Sunday, October 16, 2011

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 16th Oct 2011 – 29A
Tel (090) 9674125 Fax (090) 9674267
Mass times: Shannonbridge: Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12 noon, Sun;
Weekdays, 10am. Clonfanlough – Sunday, 10.30am
Mass or Communion Service each day @ 10am
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €464. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: K.Price, C.Curley, P.Anderson
Ministers of Holy Communion: Group 1
Readers for next Weekend: Group 6, A.Hynes, D.O’Carroll
Altar Servers for this week: Group 3, Sarah, Alisa, Jack, Katie
Mass on next Sat eve for the late Stephen & Marian Daly
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €361. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: J. & C. Rigney
Readers for next Sunday: A. & L. Devery
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 1
Minister of Holy Communion for next Sunday: B.Coughlan
Mass on next Sun for the late Tim Devery

Next Sun is World Mission Sunday, ‘which offers the entire people of God the occasion for renewing their commitment to proclaim the Gospel.
Faith is strengthened when it is shared with others.’ (Pope Benedict)
Night Prayer Vigil in Clonmacnois Prayer Centre
Fri 21st Oct, beginning with Mass @ 10pm. Adoration follows and finishes at 3.10am. All welcome. Enquiries Dave 085-7746763
Visit of Comboni Missionaries
We welcome Fr Antonio of the Comboni Missionaries this weekend, who will speak at all the Masses about their work in different parts of the world.
They would like to take a collection to help them in their work. They were founded in Italy in 1867 to go on mission, mainly to Central Africa, by Fr Daniel Comboni, who was canonised in 2003.
Nowadays they have religious, secular & lay missionaries worldwide.
The special clothes that the priest wears for Mass are called vestments. There are three different pieces which he needs to put on. Over his ordinary clothes the priest puts on a white or cream coloured tunic called an alb. Then he puts on a long piece of coloured cloth which looks like a scarf and is called a stole. Over the alb and the stole he puts on his chasuble. The colour of the stole and the chasuble is very important. It tells us what season we are in or what special occasion we are celebrating in the Church year. There are four main colours worn during main colours worn during the year: green, purple, red and white.
Congratulations & best wishes to Michael Shrahan & Kara Henry, who were married recently in Drum Church. Ad multos annos!
We welcome into the Christian Community Jack Rohan, son of Declan and Elaine who was baptised last weekend in Clonfanlough Church.
Chess for beginners continues in Shannonbridge Hall every Mon eve @ 7.30 pm. All welcome.

‘St Ciaran’s Community Alert invites all members of the Community to an open meeting in Clonfanlough Hall on Wed 19th Oct, starting @ 8pm sharp. The purpose of the meeting is to convey the results of the recent parish survey. Representatives from all groups in the Parish are encouraged to attend.’

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