Monday, November 20, 2006

Wednesday 16th November 2006.

Some good news for the Mannion or Manion lady from America who is seeking her

heritage in Ireland.

You may recall that she was looking for a Kieran Manion, Half Way House, Shannonbridge, County Offaly.

Last Wednesday night at the weekly table quiz I mentioned her search to Gus Claffey.

Gus promised to ask his aunt Rosie Curley if she had ever heard of a half way house.

Tonight Gus told me that he asked Rosie if she had ever heard of a Half Way House in the area. Rosie said that Jimmy Mannion’s was always known as the Half Way House.

He was father to Joe, Brigie, Mary Kate and Jimmy.

Jimmy Mannion had a brother Kieran who went to America. His other brother was Martin whose son Mike lived in Aughnacabe and his family included Michael, living in Banagher, Martin ,living in America and our late postman Kieran Joe who died about 12 years ago.


I think this is the information you were looking for. I wrote about it on our village website under local news some weeks ago. As you will read I misplaced your e-mail but when Gus Claffey came up with the information from his old Auntie I had another search and found it.

God Bless You.

Derry Killeen.

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