Sunday, April 27, 2014

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 27th April 2014 – 2Easter A
Tel (090) 9674125.  Email:
Mass times: Shannonbridge: Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12 noon, Sun;
Weekdays, 10am.                  Clonfanlough – Sunday, 10.30am

Masses: Each day @ 10am.  Adoration on First Fri, 4-5pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €530.    Many Thanks
Church Cleaners:  G.Brennan, D.Deeley, V.Hynes
Ministers of Holy Communion: Group 1
Readers for next Weekend: Group 5, L.Moran, C.Doolan
Altar Servers for this week: Group 3, Alisa, Katie, Lauren
Mass on next Sat eve for the late May Rocke & siblings

Mass on the First Fri @ 7pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €363.   Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: J.& C. Rigney
Readers for next Sunday: E.McEvoy
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 3, Celine, Conor, Adam
Minister of Holy Communion for next Sunday: E.Molloy
‘Months Mind’ Mass on next Sun for Kieran Dolan

Mass in the Prayer Centre Clonmacnois every Wed @ 7.30pm

‘Clonfert Novena Commences on Thur 1st May.
On Friday 2nd the Parents of Donal Walsh R.I.P. Elma & Fionnbar will relate Donal's  Message on 'Suicide ' Prevention .( Mass is at 8pm ) ‘

Easter Reflection.
Jesus says to us as he said to Thomas: “see my wounded hands and side; see the proof of my love for you; so cease doubting and believe”. 
Those who care about others pick up a lot of wounds as they go through life.  Perhaps there are no great wounds, but only a multiplicity of little ones – a host of scratches, wrinkles and welts.  Yet these are only the visible wounds.
What about the many invisible wounds: the furrows left on the mind and soul, by hardship worries and anxieties?
These wounds are not things that we should be ashamed of.  They are the proof or our love.  Will anyone see these wounds and come to believe in our love because of them?  Even if no one else sees them the heavenly Father sees them, and he is proud of us.      (Flor Mc Carthy SDB)
Divine Mercy Sun 27th April
On this Sun, two former Popes, John 23rd and John Paul 2nd will be formally canonised.   In thanksgiving for their lives and to commemorate the special occasion Bishop Francis Duffy will lead a concelebratedass in Clonmacnois @ 3pm. All are invited.
 Ark Apostolic Movement of Divine Mercy will host Divine Mercy Sunday 27 April 2014 with Prayer, Reconciliation and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Reading from the Diary starting 12.45pm at Cluain Ciaran Clonmacnois. Procession at 2.20 pm from Cluain Ciaran to the Monastic site Clonmacnois. All are Most Welcome  
For further Details call Kathleen OConnor or Paul Woods on 087 7828283.’
A Good Marriage                              ( Mannie Reed Crowel )
   "There’s an easy rule to keep a fire burning brightly that applies easily to a marriage: keep the logs together, near enough to share their warmth and far enough apart for breathing room. Good fire, good marriage, same rule."

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