Sunday, January 03, 2016

Parish of Clonmacnois



Fr. Gerard Brady P.P.

Tel. 087 231 2353


2nd/3rd January, 2016


“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  That phrase, from today’s Gospel, denotes much more than a fleeting visit.  The Word became one of us and has stayed with us.  It is important to remember that as we near the end of the Christmas Season.  The Lord is with us and will be with us during the entirety of year which we have just begun.


Mass times:- Shannonbridge, Saturday (Vigil), 8.00 p.m.; Sunday, 12.00 noon,  Weekdays, 10.00 a.m.  Clonfanlough, Sunday, 10.30 a.m., Friday, 7.00 p.m.

Wednesday, 6th January, is the feast of The Epiphany of the Lord, a holyday of obligation.  Masses:- Shannonbridge, Tuesday (Vigil), 8.00 p.m.; Wednesday, 12.00 noon.  Clonfanlough, Wednesday, 10.30 a.m.  Do make a special effort to attend Mass on this important feast which completes the Christmas season.

The celebration of Mass will resume in Cluain Ciaráin Prayer Centre, on Wednesday 13th,  at 7.30 p.m.

Mass for the Intentions of the People of the Parish, Missa pro Populo, in Clonfanlough, on Sunday 3rd, at 10.30 a.m.; in Shannonbridge, on Saturday 9th, at 8.00 p.m.

Sunday 3rd is the Feast of The Holy Name of Jesus, a feast celebrating the help and blessings, the consolation and protection, granted through invocation of the Holy Name.

Sunday 3rd, St. Munchin, 7th century, patron of the Diocese of Limerick.

Monday 4th, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, 1774-1821, born in New York, mother of five children but widowed after nine years of marriage, a convert to Catholicism, she founded the American Sisters of Charity, canonised in 1975, becoming the first native-born North American saint.  Patron saint of widows.  She is one of the saints depicted in sculpture on the great bronze doors of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York. 

Tuesday 5th, St. Charles of St. Andrew, Passionist.  Born in Holland, 1821, he spent most of his priestly life at Mount Argus, Dublin.  A renowned confessor and supporter of the poor, he died on 5th January, 1893.  Canonised, 3rd June, 2007.

Thursday 7th, St. Raymond of Peñyafort, 1175-1275, a brilliant lawyer who joined the Dominicans at 47 and eventually became their Master General.  Confessor to the Pope.

Saturday 9th, St. Adrian of Canterbury, African-born abbot of St. Augustine’s Monastery at Canterbury, scholar and administrator, adviser and assistant to the Archbishop, he died in 710.

Sunday 10th is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

The Holy Communion calls to the sick and housebound, associated with the First Friday, will be made on Friday 8th.

The Spring Station Masses will be celebrated during the month of February.  Householders who are to host the Stations may contact Fr. Brady to arrange dates.

St. Ciaran’s N.S., Clonmacnois, re-opens on Wednesday, 6th January.

Temperance Sunday falls on 7th February.  Children from Fifth and Sixth Classes are invited to become Young Pioneers with the consent and support of their parents.  Pioneers who are eligible for Silver or Gold emblems (pins) are asked to contact Fr. Brady as soon as possible – likewise, young people who wish to advance to the next stage of membership.

Shannonbridge Christmas Party was very successful.  The organisers thank the local businesses for their kind donations, the families who supported the event and all who helped on the day.

Newsletter.  Stocks of the Parish Newsletter, in its present format, run out on Sunday, 3rd January.  Thereafter a combination Missalette/Newsletter will be available at the church doors before Mass in Shannonbridge, on the church seats in Clonfanlough.


Shannonbridge:-  Church Cleaners: Dympna Fitzpatrick, Dympna O’Carroll, Edel Anderson.

Altar Servers for this week: Group 1, Roisín, Darragh, Matthew and Emily.

Readers for next weekend: Group 4, Séamus Grennan, Kieran Kelly.

Ministers of the Eucharist: Group 1, Saturday Evening, M. Murphy (C. Curley):

                                                         Sunday, D. Fitzpatrick, (M. Killeen).

Clonfanlough:-  Altar Servers for Sunday next: Group 3, Conor, Adam, Charlie, Kelan.

Reader for next Sunday: Della Fitzgerald.

Minister of the Eucharist for next Sunday:- Niall O’Shea.

Thank you for recent collections;              

            Total.            Offertory.         Priest’s Dues.      Monthly.    

19th/20th December,      Shannonbridge:               

         548.00.          498.00.               40.00.      10.00.       


   324.00.           284.00.               40.00.

Christmas Eve/Day,        Shannonbridge:               

1,919.00.           764.00.           1,145.00.     10.00.


  700.00.            274.00.             341.00.     85.00.

26th/27th December,      Shannonbridge:               

  901.00.            721.00.             120.00.     60.00.


  409.00.            225.00.             174.00.     10.00.

Masses for the Dead:-

Saturday, 2nd January, Shannonbridge, 8.00 p.m., Paul Kelly, Tullybeg.

Sunday 3rd, Shannonbridge, 12.00 noon, Josephine Scicluna, London.

Sunday 10th, Clonfanlough, 10.30 a.m., Peter and Earl Kelly, Carrowkeel.

Sunday 10th, Shannonbridge, 12.00 noon, Michael Brennan, Raghra Park, Shannonbridge.

Please pray for Brendan Flannery, formerly of Creevagh, who died recently in Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.




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