Sunday, June 28, 2015

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday  28th June 2015 –13 B
Tel (090) 9674125.  Email:
Mass times: Shannonbridge: Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12 noon, Sun;
Weekdays, 10am.                  Clonfanlough – Sunday, 10.30am

Masses: Each day @ 10am; Adoration on First Fri 4 – 5pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €418.    Many Thanks
Church Cleaners:  :  M.McManus, C.Slattery, A.Corbett
 Ministers of Holy Communion: Group 2
Readers for next Weekend: Group 1, F.Anderson, P.Corbett
Altar Servers for this week: Group 1, Jenny, Roisin, Adam, Matthew

Mass on the First Fri @ 7pm
 Last Sunday's Offertory collection: € Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: B.Maleney, H.Hynes
Readers for next Sunday: A.Guinan
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 1, Conor x 2, Eoin
Minister of Holy Communion for next Sunday: N.Hynes

Mass every Wed in the Prayer Centre Clonmacnois @ 7.30pm

We hope to have Mass with the blessing of graves in Clonmacnois on Sat 1st Aug @ 7pm, & in Glebe on Mon 3rd Aug @ 7pm
 National Learning Network
If you have experienced a personal setback, long-term illness or have a disability and need support in your life and career, then our Freshstart programme may be for you or someone you know.  Freshstart will give you the confidence and skills to explore new opportunities for your future employment and life fulfilment.  Qualifications can be gained at your own pace.  For more info contact 090-6441260.”
Congratulations & best wishes to Jonathan Slattery & Joanne McEniry who were married recently in Shannonbridge.  Ad multos annos!

1  Like this woman, have you had the experience of a cure, an improvement, a success, after a long period of nothing happening? What was that like for you? What made the difference? On that occasion was there anything different in you, in others, in the circumstances – something that paved the way for the change or improvement?
 2  ‘Who touched me?’ Jesus asked. It seems a strange request with crowds milling around. Many people brushed against him but the woman made contact in a different way. The same can happen in our relationships. We brush against many people but make real contact only with a few. Who are the people you have touched, and who has touched you? What difference has this made to you and to them?
 3  It can also happen that there are many occasions when we brush against Jesus, and other occasions when we have a sense that we are in contact with him. What deepens your contact with Jesus?
 4  When Jairus asked Jesus to come and cure his daughter, some thought there was no point. Sometimes a situation can look like a lost cause. Has it ever happened to you that subsequent events showed there was hope where you thought there was none?

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