Clonmacnois Parish Bulletin September 26th 2021
Saturday 25th 7pm Vigil Mass
Monday, 27th September.
10am Mass
Tuesday, 28th September. 10am Mass St. Wenceslaus.
Wednesday, 29th September.
10am Mass St. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael Archangels
Thursday, 30th September. 7pm Mass St. Jerome [St Jerome (340-420) He was the first to translate the bible into Latin, known as the Vulgate.
Friday, 1st October . 10am Mass St Therese of the Child Jesus. First Friday
Sunday, 3rd October . 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
CLONFANLOUGH (50% Capacity)
Sun 26th Sept 10:30am
Fri 1st October First Fri 7pm Mass
Tim Devery 23rd Anniv
Sunday 3rd October 10:30am
OFFERTORY September 19th 2021 €781
Sept. 27th St Vincent de Paul (1580-1660) He committed his life to the care of the disadvantaged and oppressed.
ept. 30 th
Oct. 1 st . St Therese of the Child Jesus (The Little Flower)
Oct. 2 nd . The Guardian Angel
October: Mission Month/Rosary Month Friday, 1st October is the beginning of Mission Month. It is also the month of the Rosary. We pray for our missionaries—lay and religious. It has been a difficult time for those working on the missions because of the anti Christian hostility they face in many countries. The number of lay Christians, religious priests, sisters and brothers who have been persecuted, imprisoned and killed over the past year needs to be highlighted at both national and international level. To paraphrase a quote from Jesus to his disciples—when good people remain silent in the face of injustice the stones cry out. It is an opportune time to ’dust down’ the Rosary beads, or even procure one, and pray for a deepening of faith and the courage to proclaim it without embarrassment
Children set their watches by their parents’ clocks. This is true across the entire canvass of life. It is especially true with regard to the faith. The ‘little ones’ notice. There is no such thing as neutrality where faith is concerned. We pass-on either a positive or a negative attitude. We must heed the call of Jesus to be stepping stones, and never stumbling blocks to the children on their faith journey. We all ‘caught’ the faith in those early precious days. To be neutral is to place an obstacle on the road, and Jesus warns that judgement will be harsh for those who fail the young. It follows that those who would pass-on the faith must know the territory, and, here the old Latin adage comes to mind: ‘nemo dat quod non habet’ (no one can give what he/ she does not possess). In other words parents must first be in the habit of talking to God about their children before they can talk to their children about God! Every child is God’s vote of confidence in the parents.
‘To pass on to your children the gift of faith you received from your parents is your first duty and your greatest privilege as parents. The home is the first school of religion as it must be the first school of prayer’. (Pope St. John Paul, Limerick 1979)
SHANNONBRIDGE GAA LOTTO DRAW 20th Sept 2021 Numbers drawn on Facebook Live 17-19-24-26 No winner, One Match 3 Jackpot now €14,800 Lotto can be played online also at clubforce
HARVEST DUES are now due. Please use striped envelope from the box or any envelope (put name)Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
RECENT DEATH: Please pray for the repose of the soul Of Mary Frances Gavin (Kilbegley) mother of Mary Fallon, Shannonbridge; Martin Coleman, The Crescent; Banagher– brother of Kathleen Quinn (Shannonbridge)
CHURCH CARE S’bridge Eileen Quinn/Dolly Deeley/Veronica Hynes Clonfanlough: Anne McEvoy/ Eilish Egan (Sept) Eithne Rohan/Della Fitzgerald (Oct) READER Sept 25th @ 7pm Kieran O’Connor Sept 26th@ 10:30 Della Fitzgerald
Church Counters Clonfanlough (September) ) Shannonbridge (October)
“Quote, Unquote....” •"Acceptance without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western religion; rejection without proof is the fundamental characteristic of Western science." - Gary Zukav
•"Fanaticism consists of redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim." - George Santayana
•"Give me a lever long enough, and a prop strong enough, and I can single-handedly move the world." - Archimedes
•"I predict that exact reproduction through cloning will not become popular. Too many people already find it difficult to live with themselves." - Jeanne Dixon
•"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein
A Prayer at the End of the Day
O Lord of life, as the busy sounds of the day die away, I offer you, my thanks. Thank you for all that I have experienced this day; for new things I have learned; for the gift of family and friends and the kindness of people; for so many blessings too countless to name. And for your continued support, I praise you. At no time of the day have I been called upon to stand in my own strength. But I do admit that I have allowed some things into this day for which I am now sorry. There have been moments when I have been more eager to receive than to give. There have been moments when my motives have become a little mixed, though others may not have noticed. Some words that I have spoken might have been better unsaid, unheard; forgive me for anything that has tarnished this day. Lord, hold in your keeping this night, all those who are dear to me, and let us all rest quietly in your peace. Bless those who cannot sleep tonight - and bless those who must stay awake: those sitting up with the sick; those working on nightshifts; drivers on the road; all who are travelling by air and sea. Grant to each a deeper sense of your presence and a greater appreciation of your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
DANCING - Returns to St. Mary’s Hall, Cloghan on Monday 4th October from 8pm to 10pm. For more information please contact Gerry on 087 4373365.
WHO CARES? is a New Information Booklet that aims to support and empower carers of people with cognitive impairment/dementia on their caring journey and help them access relevant supports and services that they may require at various times along the route. It also provides them with information in relation to carer entitlements, tax credits and possible agency arrangements that can be put in place in relation to the management of another’s affairs. This booklet is available through both the Alzheimer’s Society, (087) 3210642, Family Carers Ireland (057) 932 2920 as well as in local libraries and on the HSE both Laois and Offaly County Council websites
FEAST OF THE ARCHANGELS—29th Sept The feastday of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels is celebrated on 29 September. Saint Michael was the leader of the angels who were faithful when the other angels through pride rebelled against God. “ Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.” Apoc. 12:7. According to tradition he is associated with sea and land. He rides a white horse with a shield in his left hand and a three fingered spear in his right hand about to kill the dragon. In October 1884 Pope Leo X111 collapsed after saying Mass, but not from a heart attack or stroke. He was the colour of death and scared all those present. When he recovered, he told the people he had seen a terrible sight. He saw the devil and his angels fighting all over the world to bring souls with them into hell, but later he saw Saint Michael casting them into hell. He composed the following prayer and it was said at the end of every Mass worldwide until 1969 when changes were made in the Liturgy after the Second Vatican Council. Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
QUOTE: A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die” [Mary Mason]
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