- Clonmacnois Parish
- Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 0868319500
- Email: clonmacnoiseparish@gmail.com
- WEB shannonbridge.blogspot.ie
- www.facebook.com/Parish-of-Clonmacnois
- Act of Spiritual Communion “My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You have already come , and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen”
- PENTECOST Sat 30th 6p.m. Frances McHale M/M (died 20.4.20 U.K. sister of Myra Flannery Creevagh)
- Sun 31st. 10:30a.m. Tommy Brady (Anniv.)
- Mon 1st June 10a.m. The Bl Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
- Tues 2nd June 10a.m. Opt Meml Ss Marcellinus & Peter, martyrs
- Wed 3rd June 10a.m. St. Kevin, abbot
- Thurs 4th June 10a.m. Ss Charles Lwanga & Companions, martyrs
- Fri 5th June 10a.m. St. Boniface First Friday Mick Devine (7th A) Cormac Devine (A)
- Sat 6th June 7p.m. Johnny Nally (1stAnniv) & Darren Egan (Anniv.)
- Sun 7th June 10:30a.m. Peoples Intention
- [All Masses streamed & available on Facebook “Tom Cox” and “Parish of Clonmacnois” ] Type in https://www.facebook.com/tomas.macconchoille
- MESSAGE FROM TRĂ“CAIRE Every year TrĂ³caire asks for your help during Lent to fund lifesaving programmes around the world. This year, of course, it was not possible to return TrĂ³caire boxes through schools or parishes in the usual way. This is the worst possible timing coming just as the world’s poorest people need us most. Therefore, TrĂ³caire are appealing to you to return your Lenten donation hopefully by Pentecost (May 31st) . Simply count or estimate what is in your box & donate in the following ways: 1. Online at www.trocaire.org 2. By phone: 1850 408 408 (ROI) 3. By post to TrĂ³caire, Maynooth, Co. Kildare (ROI) 4. Locally– leave in Morans shop or via my letterbox The contents of each TrĂ³caire box, no matter how small, come together to make a significant difference. This virus knows no borders, but neither does our compassion.
- BULLETIN: This week sees the LAST of the pre printed (Scripture/Mass text on one side) Bulletins. Our Supplier (St. Paul’s) has also been affected by the present circumstances. Future issues may not be of the same quality. This is our 12th issue since closure on March 14th/15th
- Offertory: Since Public Masses ceased
- March 2020 €2,097 (Open March 1st,8th only) (in 2019 March was €2,050)
- April 2020 €2,120 (April 2019 €4,215)
- May 2020 €2,542 Monthly (May) €495 Total €3,037 (in 2019 May was €3,452)
- Easter Dues €2,120 TrĂ³caire €1,159
- Lenten Alms €400 Shrine May €575
- ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’
- It’s our birthday! The Holy Spirit descends. The ship of the Church sets sail. The final act in the Divine Drama begins. These are the end times. The feast of Pentecost celebrates a promise realised. It assures us that the Holy Spirit is at the heart of the Church, and because that is so, the Church cannot fail in her mission. The transforming presence of the One who is Advocate, Comforter, Helper and Teacher has never failed to guide the ship through the ages, whether on sunlit days or on stormy seas and He never will. Bethlehem was God with us; Calvary was God for us; Pentecost is God in us. We read in the Acts of the Apostles that the Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of wind and fire. Wind blows away the chaff from the threshing floor and leaves the precious grain. Fire purifies the gold in the furnace and burns away the dross. The Spirit, likewise, enables us to discern what is important on life’s journey and to discard the rest. Over a century ago, GK Chesterton wrote that we live in the ‘Muddle Ages’ where many tend to put first things last. His words ring true today. It is the Spirit alone, who will help us to put first things first. If we reflect on the past few months through the lens of faith we could say that the Spirit has been doing just that, prompting us in these quieter days, to separate the grain from the chaff, the gold from the dross. May we continue to be open to His breath. Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us. Happy Birthday!
- Broadcast Mass on Radio and T.V. Sunday 11a.m. RTE 1 & News Now Channels •
- Mid West Radio (96.1FM) - Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, 10.00 am •RTE TV Weekdays 10.30 a.m. on RTÉ News Now available on Saorview (channel 21), Sky (521), Virgin Media (200), Eir (517) •Radio Maria Ireland - Every day including Sunday at 10.00 a.m. Saorview, Channel 210. •Webcams are available on these websites: www.churchservices.tv www.mcnmedia.tv parishwebsites.ie www.galwaybayfm.ie; (Sunday 11:30) Shannonside Radio 104.1FM Sunday 10.00am.
- Funerals: In the sad event of a parishioner dying we will do everything possible to honour them with a Christian burial. Current Government directives state while a funeral Mass may be held no more than 10 people in total may be in a church building for a funeral service. This is subject to on-going review.
- Re-opening of Church Buildings: In phase 4, on 20 July, religious and places of worship, where sanitation, social distancing can be maintained. We await national guidelines.
- Weddings and Baptisms: In phase 4, on 20 July, small social gatherings by family and close friends (e.g. small weddings, baptisms) limited to a maximum number of attendees for a limited period of time where social distancing can be maintained.
- Newsletter by e-mail: Any person wishing to receive the parish newsletter by e-mail should email clonmacnoiseparish@gmail.com and enter “Newsletter “as the subject. The newsletter will be forwarded as a PDF attachment
- NEW MEALS ON WHEELS SERVICE Anyone who would like to avail of this new service or knows of anyone that would like to avail of it can contact 087 2410587
- WORD OF THANKS Sincere thanks to all those who so kindly continue to contribute to the various Church collections. We are extremely grateful and greatly appreciate your generosity in these challenging times. Thanks to Moran’s Gala & Post Office and staff for kindly facilitating the collection of the envelopes and Trocaire Boxes.
- If anyone would like to offer financial support to the Parish you can do so by electronic transfer if it is more convenient to do so. The bank details are as follows.
- IBAN-IE90BOFI90368011629381
- Name of Account: “Clonmacnois Parochial A/c Please note your name or box number.
- "HOOVES FOR HOSPICE" Shannonbridge GAA & fellow Offaly Clubs are fundraising to build a level 3 Hospice Facility in Tullamore. We need more locals to help donate/rear/fund an animal. Further details at http://h4h.midlandhospice.ie/ . Please call 086 8822451 or any Committee Member
- HOLIDAYs & Water Safety. I come from a Shannonside village (Tarmonbarry) and we always found this a dangerous weekend for water safety. With restrictions, the annual Primary School Water Safety Programme could not happen. We all need to practice water safety. We live in a beautiful area. Don’t let needless tragedy happen. Will you please mind each other.
- Before the Spirit came,
- you were just words on a page,
- Black on white and yellowed with age. Simply a story of long ago,
- Of a man who had so much love to show; Who healed the sick and cured the lame; Took our guilt and bore our shame.
- It sounded so good, but it just couldn't last.
- It was not for today but locked in the past. Until the Spirit came.
- Now the Spirit has come, you are here at my side,
- Larger than life and ready to guide; Making real to me all that you said
- And doing through me the things that I read. I am the glove that your hand has filled;
- I am the cup into which you have spilled All the love and the power which you promised would come, Right now in the present and for everyone.
- Since the Spirit came Holy One, For all of the ways you speak to us—in rushing wind,
- in dancing flames, in words we understand, and in all that transcends language,
- we give thanks. Give us courage to speak your love,
- everywhere we go, to everyone we meet. Amen
Saturday, May 30, 2020
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