Saturday, June 19, 2021

Clonmacnois Parish
June 20th 2021
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/  0868319500 
FACEBOOK  (Live)  (saved to it afterwards)

“The wind and the sea obey Him’.
 The Gospel of Mark was written around the year 70 AD for the Church in Rome, which had experienced the persecution of Nero, during which great leaders like Peter and Paul were lost. Fear and uncertainty were in the air. There was a feeling abroad that the Lord had abandoned His people. Reassurance was needed. The parable of the calming of the storm would have provided that reassurance to the faithful in those turbulent times. As it was in the beginning, so it is today. Our Church has had to navigate exceedingly stormy waters in recent decades. Even Pope Benedict admitted, on the occasion of his resignation, that there were moments during his papacy ‘when the seas were rough and the wind blew against us and it seemed that the Lord was sleeping’. Whether as Church or as individuals we must never forget who is on board our ship. Sometimes He calms the storm; at other times, He calms the sailor. He never abandons His people
PRAYER FOR EXAMINATION TIME - God of Wisdom: Guide me as I choose questions and in the way I answer them. God of Peace: Keep me calm so that I will do the best I can. God of Understanding: help me put all of this into perspective. I ask these prayers in the name of Jesus, friend of students, Amen. Wishing all our examination students every blessing in the days ahead.
YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH (December 8th 2020 - December 8th 2021) Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to you God entrusted his only Son, in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man. Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen. St. Joseph, pray for us.
ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION  My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
Saturday 19th June 7p.m. Thomas & Mary Coleman & Deceased members
Mon 21st June 10am Mass St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious
Tues 22nd June 10am Mass Optional Memorial of Ss. John Fisher, Bishop and Thomas More, Martyrs
Wed 23rd June 10am Mass
Thurs 24th June 7:30p.m. End of Year Mass Sixth Class  The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Fri 25th  June 10am Mass
Sat 26th June 7p.m. Jimmy & Lizzy & James Joseph & baby Joseph McManus
Sun June 20th 10:30am Ann Egan Funeral.
Monday June 21st 7:00pm
Sun June 27th 10:30am Pro Populo
KIDS COMPUTER CAMP– Summer 2021 takes place on Tuesday July 13th to Friday July 16th.  From 10am to 1pm each day.  This camp is suitable for 7-12 year olds.  Phone 086 8413082 or email
FEAST OF ST. THOMAS MORE Thomas wrote a letter to his daughter, Margaret on the night before he was executed. It showed his tender love for his family and his complete peace with his impending death as “he longed to go to God” on the following day. In one evocative line in the long letter he writes “farewell my child and pray for me and I shall for you and for all your friends that we may merrily meet in heaven”.  St. Thomas More is the patron saint of politicians, lawyers and public servants.
OFFERTORY June 13th  €555
FINANCE  Thank you for your continued support. People have been so kind. Some have kindly given in the form of an annual donation which I attempt to divide up as they would wish. This is because -that while the Offertory envelopes (Yellow) go to Parish, ALSO the 12 Purple ones go to Parish Development, the remaining 6 Yellow/White Envelopes (Dues) only go to form a priests income via our Diocesan Clergy Remuneration Fund. The 5 brown envelopes (Lenten Alms, Peters Pence, Holy Land, Propagation of the Faith are all channeled from each parish onto the Diocesan Office. Hope that clarifies– some had asked.
 GIVING OPTIONS People can still drop in envelopes via  Moran’s Gala   or Presbytery Letterbox Clonfanlough Church  Front Porch Box  It’s just inside the front door to the left.    Bank Transfer (Do give your Box No. or name in bank narrative)   Name of Account Clonmacnois Parochial Account.   BIC-BOFIIE2DXXX    
 RECENT DEATHS  We remember in our prayer Ann Egan, (Ballyhearth & Ealing, London) sister of Teresa Redican  Gretta Grennan, Ballycumber Road, Ferbane; Mary Anderson née Farrell, Endrim, Ferbane Now their journey over, may the door of God’s hospitality welcome him home to rest in peace. Amen
LOUGH DERG  2021 Registration is now open to “Do Lough Derg from wherever you are” from 3rd to 5th July. The Prior, Fr La Flynn, will do the Three Day Pilgrimage on the Island during these days. To offer a live link by webcam in support of those who will choose to do the pilgrimage wherever they are, some of the Lough Derg staff will do the pilgrimage in St. Mary’s Church in Pettigo. To register or for further information please email, phone 071-9861518.
Lord, thank you for all fathers. For the new ones, who endure sleepless nights with infants in arms. For the busy ones, who juggle the pressures of home and family life. For the steadfast ones, who nurture and care for our special vulnerable children. For the patient ones, who always seek to forgive and engage with their pre-teens. For the persistent ones, who cleverly find new ways to connect with their mini-adults. For the father uncles, who step in to cradle and care for nieces and nephews. For all granddads, who love and support their precious grandchildren. For the foster dads that are called to gather and cover the fragile ones. For the Sunday dads who care for our children and lead them in faith. For the dads who give far beyond their own resources, who overcome disability to cherish and love. Thank you Lord for all our beautiful fathers. Help us to support them and keep them in our prayers. May you bless them now on this their special day. Amen.
FOOT CARE Mobile Foot health Practitioner Service House Calls Available. Daytime & Evening. Contact Maura at 086 8053671 to arrange an appointment.
 SHANNONBRIDGE GAA LOTTO DRAW  |June 14th 2021 Numbers drawn on Facebook Live  11-17-20-25 No winner,  Three  Match 3  Jackpot now €12,000
Lotto can be played online also at clubforce
CHURCH CARE   S’bridge Martha Murphy & Marie McManus  Clonfanlough: Leanne Quinn/Breda Maleney    READER June 26th@ 7pm Rachel Carty  June 27th Ann Guinan Church Counters Shannonbridge (June)
has this beautiful word “Calm”. It is one of my favourite words. The phrase Jesus uses to still the storm “Quiet now, be calm”. This could be a mantra prayer for us every day, but especially in times of anxiety, fear, uncertainty and pandemic. “Quiet now, be calm” Jesus speaks to our troubled and our anxious minds always. We thank God today for those people who carried that calmness in their voices, in their faces, in their touch and in their smile for us always, reminding us that all will be well.
Calm the Soul
 When my boat, Lord, is storm tossed & sinking
When fears in my head take control,
Say “Be not afraid” to my spirit
And your answer will calm the soul.
When I flounder around in deep waters,       When the stresses of life take their toll,
A sudden deep hush steals upon me,
Your gentleness calms the soul.
When my life seems full of confusion
And I have lost sight of the goal
As I stumble about in the darkness
May Your gentle light calm the soul.
PRAYING THROUGH THE STORMS OF LIFE   Rebecca Ruiz Remember me, oh God, during this time. The winds are strong and the waters rising. There is no light to see by,& I’m having a hard time finding my bearings. I trust that you’ve got me now even though I’m so afraid, & frankly, I just don’t feel your presence, and I really wonder where you are in all of this. I remember, though, all of the times you have blessed me. I recall all of the miracles—big and small—that you have worked for me. You really have given me so much. Help me to recognize your Divine presence, In small blessings& miracles you work for me every day & give me patience as I wait to see again your light.

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