Sunday, November 30, 2008

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 30th Nov 2008 - Sun Majilio 1B
Tel (090) 9674125 Fax (090) 9674267
Mass times: Shannonbridge - Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12noon Sun;
Weekdays, 10am. Clonfanlough - Sunday, 10.30am

Masses: Each day @ 10am
Adoration on First Fri until 6pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €524. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: A.Ryan, L.Turley, M.Mitchell
Eucharistic ministers: Group 3
Readers for next Weekend: Group 1, D.Finnerty, P.Corbett
Altar Servers for this week:
Mass on next Sat eve for the O'Connor & O'Brien family deceased
Mass on next Sun for the late Richard Hynes
Mass on Mon for the Holy Souls @ 7pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €211. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: Marian Devery, Ann Kelly
Readers for next Sunday: A.Coughlan
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group E Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: B.Couglan
Mass on next Sun for the late Ciaran & Mary Daly

Station Masses
Thurs eve at the home of B. & C. Coughlan, Clonlyon @ 7.30pm
Fri eve at the home of M. & P. Kelly, Clonfanlough @ 7.30pm
Christmas Party in Clonfanlough Hall
Sun 30th Nov @ 2pm, starting with Mass.
Christmas Party in Shannonbridge Hall
Fri 12th Dec, starting with Mass in the Church @ 6pm.
Shannonbridge A.R.A.
5th Annual Social in the Old Fort on 3rd Dec. Music by Paudge Bennet. For details call 090-9674117.
Questions people askQ. What did Jesus refer to when he told people to stay awake?A. The Lord is reminding us never to forget our final judgement and destiny. How would you live, what would you do if you knew that you had only a short time to live? ‘Stay awake, because you never know when the time will come.’ Staying awake also means being vigilant against temptation by not allowing ourselves to be misled by the subtle lies of the devil. We are also exhorted to be alert and sensitive to the glory and goodness of God manifested in the world in many ways. (Fr O'Flynn - Intercom)
Alanon Meetings, Tues nights, Health Centre Birr, @8.30pm
'The Alanon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experiences, strengths & hopes in order to solve their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a family illness, & that changed attitudes can aid recovery. The meetings are open to everyone; we are a self-supporting group, through our own voluntary contributions.
First Meeting on Tues 2nd Dec. For more info call 01-8732699.'
Taughmaconnell C. Care Group
Fund raising Dance in Gullanes on Thurs 4th Dec (with B.Shine).
Many thanks to all who supported the recent Table Quiz for 'needy children in Kenya'. Proceeds came to €380.00

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