Monday, April 04, 2016

Parish of Clonmacnois



Fr. Gerard Brady P.P.

Tel. 087 231 2353


2nd/3rd April, 2016

“My Lord and my God!”
By pursuing his doubts Thomas has bolstered our faith.  His findings have helped all who believe in the resurrection.  The Lord acknowledged that Thomas had a ‘hands on’ advantage.  “You believe because you can see me.  Happy those who have not seen and yet believe.”  We are the people who have not seen and yet believe.
Mass times:- Shannonbridge, Saturday (Vigil), 8.00 p.m.; Sunday, 12.00 noon,  Weekdays, 10.00 a.m.  Clonfanlough, Sunday, 10.30 a.m.
Mass for the Intentions of the People of the Parish, Missa pro Populo, in Shannonbridge on Monday 4th, at 10.00 a.m., and on Sunday 10th, at 12.00 noon.
The Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, deferred from Good Friday, is celebrated on Monday, 4th April.  Giving her consent to God’s Word, Mary is to become the mother of Jesus.
Monday 4th is the Feast of St. Isidore, 560-636.  He became Archbishop of Seville, Spain, in 600.  Scholar, writer and teacher, he is the patron saint of computer users.
Tuesday 5th, St. Vincent Ferrer, 1350-1419, Spanish Dominican priest, preached missions in Europe, helped bring unity to the Church during the Great Schism which saw rival popes in Avignon, France, and in Rome.
Thursday 7th, St. John Baptist de la Salle, 1651-1715, French educator, founded the De la Salle Brothers, dedicated to the Christian education of poor boys,  patron saint of teachers.
“Do This in Memory”.  The First Communion children and their parents participate in the liturgy on Sunday next, 10th, The Third Sunday of Easter, St. Ciaran’s Church, Shannonbridge, 12.00 noon.
First Holy Communion in St. Ciaran’s Church, Confanlough, on Sunday 24th April, at 12.00 noon.  Mass in Shannonbridge at 10.30 a.m.  Please note switched Mass times. 
The Newsletter will not be published on 16th/17th April.  Items relating to the fortnight, 11th to 24th April, should be submitted by 6.00 p.m. on Thursday 7th, for inclusion in next weekend’s issue.
Rosters: Shannonbridge:-
Church Cleaners: Marion McManus, Catherina Slattery, Ann Corbett.
Altar Servers for this week: Group 2, Fiachra, Seán, Niamh, Rachel.
Readers for next weekend: Group 5, Linda Moran, Catherine Doolan.
Ministers of the Eucharist:  Group 1,
Saturday Evening, S. Ryan, (M. Flannery).
   Sunday, Marian McManus.
Altar Servers for Sunday next: Group 1, Conor S., Conor B., Eoin, Abigail.
Reader for next Sunday: Maria Egan.
Minister of the Eucharist for next Sunday: Niamh Hynes.
St. Ciaran’s Youth Club.  This vibrant club is for local children aged between 8 and 13 years.  Activities take place in Clonfanlough Hall on Fridays, 7.30 to 8.30 p.m., October to May.  Parents of member children are club leaders.  Any parent interested in becoming a leader is asked to contact Vivienne Gilson, 086 819 6445.
I.F.A.  Voting in the I.F.A. Presidential and Deputy Presidential elections takes place in Clonfanlough Hall on Monday, 4th April, at 8.30 p.m.  All members are requested to attend.
Well done to the team and mentors from Gallen Community School, Ferbane, who defeated Holy Rosary College, Mountbellew, 1-6 to 0-4, to win the Paddy Drummond cup in the All Ireland Post Primary Schools’ B Football Final, at Croke Park on Saturday.  Clonmacnois Parish had five representatives on the winning team.
The National Learning Network, Athlone, has vacancies on its Vocational Training Programmes.  Possible candidates include the unemployed, those who have experienced a personal setback, illness or disability and need support in their life or career.  The aim is to provide the confidence and skills to explore new opportunities. ' 090 647 9293, 087 258 6033.
Contributions to the Monthly Collection for April, this weekend, please.

Recent collection totals:-
Holy Saturday/Easter Sunday......€1,055.00.                      
Monthly Collection, March,...........€564.00.
Trócaire........................................€1,974.00. Thank you very much.
Masses for the Dead:-
Saturday, 2nd April, Shannonbridge, 8.00 p.m., Michael, Margaret
and Denis Kelly, Shannonbridge.
Sunday 3rd, Clonfanlough, 10.30 a.m., John Joe Maleney, Glebe, Month’s Mind.
Sunday 3rd, Shannonbridge, 12.00 noon, James McBride,
Margaret and Dan McBride, Shannonbridge.
Tuesday 5th, Shannonbridge, 10.00 a.m., Nancy Hession and deceased members of the Hession Family, Ballymacward.
Saturday 9th, Shannonbridge, 8.00 p.m., Francie and Thomas Coleman, and deceased members of the Coleman Family, Shannonbridge.
Sunday 10th, Clonfanlough, 10.30 a.m., Michael Molloy and Michael and Annie Molloy, Glebe.

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