Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Heritage Council, Kilkenny E-mail mail@heritagecouncil.com some time ago invited applications for a 2005 Local Heritage Grant scheme.They received around 300 applications and had 350,000 Euro available.They were in a position to allocate 89 grants. Our Reference: 14183
At the time I submitted an application to have The Magazine compound on the village side of the river get attention as ivy is having a harmful effect and the area requires a good overhaul. This is in the field immediately below the downstream jetty and shares the field where Rachra Castle once stood and one of the Fieldworks constructed around 1800 at the time of the building of the Martello Fortification.
The sewerage works age in this field and near the river is a small hill created with drainage of the river for navigation possibly about 1840.
Anyhow a letter yesterday arrived to inform us that the application was unsuccessful. Long live the Ivy?

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