Friday, October 13, 2017

  Fr. Tom Cox Adm. (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500                                       
   Email:   WEB                             

Saturday October 14th 8p.m. (Shared)
-Mary & Martin Burke (Anniversary)
-Eileen Keena  (Months Memory
Monday 16th Oct  10a.m. Communion Service
Tues 17th Oct 10a.m.  Mass
Wed 18th 10a.m. Communion Service
Thurs 19th Mass Fri 20th Mass
Sat 21st. Mass
Sat 21st Oct 8:00p.m. John Flannery
Sunday 15th October 10:30a.m. Kathleen Kilduff (2nd Anniv) (Clonfanlough)
[Enrolment 1st Communion & Confirmation]
Sunday 22nd October 10:30a.m. Tim Devery
CLUAIN CHIARAIN Mass Wed 18th Oct @ 7:30p.m.

OFFERTORY Oct 7/8th €770  thank you for your support of this Parish

SAINTS OF THE WEEK   Mon 16th St. Hedwig/ St. Margaret Mary Alacoque  Tues 17th St. Ignatius of Antioch Wed 18th St. Luke Thurs 19th  Sts John of Brébeuf & Isaac Joques priests & Companion martyrs; St. Paul of the Cross.

A THOUGHT: To Bring up a Child the way they should that way yourself once in a while

 UPCOMING CHURCH ROSTERS                                                               
Shannonbridge:  21st Oct  @8p.m.
Altar Servers: Group 1 Matthew, Emily & Ruth
Reader:  Michaela Anderson
Euch. Minister: Marian McManus
Church Cleaners Shannonbridge (weekly) Marion McManus, Catherina Slattery, Ann Corbett
Clonfanlough:Sun 22nd Oct @  10:30
Altar Servers:Group 2 Jane E., Tadgh T.,  Charlie G.
Reader: Mary Kelly
Min. of Eucharist:Leanne Quinn
Monthly Cleaning Rota  (Oct) Eithne Rohan, Della Fitzgerald
STATION MASSES  for next 2 Weeks
(1) Garrymore, Woodbank, Charlestown, Lecarrow, Blackwater
(Joe & Renee Egan: Fri Oct 20th @ 8pm)
(2)Clonfanlough & Lakefield
Anne Kearns Friday Oct 27th @ 8p.m.

A TRUE BELIEVER IS...Strong enough to be weak/ Successful enough to fail /Wise enough to say “I don’t know” /Serious enough to laugh /Rich enough to be poor /Right enough to say “I’m wrong” /Mature enough to be childlike /Planned enough to be spontaneous /Controlled enough to be flexible /Free enough to endure captivity/ Knowledgeable enough to ask questions/ Loving enough to be angry /Great enough to be anonymous/ Responsible enough to play/ Assured enough to be rejected/ Stable enough to cry/ Victorious enough to lose

 SUNDAY 15th OCT  YOUTH HARVEST PRAISE—St. Mary’s Church of Ireland , Athlone, from 2:30p.m.
FRIDAY 20th OCTOBER  CLONMACNOIS PRAYER VIGIL  in Cluain Chiarain Prayer Centre on Friday 20th and every third Friday. Mass at 9pm. Adoration and Prayers  follow until 2.10am. All Welcome. Enquiries Dave; 085-7746763.
FRIDAY 20th OCTOBER  Welcoming Babies with Disability  The Anscombe Bioethics Centre, in association with the Consultative Group on Bioethics of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference, is holding an evening public meeting discussing the issues raised following a diagnosis of foetal anomaly.  Tracy Harkin, a mother whose daughter was diagnosed with Trisomy 13, will be one of the speakers along with Dr Helen Watt and Bishop Kevin.  The meeting will take place on Friday, 20 October at 7.30pm in the Sheraton Hotel in Athlone. 
SUNDAY 22nd OCTOBER   Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Every person in every parish in every country where the Church is present will be celebrating together and sharing what they have, no matter how little. It is the one Sunday in the year when the Mass is celebrated exclusively for missionary activity. Donations are collected at these worldwide Masses and they go to support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor. In offering our prayers, we join with missionaries everywhere in communion and compassion to support them in spreading the Good News, and by giving a donation we respond to Christ's call to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Think about it…..
“Jesus was born in a borrowed manger. He preached from a borrowed boat. He entered Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey. He ate the Last Supper in a borrowed upper room. He was buried in a borrowed tomb. Now he asks to borrow the lives of Christians to reach the rest of the world. If we do not speak, then he is dumb and silent.” (Leighton Ford)
CHILDCARE SUBSIDIES Are you getting what you are eligible for? Free information clinics taking place locally this month. Contact 057 9135878. for more information.
CLONFANLOUGH CHRISTMAS SOCIAL in Clonfanlough Hall on  Sunday 19th November 2017 with Mass at 2 and music by J & S Sound. (Meeting of the organisers of the Christmas Social in Clonfanlough Hall on Monday 9th at 8.30. New members would be very welcome.)
SHANNONBRIDGE CHRISTMAS SOCIAL December 3rd  Shannonbridge Hall (Mass at 12, SVP Toy Collection & blessing of Children also)
 Community Carols  Temple Connor (Clonmacnois) Sunday 17th Dec. 3.00pm
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION , Saturday April 28th Clonfanlough @ 12Noon
CONFIRMATION  Friday , May 11th (Shannonbridge 4p.m. )
BAPTISM Next meeting for our pastoral area preparation is Oct 19th, then Nov. 16th & 14th December . Venue Ballinahown Parochial House 8-9p.m. Phone 086 8319500 in advance

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