Monday, October 31, 2016

ST. CIARAN’S CHURCH, SHANNONBRIDGE                                                                  
  ST. CIARAN’S CHURCH, CLONFANLOUGH                                                                 
    Fr. Tom Cox Adm. (Administrator) Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500                             

Masses for October29/30th
Sat      29th 8p.m.  Kieran & Mary Mannion  & Dec’d family members (Clonmacnois)
Sun 30th 10:30a.m.  Tim Devery (Carrowkeel)
Masses for November 5/6th
Sat 5th 8:00p.m. Kieran Kenny (1st A)
Sun 6th 10:30a.m. Devery family (Clonlyon) & Sonny & Nancy Egan (Clongowney)

Sunday Mass in nearby churches:- St. Mary’s, Cloonfad, 10.00 a.m.;  Sts. Patrick and Saran, High Street, 12.00 noon.;  St. Mary’s, Ferbane, 7.00 p.m.
WINTER TIME – For those at the Vigil Mass this weekend, don’t forget to set your Clocks back one hour later tonight.
 Wedding Congratulations to Paul Deeley (Shannonbridge) & Jeanette Walsh who married in Claremorris this weekend
 Offertory Oct 15th/16th  €605
Purple “Monthly Collection” envelope and “Priests November Dues” falls next weekend (Nov 5/6th). Thank you for your generosity

 Weekday Masses
Mon 31st 10a.m.
Tuesday 1st Nov (All Saints) 8p.m.
Wed 2nd (All Souls) 10a.m.
Thurs 3rd– Sat. Nov 5th 10a.m.
Tues 1st Nov (All Saints) 10:30a.m.
Wed 2nd Nov (All Souls) 7:00p.m.
Fri 4th Nov (1st Friday) 7:00p.m.

WORLD MISSIONS IRELAND would like to thank most sincerely all in the parish for the very generous contributions to the recent Mission Sunday collection. Monies raised will be an invaluable resource for the continuing work of missionaries throughout the world. We are asked  to continue to pray for our missionary brothers and sisters as they bear witness to God’s message; offering hope to the hopeless  and a voice to the voiceless .  World Missions Ireland is the primary supporter of our missionaries abroad, both spiritually and financially. For more on its work please go to
CHOIR MEMBERS are invited to attend Choir on Saturdays at 8p.m. New members welcome.
FIRST SATURDAY in honour of our Blessed Lady of Fatima will take place at The Ark Of Divine Mercy  23 Mitchell Terrace Athlone on Saturday 5th of November 2016 Starting  at 2.00pm with Mass. Celebrant : Fr Sean Nealon. Adoration and prayer until 6.00pm. All welcome. Further info on 087 7828283

                  UPCOMING CHURCH ROSTERS                                                                 
Shannonbridge:    5th Nov 2016 8p.m.
Altar Servers: Group 2, Fiachra, Sean, Niamh & Rachel
Reader: Michaela Anderson
 Eucharistic Minister: Sinead Ryan
Church Cleaners Shannonbridge (weekly)
 Dympna Fitzpatrick, Dympna O’Carroll.
Clonfanlough:-  Sun 6th Nov 2016 10:30a.m.            
Altar Servers: Group 1 Conor S, Conor B, Eoin S., Abigail K.
Reader: Marie Egan
 Minister of the Eucharist: Bridie Coughlan
Monthly Cleaning Rota  (November)
Dorothy Darcy and Joey Rigney
NOVEMBER REMEMBRANCE  A book will be placed in each Church for you to write names of deceased loved ones in.  Mass will be offered  for the Holy Souls and beginning Wednesday Nov 2nd Rosary at  9:45a.m. in Shannonbridge
Shannonbridge:  Sunday, Nov. 27th
Clonfanlough December 11th  1p.m. onwards
STATION MASS - Last Call!          For many years it has been part of the Irish Catholic tradition to have mass in your home and it is still a lovely form of prayer.  If you would like to host a Station Mass please contact me (Tom Cox) at 086 8319500

BEST WISHES  to the Egan family Clonbonniffe as K.P. (ESB Shannonbridge) and Róisín, Jack and Colin, past pupils of Clonmacnois N.S. who take part in Ireland’s Fittest Family  on Sunday, 30th October at 6:30p.m. on RTE 1

SAINTS OF THE WEEK  Tues 1st Nov Feast of All Saints, Wed 2nd Nov All Souls; Thurs 3rd St. Malachy; St. Martin De Porres; Fri 4th St. Charles Borromeo; Sat 5th Sts. Elizabeth & Zechariah

 SUNDAY 30th Oct
Clonmacnois 1916 –2016 at 2p.m. there will be an event at Clonmacnois to remember James Kenny, Kieran Kenny & Paddy McDonnell, 3 Offaly men involved in the 1916 Rising and buried at Clonmacnois
MONDAY 31st Oct
Shannonbridge Hallowe’en Party  in aid of Temple Street Hospital in Shannonbridge Hall tonight from 6-9p.m.
HALLOWE’EN comes from the early name for Nov 1st, All Saints’ Day. This holyday remembers the Saints that are not honoured with a Feast Day. In the Celtic tradition Oíche Shamhna, was one of their four sacred feasts, remembering spirits of the dead. Our dead are part of the Communion of Saints and in November we particularly remember them.
2nd November: All Souls Traditionally, on this day & especially during all of November, we visit a church or graveyard to pray for our dead. Norms for Indulgences at the Commemoration of All Souls From 12 noon on Nov 1st to midnight on Nov 2nd, all who have confessed, received Holy Communion and prayed for the Pope’s intentions (one Our Father & Holy Mary, or any other prayer of one’s choice), can gain one plenary indulgence by visiting a church or oratory, and there reciting one Our Father & the Apostle’s Creed. This indulgence is applicable only to the souls of the departed. Confession may be made any time within the week preceding or the week following Nov 1st.  The faithful who visit a cemetery and pray for the dead may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the Holy Souls on the usual conditions, once per day from Nov 1st to 8th. The conditions mentioned above, apply also for this.

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