Sunday, January 24, 2016

Parish of Clonmacnois



Fr. Gerard Brady P.P.

Tel. 087 231 2353



23rd/24th January, 2016

‘This text is being fulfilled today, even as you listen.’  In the Gospel Jesus delivers his inaugural address, his mission statement, at the beginning of his ministry.
 Mass times:- Shannonbridge, Saturday (Vigil), 8.00 p.m.; Sunday, 12.00 noon,  Weekdays, 10.00 a.m.; Clonfanlough, Sunday, 10.30 a.m.
Mass is celebrated at Cluain Ciaráin Prayer Centre, on Wednesday evenings at 7.30.
Mass for the Intentions of the People of the Parish, in Clonfanlough, Sunday 24th, 10.30 a.m.
Sunday 24th is the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, 1567-1622, bishop of Geneva, founder of the Visitation Sisters, patron of journalists.
Monday 25th, The Conversion of St. Paul - on the road to Damascus.  He spent the remainder of his life preaching to the non-Jewish world.
Tuesday 26th, Sts. Timothy and Titus, disciples of St. Paul and later his co-workers, to whom he wrote letters which are included in the New Testament.
Wednesday 27th, St. Angela Merici, 1474-1540, founder of the Ursulines, she devoted herself to Christian Education.
Thursday 28th, St. Thomas Aquinas, born in Italy, 1225. Despite the hostile opposition of his family he became a Dominican in 1244, studied in Paris and in Cologne under St. Albert the Great. Patron of schools and universities, died 1274.
Saturday 30th, St. Aidan, born c550 probably in Co. Cavan, studied in Wales under St. David, returned and founded a monastery at Ferns in Co. Wexford  where he later became bishop, died 626, patron of the Diocese of Ferns.
Saturday 30th, Blessed Margaret Ball, Dublin, imprisoned for teaching Catholicism, harbouring priests and having Mass celebrated in her home.  Died in Dublin Castle, 1584.
Saturday 30th, Blessed Francis Taylor, elected Lord Mayor of Dublin 1595, seven years in prison for his Catholic faith, died of the hardships suffered there on 30th January, 1621, aged 70 years.

Catholic Schools Week runs from Sunday, 31st January, to Saturday, 6th February.  The theme chosen this year is:  “Catholic Schools: Challenged to Proclaim God’s Mercy”, reflecting the Year of Mercy which commenced on 8th December, 2015.
St. Ciaran’s N.S., Clonmacnois, is currently enrolling for the academic year, 2016/2017.  Enrolment forms are available from the school.  The school office may be contacted on 090 967 4150.  An enrolment and information evening will be held in the school on Tuesday, 16th February, at 7.00 p.m.
Counters.  A follow-up meeting of the people who count the Saturday/Sunday collections will be held in Shannonbridge Church, on Monday 25th, at 8.00 p.m.
The Parochial House.  Parishioners have decided that the Presbytery be refurbished.  In view of that decision the architect will be asked to draw up a revised schedule of repairs.  It is expected that he will then invite expressions of interest from suitably qualified contractors and initiate the tendering process in due course.
Flooding.  We thank Offaly County Council who protected vulnerable houses and kept the R357, Cloghan Road, open during the recent flooding.  Likewise, the members of the Defence Forces who provided transport for children and adults whose homes were rendered inaccessible.
Shannonbridge Minor Club G.A.A.  Registration and Skills Training for 5, 6 and 7 year old boys and girls  commences at 6.45 p.m., on Monday 25th, in Clonfanlough Hall.  Registration €10.00 per child/€50.00 euro per family.  New members welcome.  Contact: 086 152 0350 for further information, if required.
Shannonbridge G.A.A. are hosting a Mock Wedding on Saturday 30th, at 6.00 p.m., in Shannonbridge Hall.  Mystery Bride and Groom,  food, full bar, live band and D.J.  Invitations, €20.00, available from committee members and players.  This is a club fundraiser - support will be appreciated.
Bridge Lessons for beginners continue weekly, at 8.00 p.m., from Wednesday, 3rd February, in the Bridge Hall, Ballycumber Road, Ferbane.  The tutor would be happy to come to Shannonbridge if the level of interest warranted a visit.  Contact: Tom Wright, 087 765 9770.
Church Cleaners: Mairéad Darcy, Martha Murphy, Marie McManus.
Altar Servers for this week: Group 1, Roisín, Darragh, Matthew, Emily.
Readers for next weekend: Group 1, Ffionn Anderson, Pattie Corbett.
Ministers of the Eucharist: Group 4, Saturday Evening, M. Claffey:

                                                                      Sunday, D. Finnerty.
Altar Servers for Sunday next: Group 3, Conor, Adam, Charlie, Kealan.
Reader for next Sunday: Ann Rohan.
Minister of the Eucharist for next Sunday:- Niamh Hynes.
The Lourdes Assisted Pilgrims’ Annual Collection realised €192.00 in Shannonbridge, and €150.00 in Clonfanlough.  Our thanks to the collectors and the contributors. 
Thank you for last Sunday’s Collections:-
Shannonbridge:- Offertory, €701.00.  Monthly, €115.00.  Priest’s Dues, €63.00.
Clonfanlough:-    Offertory, €250.00,  Priest’s Dues, €30.00.
Masses for the Dead:-
Saturday 23rd, Shannonbridge, 8.00 p.m., Teresa and Thomas Corbett, Shannonbridge.
Sunday 24th, Shannonbridge, 12.00 noon, In remembrance of James Higgins (aged 6), Clondelara.
Saturday 30th, Shannonbridge, 10.00 a.m., Stephen Nell, England.
Saturday 30th, Shannonbridge, 8.00 p.m., Tommy, Geraldine & Simon McManus, Garrymore.
Sunday 31st, Clonfanlough, 10.30 a.m., Brigid Rigney, Clonlyon.
Sunday 31st, Shannonbridge, 12.00 noon, Margaret, Michael & Denis Kelly, Shannonbridge.
Please pray for Peadar Allen, Shannonbridge, who died on Wednesday. 
Sunday Funerals.  In the event of a funeral occurring on Sunday in Shannonbridge the Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 12.00 noon and will take precedence over an existing intention.  In Clonfanlough a Sunday Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 2.00 p.m. replacing the 10.30 a.m. Mass. 

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