Saturday, July 01, 2017


  Fr. Tom Cox Adm. (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500                                       
   Email:   WEB                           

Saturday 1st July 8:00p.m.Peoples Intentn
Mon July 3rd Feast of St. Thomas
Tues July 4th 10:00a.m. Mass
Wednesday July 5th 10:00a.m. Mass
Thursday , July 6th 10:00a.m.
Friday, July 7th 10:00a.m. First Friday Mass, (exposition till 11a.m.)
Sun 2nd July 10:30a.m. —
Friday, July 7th 7:00p.m. 1st Friday Mass
Sun, July 9th 10:30a.m. — Peoples Intentn

FIRST FRIDAY falls this week (July 7th).. Sick will be visited
COLLECTIONS  Offertory:  June 18th €600; June 25th €720  Holy Land:  €272
SAINTS Mon 3rd St. Thomas Tues 4th St. Elizabeth of Portugal  Wed 5th St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Thurs 6th St. Maria Goretti 
PETERS PENCE This Collection goes to the Pope and Pontifical Charities.
NAOMH CIARAN LADIES FOOTBALL CLUB say thank you to all who supported the recent church gate collection
CONGRATULATIONS to Matthew Darcy who represented Offaly under 14 at football and Conor Dunican at hurling at half-time during the Offaly games recently 
PARISH COUNCIL Last Call for Nomination Forms to be returned. It’s an invaluable role
 UPCOMING CHURCH ROSTERS                                                                
Shannonbridge:  8th July 2017 @8p.m.
Altar Servers: Group Group 2
Fiachra, Sean, Niamh & Aoife
Reader: Eileen Quinn
Euch. Minister: Sinead Ryan
Church Cleaners Shannonbridge (weekly) Jacinta Kelly, Mary Killeen, Ann Keena

Clonfanlough:Sun 9th July @  10:30
Altar Servers: Group Group 2  Jane E, Tadgh T, Charlie G.
Reader: Della Fitzgerald
Min.  of the Eucharist:Kay Kelly
Monthly Cleaning Rota  (July) Niamh Egan, Anne Rohan

Clonmacnois Sat Aug 5th 2017 @7p.m. (replaces 8p.m. Shannonbridge Vigil)                     
Mullanakill Children’s Cemetery, Clonlyon Glebe  Mon August 7th @ 7p.m.                                       
Templeduff Children’s Cemetery,  Cloniffeen Tuesday, August 15th @ 7p.m

Active Retirement Association meeting after 10:00a.m. Mass Shannonbridge Hall. 
SHANNONBRIDGE ACTION GROUP  in association with the Tidy Towns will hold a meeting in the community hall on Tuesday 4th July @ 8,30, to receive ideas to be put forward to the local authorities for inclusion in the Village Renewal Scheme, which is currently being developed. This is now your time to have your say as to on what you require to be done, It is important to support the group committee, and have your concerns addressed and your voice heard by attending the meeting. Submissions in writing may be deposited at the tourist office during opening hours.
WEDNESDAY 5th July            Cluain Chiarain– mass at 7:30p.m.
Pastoral Area visit to Ballintubber Abbey. Thursday July 6th. Bus leaving Boher church  8:30am  Ferbane church 9a.m. (Arr. 11:15am) Adults €10 children €5.  Tea/coffee on arrival (bring own sandwiches if desired). Visiting 1)Abbey & Grounds in use for 801 years "the Abbey that refused to die" 2) Celtic Furrow-tracing over 2,000 years our cultural and spiritual roots. We shall discuss on bus if people want to book a meal on return journey  in Hannon's Roadhouse, Roscommon. Arrive home 7pm. Bookings Monday July 3rd at latest to Fr. Tom at 090-9674125.
TIDY TOWNS  will be meeting at the play ground every Thursday evening to do a clean up of the village from 7 to 8. Men, women, children are all welcome. Bring hi-vis jackets please, bags and gloves will be provided. Please share and pass the word on.
OUTING TO GLENSTAL ABBEY Saturday, July 8th 2017. 50 places, Cost €75 per person. Booking with €30 deposit via CH Computers & Stationery, Main St., Ballinasloe. Information from Michéal Cregg 086 2618152. Bus departs 9a.m. Ballinasloe Townhall Carpark, lunch, bus, teas, Evening meal included. Arrives 9:45p.m. in Ballinasloe.
NATIONAL AMBULANCE CERTIFIED COURSE  takes place on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th July, 7-10pm in Shannonbridge Hall. Please text back with name and date preference, or call Doris 0872211637 or Paula 0876891036. €5 per person.Light Refreshments served.
VISIT OF RELICS OF St. TERESA OF CALCUTTA Known to many still as Mother Teresa will arrive in St. Mel’s Cathedral, Longford, on Monday 31st July and remain there until Wednesday 2nd August. This event is being organised by the Knights of Columbanus. Further details will be announced nearer the time
PALLOTINES SAY THANKS Fr. Martin Mareja who spoke in our parish last weekend would like to thank all who welcomed and supported them in their Mission Appeal.  Between the 2 parishes of Ferbane and Clonmacnois they preached in, a total of €2988 was donated from both parishes. (no breakdown given to me.)
A WORD IN YOUR EAR: Schools are closed and families will be going on holidays. May everybody be safe on the roads and at the seaside during the Summer. We were saddened by the devastating loss of life in the terrible disaster that occurred in the Grenfell Tower fire in West London. Forest fires swept through European countries; the worst being in Portugal . This disaster brings home to us how important it is that we do everything we can to protect our environment  our common home. Let us pray for those who have died and for their loved ones who are heartbroken. Lord your love for us has never failed. Lord your love has never failed us. Listen to our prayer and come to the aid of those who are suffering because of disaster and tragedy. Save us from all evil and help us in time of need. Amen

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