Sunday, October 19, 2014

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday  19th Oct 2014 – 29 A-Mission Sun
Tel (090) 9674125.  Email:
Mass times: Shannonbridge: Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12 noon, Sun;
Weekdays, 10am.                  Clonfanlough – Sunday, 10.30am

Masses: Each day @ 10am
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €518.    Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: J.Kelly, M.Killeen, A.Keena
Ministers of Holy Communion: Group  2
Readers for next Weekend: Group 6, A.Hynes, D.O’Carroll
Altar Servers for this week: Group 1, Jenny, Róisín, Adam, Matthew
Mass on next Sat eve for the late Christina, John & Patrick Turley
Anniversary Mass for Ciaran Mannion on next Sun
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €164.   Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: J.Egan, B.Dolan
Readers for next Sunday: E.McEvoy
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group  1, Eoin, Conor x 2
Minister of Holy Communion for next Sunday: N.Hynes
Mass for the late Tim Devery on next Sun

‘Months Mind’ Mass for Fr Sam Holmes on Mon eve @ 7pm in Shannonbridge.  All are invited.
Station Mass
At the home of H. & S. Hynes,Glebe, next Fri @ 8pm
Faith of or Fathers Conference in Knock
25th -26th Oct in St John’s Care Centre, 9am to 6pm.
The theme is : ‘The Catholic Family, Cradle of the Culture of Life’
Many well-known speakers will be there.
 Pro life campaign Month for Life- Oct 2014
The Pro life campaign will be holding a public information meeting on 23rd Oct in the Sheraton Hotel Athlone from 8pm to 9.30pm.  The meeting will update the public on the current situation as regards the protection of the unborn and their mothers.  For more info call 01-6629275 or visit
“It is with great joy that we anticipate having St. Mel’s Cathedral back as our place of worship at Christmas time. We are indebted to the many people who have worked tirelessly to restore the Cathedral after the devastating fire of Christmas 2009.
Two of the Christmas Masses will be broadcast with the wider public, courtesy of RTE Television; Midnight Mass and the 10am Mass on Christmas morning will be televised.  Seating for all Masses will be on a first come first served basis.” 
Something to ponder
The story is told of a mother who wanted to convince her son to stop eating sugar. When all failed, she walked a long journey with him in the searing heat to visit his hero, Mahatma Gandhi, whom she believed would succeed in persuading him.  Gandhi thought for a moment, and then told mother and son to return in three days.  When they did, he simply said to the boy ‘Sugar is bad for you. Stop eating it.’  The mother enquired, ‘But Bapu, why could you not have said that three days ago?’ ‘Because’, replied Gandhi, ‘three days ago I, too, was addicted to sugar.’
 A message from the HSE
The HSE is currently launching the national Flu vaccination campaign in the midlands.  The Flu vaccine is recommended for those over 65 years, and younger people ‘at risk’ groups.  “Get your flu vaccine now – it’s a lifesaver.”

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