Monday, November 28, 2011

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 27th Nov 2011 – 1Adv B
Tel (090) 9674125 Fax (090) 9674267
Mass times: Shannonbridge: Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12 noon, Sun;
Weekdays, 10am. Clonfanlough – Sunday, 10.30am

Masses: Each day @ 10am; Adoration on First Fri from 2.30 – 4.30pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €700. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: K.Price, C.Curley, P.Anderson
Ministers of Holy Communion: Group 3
Readers for next Weekend: Group 6, A.Hynes, D.O’Carroll
Altar Servers for this week: 3, Sarah, Alisa, Jack, Katie
Mass on Fri for the late Jack Butler
Anniversary Mass on next Sat eve for the late Josephine Coughlan
Mass for the Holy Souls on Mon @ 7pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €292. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: B.Maleney, H.Hynes
Readers for next Sunday: A.Coughlan
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 1
Minister of Holy Communion for next Sunday: B.Coughlan

Clonmacnois Regional Pioneers will celebrate Mass in Boora on Fri 2nd Dec @ 7pm. All welcome
The word ‘deacon’ comes from the Greek word ‘diakonia’, which means ‘service’. The work of the deacon is an act of service to the community. Deacons can read the Gospel, preach the homily, baptise and perform other ceremonies. There are two types of deacon who minister in the church. The first is someone who is training to be a priest and this is the last step before finally being ordained a priest. The second is called a Permanent Deacon and he is not going to be ordained a priest. We know that priests cannot get married but a married man can be ordained a Permanent Deacon. At the moment we have very few Permanent Deacons in our country. But this may change in the next few years.
Nomination Forms
You should receive these with your box of parish envelopes, and you are asked to return them as soon as possible.
Shannonbridge Christmas Party - Fri 2nd Dec
By now, you should have received your invitation. Please let us know if you will attend by calling 087-2410587.
Shannonbridge ARA Annual Social
On Fri 9th Dec in the Old Fort @ 7pm. Members & friends welcome. Cost €20
Parenting Talk with Geraldine Butler on Wed 30th Nov in High Street Hall @ 8pm. Adm is €5. Light refreshments served. All welcome. 087-9374424
Annual Commemoration Mass & wreath laying for deceased members of the Defence Forces in SS Peter & Paul’s Church Athlone on 30th Nov @ 11am
Irish Wheelchair Association will hold a ‘High End Fashion & Accessory Sale’ on Thurs 1st Dec, (6-11pm) in The Radisson Hotel Athlone. Adm is free.
Table Quiz in aid of Shannonbridge Tidy Towns on Fri 2nd Dec in Killeens @ 9pm. Table of 4, €20. Raffle on the night. Please support.

Members of St Ciaran's Community Alert will be calling to houses to get signatures for a petition opposing the possible closure of the Garda Station in Shnnnonbridge. Please support.

Shannonbridge Aaction Group Christmas cards are on sale locally. Please support.

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