber to give access to the cheese. When the mouse travelled a distance out along the straw, the weight of the mouse caused the straw to bend down and the mouse fell into the bucket. Perry's Mill in Belmont had something similar with a length of timber on a rat run across a barrel. The timber was finely balanced and on a swivel so that when the rat reached a certain point the timber rotated and heaved its victim into the barrel of water. You can e-mail Dan Jack at for more information and tell him where you heard about it.
Rose was saying that half the packet of The Moore Historical Book left into the Library have been sold already. I have found it very interesting so far and I am hoping that Paddy Kenny will explain some of the background to the 14 verses of the ballad on 'The Parish of Moore' written by Paddy Donoghue and contained in the book.
Lovely postcard from Karen O'Flanagan from Dublin showing Pilgrims at Clonmacnois by George Petrie ( 1790 - 1866 ) of the Irish School.
Late Date radio program on Friday night with Val Joyce was even more special as he featured the voice of Jo Stafford and included about ten of her songs during the two hour show.

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