Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Parish of Clonmacnois


Fr. Gerard Brady P.P.

Tel. 087 231 2353

E-mail: frgerardbrady@eircom.net



12th/13th December, 2015


How do we achieve the happiness of which St. Paul speaks today?  St. John the Baptist suggests justice and neighbourliness, the latter, thankfully, very much in evidence during the current flooding.


Mass times:- Shannonbridge, Saturday (Vigil), 8.00 p.m.; Sunday, 12.00 noon,  Weekdays, 10.00 a.m.  Clonfanlough, Sunday, 10.30 a.m.


The celebration of Mass will resume in Cluain Ciaráin Prayer Centre, on Wednesday 13th January, 2016, at 7.30 p.m.


Mass for the Intentions of the People of the Parish, Missa pro Populo, in Shannonbridge, on Saturday 19th, at 8.00 p.m.


Sunday 13th is the Feast of St. Lucy, virgin, martyred in Sicily 304, she is invoked for eye trouble, her name is inserted in the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I).

Monday 14th, St. John of the Cross, Carmelite, 1542-1591, at the request of St. Teresa of Avila he undertook the reform of the Carmelite order, which cost him much hard work and many trials.

Wednesday 16th, St. Charles de Foucauld, 1858-1916, French hermit and priest who preached the Gospel in the Algerian desert until he was murdered by Muslims.

Friday 18th, St. Flannan, son of the King of Thomond, first bishop of Killaloe and patron of the diocese, died c 750. 

Saturday 19th, St. Anastasius I, Pope from 399 to 401.


Confessions, in preparation for Christmas, on Thursday 17th: Clonfanlough, 7.00 p.m.; Shannonbridge, 8.00 p.m.  A visiting confessor will attend.  Those who wish to go to Confession for Christmas are urged to avail of this opportunity.


An Ecumenical Carol Service will be held at Clonmacnois this Sunday, 13th, at 4.00 p.m..  Refreshments served afterwards.  All are invited.


St. Ciaran’s National School, Clonmacnois, presents a Christmas Variety Show, in the school, on Friday 18th, at 12.30 p.m.  Parents and family members are welcome. 


Advent Prayer is facilitated at Árd Ciaráin, Shannonbridge, on the Mondays of Advent at 7.30 p.m., led by Brother Brian Johnson.  All are welcome.


A Night Vigil will be held in Cluain Ciaráin Prayer Centre, Clonmacnois, on Friday 18th.  Mass at 9.00 p.m.  Adoration and Prayer follow.  The vigil concludes at 2.10 a.m.  All are invited.  Enquiries; 085 774 6763.

A Choir Practice will take place in Clonfanlough Church on Monday at 8.00 p.m.  All members are asked to attend.  New members welcome.


Shannonbridge Choir will practise in the Church on Tuesday 15th, from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m.  Again, all members are requested to attend and new voices would be particularly welcome.


The Newsletter will not be published on 26th/27th December.  Items relating to the fortnight, 21st December to 3rd January, 2016, should be submitted by Thursday 17th, for inclusion in next weekend’s issue.


Thank You.  A word of thanks to those who organised and hosted the Christmas Parties in Ballinasloe, Clonfanlough and Shannonbridge.  In each case dinner was served with all the trimmings.  Music and song complemented the mood and the atmosphere. 

A Children’s Christmas Party, during which Santa will arrive, will be held at Shannonbridge Hall on Sunday 20th from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m.  €5.00 per family.  All are welcome.



Shannonbridge:-  Church Cleaners: Jacinta Kelly, Mary Killeen, Ann Keena.

Altar Servers for this week: Group 1, Roisín, Darragh, Matthew, Emily.

Readers for next weekend: Group 1, Ffionn Anderson, Pattie Corbett.

Ministers of the Eucharist: Group 1, Saturday Evening, S. Ryan, (M. Flannery);

                                                          Sunday, Marian McManus.

Clonfanlough:-  Church Cleaners: Kathleen Norton, Helen Darcy.

Altar Servers for Sunday next: Conor S., Conor B., Eoin, Abigail.

Reader for next Sunday: Maria Egan.

Minister of the Eucharist for next Sunday:- Ann Guinan.


Thank you for recent collections; 

Saturday/Sunday, 5th/6th December:

       Shannonbridge, €707.00, including,       Offertory Collection,     €495.00,

                                                                       Monthly Collection,       €212.00.

       Clonfanlough, €874.00, including,         Offertory Collection       €175.00.

                                                                       Monthly Collection         €699.00.

Monday/Tuesday, 7th/8th December:

        Shannonbridge,                                      Offertory Collection        €244.00.

        Clonfanlough, €95.00, including,           Offertory Collection         €90.00.

                                                                        Monthly Collection             €5.00.


Masses for the Dead:-

Saturday 12th, Shannonbridge, 8.00 p.m., Billy and Brigid Duffy, Clondelara.

Sunday 13th, Shannonbridge, 12.00 p.m., Maura Moran, Shannonbridge.

Sunday 20th, Shannonbridge, 12.00 noon, Damien Kenny, Lecarrow, and

                                                                    Josephine Kenny, Clondelara.

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