Clonmacnois Parish October 8th/9th
Fr. Tom Cox Adm. (Administrator) Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500
Masses for October 8th/9th
Sat 8th Oct Shannonbridge
8p.m. Alo Moran M/M
Sun 9th October Clonfanlough 10:30am. Catherine(Kathleen) Kilduff, nee Kelly, Clonlyon 1st Anniv
Masses for October 15th /16th
Sat 15th Oct. 8:00p.m. John Flannery
Sun. 16th Oct 10:30a.m. Edward & Bridget Mannion & family
Sunday Mass in nearby churches:- St. Mary’s, Cloonfad, 10.00 a.m.; Sts. Patrick and Saran, High Street, 12.00 noon.; St. Mary’s, Ferbane, 7.00 p.m.
Weekdays: Shannonbridge:
Mass Mon 10th-Thurs 13th (Service Friday14th) Mass Saturday15th Oct10a.m.
RECENT DEATHS Mary Fallon Galvin late of Shannonbridge. (Sister of Willie Fallon) who died in U.S.A.
Offertory Oct 8th/9th €665
Harvest Dues (Sept 18th) shall be forwarded this week to Priests Income fund. Thank you to all who contributed.
Baptised recently into the Christian Community Sean & Molly Ryan (Charlestown) Jennifer Ellen Breen (Dublin)
Walking Group forming! Monday evening at football pitch while kids are at training and on Wednesday and Friday evenings at 8pm meeting at the Church to walk in the Power Station Road.All welcome.
Dan Edwards’ book "The Life and Times of a Craftsman" on sale in local outlets, including: Moran's, Shannonbridge, The Shop at Clonmacnois, Rohan's, Ballinahown& Cahill's, Belmont. The very attractive volume is priced at €20.00.
Parochial House Update The Pastoral Council appointed Robert Heaving to undertake the refurbishment of the house. He is now on site & work has begun at an estimated cost of €63,000. All things going well, workshould be completed January 2017.
MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION falls on Oct 23rd next. We ask you continue to help our young churches to share the gift of faith though your prayer and whatever financial assistance you can. Thank you.
Shannonbridge: 15th Oct 8:00p.m.
Altar Servers: Group 2, Fiachra, Sean, Niamh & Rachel
Reader: Ffionn Anderson
Eucharistic Minister: Marie McManus
Church Cleaners Shannonbridge (week)
Jacinta Kelly, Mary Killeen, Ann Keena.
Clonfanlough:- 16th Oct 10:30a.m.
Altar Servers: Group 1 Conor S., Conor B., Eoin S. Abigail K.,
Reader: Ann Guinan
Minister of the Eucharist: Leanne Quinn
Monthly Cleaning Rota (October)
Mary Halligan & Della Fitzgerald
STATION MASSES : For many years it has been part of the Irish Catholic Tradition to have mass in your home and it is still a lovely form of prayer. If you would like to host a Station Mass please contact me directly or by phone at at 086 8319500
Saints of the Week: Mon 10th St. Paulinus of York, Tues 11th St. Canice, Wed 12th St. Wilfrid, Thurs 13th St. Edward, Fri 14th St. Callistus, Sat 15th St. Teresa of Avila
EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TRAINING of new & refresher evening for current Eucharistic Ministers in Boher, Wed 12th Oct at 8p.m. in the Granary, Boher. Details from Fr. James MacKiernan at 086 8323081
WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES August 22nd-25th 2018 sees Dublin host this event. The presence of the Pope or not will be confirmed in Spring 2018. A Conference to launch the preparation programme will take place Sat 22nd Oct 2016 (10:00a.m.-4:00p.m.). St. Patrick’s College Drumcondra. Booking required. Details & form from Fr. Tom Cox
Clonmacnois N.S. Board of Mgt 7:30pm
Shannonbridge Active Retirement Association in the Parish Hall after morning Mass.
Mass in Cluain Chiarain Clonmacnois every Wednesday at 7:30p.m.
St. Ciaran’s Youth Club continues on Fridays in Clonfanlough Hall, from 7.30pm to 8.30pm
National Day of Prayer for Children takes place today Friday, the 14th Oct.
Organised by the Society for Missionary Children, the occasion gives children a good opportunity to think of those children who are less fortunate, to pray for those less fortunate and to share with those less fortunate.
Children love to know that they are important members of a global circle of praying, sharing and caring, in this, the Mission Month of October. They have generous hearts, missionary hearts, and so are open to the idea of including other little children in their thoughts.
The National Day of Prayer is now in its ninth year. For further information on the Society of Missionary Children or to make a donation please visit
CLONMACNOIS PRAYER EVENT Sun 23rd Oct 3.00pm All welcome to Clonmacnois to celebrate with song and praise the beauty of God’s Creation and Universal Harmony.
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