Sunday, September 14, 2014

Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday  14th Sept 2014 – Holy Cross A
Tel (090) 9674125.  Email:
Mass times: Shannonbridge: Weekend, 8pm (Sat), & 12 noon, Sun;
Weekdays, 10am.                  Clonfanlough – Sunday, 10.30am

Masses: Each day @ 10am
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €402.    Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: M.McManus, C.Slattery, A.Corbett
Ministers of Holy Communion: Group 1
Readers for next Weekend: Group 1, D.Finnerty, P.Corbett,
Altar Servers for this week: Group 2, Ciarán, Róisín, Ffion, Fiacre
Mass on next Sat eve for the late Teresa Rocke
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €274.   Many Thanks
Church Cleaners:  M.Halligan, D.Fitzgerald
Readers for next Sunday:  K.Guinan
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 2, Bill, Rosanna, Jane
Minister of Holy Communion for next Sunday: A.Guinan
Mass on next Sun for the late Michael & Lena O’Shea

Shannonbridge ARA will resume meetings on next Tues.  New members welcome

Walk to Church on Sunday 21 September:     
  An initiative of solidarity has been launched to support the displaced Christians and minority communities of Iraq and Syria.                                                                                                            We are being encouraged to walk to Mass on Sunday 21 September (UN Day of Peace) as a gesture of solidarity with Christians and all who are suffering persecution in the Middle East.
 Study Theology from home
The Dominicans are offering a full programme of theology through distance learning, supported by a network of centres around the country. This is made up of 15-week modules, which can be studied at your own pace, leading to either a cert. or a diploma or a degree in theology. For more info call 01- 4048124, or write to The Priory Inst. Tallaght Village, Dublin 14.
Coffee Morning in aid of Offaly Hospice on Thurs 18th Sept after Mass in Killeens,
 Night Prayer Vigil in Clonmacnois Prayer Centre
Fri 19th Sept, beginning with Mass @ 10pm.  Adoration follows and finishes at 3.10am.  All welcome.  Enquiries Dave 085-7746763
Mass every Wed @ 7.30pm
Ballinasloe Al-anon Group welcomes all family members affected by alcohol abuse or drugs misuse to our weekly meeting in the Social Services Centre, Brackernagh, on Mondays @ 8.30pm
 Church-gate collection for Epilepsy Association on next weekend

Ballinahown Parent & Toddler Group meet every Friday starting the 12th of September from 10.30 - 12.00 in Ballinahown Parish hall for children aged 0 - 5.  New and old members always welcome.  For more info call 0879035522

Regrets                                                                   Sidney J. Harris
   "Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable."

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