Saturday, April 03, 2021


Clonmacnois Parish

April 4th  2021

Easter Sunday

Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/  0868319500 



FACEBOOK  (Live)  (saved to it afterwards)



He is risen, Alleluia.

If Jesus did not rise from the dead, life is absurd, the grave is without hope and our faith is meaningless. The resurrection then, was the most significant event in human history. It elevates Christianity above all other world religions. It’s no wonder that it is mentioned more than one hundred times in the New Testament. We live in the shadow of Easter and we rejoice on this day, the greatest of all Sundays in the Christian calendar. The tomb is empty. Life has a destination. Hope dawns anew. Our God reigns. His victory is our victory. Good has triumphed over evil; light over darkness; peace over chaos. The fact that He rose at the darkest hour, just before the dawn is a striking reminder that, when all seems lost, resurrection is near. When we reach ‘rock bottom’ we discover that Christ is the rock at the bottom. The experience of the women who went to the tomb on that Easter morning speaks to us too. They were worried about the stone. Who would move it? Their worries were unfounded. In life, we fret endlessly, never more so than over the past twelve months, but God knows His plan and all shall be well. Because of the resurrection, there is a future for every human being. May we radiate the hope and joy of the Easter message in all we think, say and do.

Beannachtaí na Cásca daoibh.



March 29th 2021 Numbers drawn 11-17-22-26

No Jackpot Winner. No Match 3 Winner. Extra €400 added to Jackpot which stands at €9,800. Draw on Facebook Live.

THRESHOLD OF HOPE: Some of you who missed the event were asking for the recording of  the March 30th Online Musical Gathering with singer, facilitator and spiritual director  Deirdre Ní Chinnéide called “threshold of Hope” . It’s available on demand. enjoy

SYNODAL PATHWAY The Bishops of Ireland have committed to holding a National Synod  within 5 years. Pending restrictions Bishop Duffy hopes to reanimate our own Diocesan Assembly plans for 2022. From 6 April next, an online page will be available on the Bishops’ Conference website  ( for  submission of ideas and suggestions.

 ALL MASSES ONLINE—LEVEL 5  Holy Saturday 7p.m. Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday 10:30a.m. Missa Pro Populo

Mon April 5th 10am Mass

Tues April 6th 10am Mass

Wed April 7th 10am Mass\

Thurs April 8th 10am Mass

Fri April 9th 10am Mass

Sat April 10th 7p.m.  Rosie Curley (Creevagh) 8th Anniversary

Sun April 11th 2nd Sun of Easter 10:30  (Divine Mercy Sunday)


TRÓCAIRE -Trócaire needs our help more than ever. Please return either your Trócaire  Box or the contents  in an envelope to the Presbytery at your earliest convenience.  Thanks to Shannonbridge Post Office/ Moran’s Gala for also receiving Trócaire Boxes on your behalf.

 OFFERTORY March 28th  €535

March Monthly €530  Shrine €360 Donation of  €100 Annual Gift €430 Donations via  Bank transfer in March  €360

Word of Thanks: Sincere thanks to everyone who prepared, arranged and helped out in anyway during Holy Week in St. Ciaran’s in Clonfanlough & Shannonbridge. . To everyone who prayed with and joined on the live-streaming. I pray that the Risen Lord will bless you and your family with peace, hope and safety. Happy Easter and keep safe

EASTER HOLY WATER I have got 300 x 50ml bottles of Holy Water which will be available after 10:30 Mass on Easter Sunday and during Easter Week. Please feel free to collect a bottle from Church of St. Ciaran in Shannonbridge or Clonfanlough. . These have been filled over 72 hours ago for your safety. I’m not sure on present thought on best practice for leaving vats of holy water in our churches to be honest.

EASTER BLESSING May the Lord bless you this Easter time: Bless you with faith, guard you in doubt; Bless you with hope, uplift you in despair; Bless you with love, keep you from fear; Bless you with peace, calm you in trouble; Bless you with mercy, help you forgive; Bless you with joy, comfort you in sorrow So your heart may rejoice in the Risen Lord. Amen.

 Pastoral Message of Bishop Francis Duffy, Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois

We are an Easter people: our faith in the risen Lord remains undimmed

One Year On Over the last year we have witnessed the wonderful courage, sacrifice and kindness of so many people.  We have lots of Good Samaritans, ever watchful for those who are in need.  We have also seen suffering in a variety of different ways, front line workers exhausted and those in hospitals and nursing homes without visits.  The closure of businesses has led to considerable worry.  Many have spoken to me about the sad contexts in which funerals take place. Those who stand in silence as a funeral passes are standing with and alongside the bereaved family, acknowledging the family and community loss.  It is a heartfelt stance of solidarity and support. 
Young people, school and sacraments The work school staffs and management has kept learning to the forefront in the most challenging of circumstances. Parents have the demanding work of home schooling in the midst of already busy schedules.

In our parishes there are many who are preparing for the sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.  I hope that the celebration of these sacraments, as well as all the postponed Baptisms and Marriages, will be joyful and happy occasions for families, when it is safe for them to take place.
Clergy and parishioners I think of our priests whose pastoral work has been curtailed by restrictions and cocooning.  I thank them for keeping in touch and reaching out in a variety of pastoral ways.  I thank you for your generous support of clergy, both moral and material, at this very difficult time.   Over the last year the Church has played its part in this crusade of caution.  I thank our clergy and all the committees and volunteers who do so much to keep our churches open and safe.  All the planning and sanitising and the stewarding is very much appreciated as it keeps people safer and gives great reassurance.

Liturgy in Church

Although our physical attendance at Mass is curtailed and at times not possible, we have a rich variety of ways to nourish our faith and our daily living.  Private prayer, including reading scripture passages or the Mass readings, is very supportive.  The ‘domestic Church’ is the family gathering around the kitchen table, in prayer and following Mass online.  The ‘domestic Church’ has gained a new importance.  The traditional Rosary, and the visits to church, are familiar practices.  These are not substitute ways of worship, they are tried and tested routes that nourish our faith in the risen Lord.  While streamlined Masses keep us connected to worship in a virtual way, and while the opportunity to do so is very much appreciated, it is not the same as being present in a church.  We long to be back in church for Mass and the celebration of the sacraments.  We look forward to the temporary measures being eased and lifted and returning to public worship.
Diocesan Assembly We were over half way through our Diocesan Assembly preparations when the first lockdown came.  We look forward to resuming, while at the same time taking into account fresh insights into our living, and into how we are as Church.  How we will minister as Church is a key consideration for the future.  We have embarked on this journey just at a time when the Church in Ireland is moving on a path to discern the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Both our Diocesan Assembly and the national synodal pathway will be a time of journeying together, as believers in the Good News of Jesus Christ. I look forward to resuming our journey. 
Easter Joy and Easter Hope The resurrection of Jesus Christ is our reassurance that he continues to walk alongside us.  It holds out the ultimate hope that God loves each of us, no matter what.  We are an Easter people; our faith in the risen Lord remains undimmed.  It is a faith that tells us, yes these are difficult times, but the Lord walks with us, encouraging us and giving us the wisdom to keep going in a positive and life enhancing way and to be especially supportive and protective of those around us.

We look forward to the day when we can worship freely and meet up again with family, friends and neighbours with joy in our hearts.  I wish you and your family and friends a happy Easter.   + Francis Duffy  Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois  Easter 2021





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