Sunday, November 02, 2014

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday  2nd Nov 2014 – All Souls A
Tel (090) 9674125.  Email:
Mass times: Shannonbridge: Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12 noon, Sun;
Weekdays, 10am.                  Clonfanlough – Sunday, 10.30am


Masses: Each day @ 10am; Adoration on First Fri 4 – 5pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €473.    Many Thanks
Church Cleaners:  M.Manus, C. Slattery, A.Corbett
Ministers of Holy Communion: Group  4
Readers for next Weekend: Group 2, M.Anderson, E.Quinn
Altar Servers for this week: Group 3, Katie, Lauren, Kate
Mass on Wed for the late Kieran & Mary Henry
Mass on next Sat eve for the late Thomas Rocke
Mass on First Fri for the late Joe Darcy @ 7pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €218.   Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: M.Claffey, B.Coughlan
Readers for next Sunday:  D.Gavin
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group   3, Conor, Adam, Róisin
Minister of Holy Communion for next Sunday: P.Trainor
Mass on next Sun for the late Larry & Brigid Rohan

We celebrate the Feast of all the Saints of Ireland on Thurs 6th Nov.
Enrolment of First Communicants on next Sun in Clonfanlough.
Meeting of Parish P.C. on next Tues in Shannonbridge @ 8pm
November is the month of the Holy Souls.  We can help them by our Masses, sacrifices & prayers.  Visit a Church or Cemetery and pray in union with the Church throughout the world. In the parish 2 Masses are said each week in Nov for the Holy Souls.
Ard Chiaráin, Shannonbridge
Silent Retreat – The Welcoming Prayer, consent on the go..........
A companion prayer to Centering Prayer
Fri 14th Nov, 4.30 – 7pm; Sat 15th Nov, 9.30am – 4.30pm
Presented by Sr Fionnuala Quinn O.P.- contemplative outreach.
Tea/coffee/light lunch provided.
Please register in advance with Sr Maura Moran, tel 09096-74305,  Cost €25.00
A memorial Mass for the late Fr Sam Holmes will be celebrated in Cloone on Fri 28th Nov, and in Aughavas on Fri 9th Jan @ 7pm
Both places are in Co Leitrim and close to Mohill
A Special Day for The Holy Souls will take place at The Ark Centre
23 Mitchell Terrace Athlone on Saturday 8th of November 2014 starting at
1.30pm with The Rosary. 2.00pm Holy Mass Celebrant: Fr David Jones. Followed with Guest Speaker Larry Cummins. The Centre will remain open until 10.00pm with Adoration and Individual Prayer. All are most welcome. Details available from Paul Woods, 087 7828283

Being Thankful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brett Blair,
  "Our ancestors were not so much thankful for something as they were thankful in something. In bounty or in want they were thankful. In feast or in famine they were thankful. In joy or in misery they were thankful. There is a big difference between being thankful for things and being thankful in all things."

"‘I must do something’ will solve more problems than to say ‘Something must be done.’"    (Anon)

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