Monday, July 31, 2017


  Fr. Tom Cox Adm. (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500                                       
   Email:   WEB                          

Sat 29th 8:00p.m. Vigil Mass of Sunday
Mon July 31st 10:00a.m. Mass
Tues Aug 1st 10:00a.m.  Communion Service
Wed Aug 2nd 10:00a.m. Mass
Thurs Aug 3rd 10:00a.m.Mass
Fri Aug 4th (First Friday)  Mass (Exposition to 11a.m.)
Sat 5th Aug 10:00a.m. Mass
Sat 5th Aug NO 8P.M. MASS (S/bridge Vigil defers to Clonmacnois Cemetery 7p.m. Mass.
Sun 30th July 10:30a.m. Peoples Intention
Fri Aug 4th (First Friday)  exposition till 8p.m.
Sunday Aug 6th 10:30a.m. Kieran & Margaret Egan
COLLECTIONS  Offertory:  July 22nd/23rd €642
EAST AFRICA APPEAL (Trócaire ) € 671
SAINTS OF THE WEEK: Mon 31st July St. Ignatius of Loyola Tues 1st Aug St. Alphonsus Liguori Fri 4th St. John Vianney Sat 5th Dedication of Basilica of St. Mary Marjor 
Aine Kearns who married Philip O’Duffy in Clonfanlough on July 14th last.
Also to Peadar Kelly who married Tracy Rohan in St. Colmcille’s Church, Ballinahowen on Friday 28th July. A long & happy life to both couples.
CLUAIN CHIARAIN Mass Wed 2nd 7:30pm
TIDY TOWNS Discussed to date extension of scope of county council plan for village 2018-23. Christmas. Please return the forms with your input as to enhancing the village befor next meeting on Tues 1st Aug 8.30. All are welcome to attend, looking forward to seeing you there
 UPCOMING CHURCH ROSTERS                                                                
Clonmacnois Cemetery Mass 5th Aug 2017 @7p.m.
Altar Servers:  Group 2 Fiachra, Sean, Niamh & Aoife
Reader:  Ffionn Anderson
Euch. Minister: Marie McManus
Church Cleaners Shannonbridge (weekly) Anne Ryan, Lena Turley, Maureen Mitchell
Clonfanlough:Sun 6th Aug @  10:30
Altar Servers: Group 3 Conor D.Roisin D., Teagan D, Rory D.
Reader: Anne Rohan
Min.  of Eucharist:Mary Kelly
Monthly Cleaning Rota  (Aug) Marian Devery, Ann Kelly
Clonmacnois Sat Aug 5th 2017 @7p.m. (replaces 8p.m. Shannonbridge Vigil)   Clean Up Monday July 31st at 7p.m. (Skip will be available for grave materials). We would ask people to please bring a bottle of Holy Water on August 5th so we can bless together the resting places of our loved ones.                  
Mullanakill Children’s Cemetery, Clonlyon Glebe  Mon August 7th @ 7p.m.                                       
Templeduff Children’s Cemetery,  Cloniffeen Tuesday, August 15th @ 7p.m
FIRST FRIDAY – Friday next is the First Friday of the Month. Confessions will be available before Mass on Friday from 9.30 – 10.00 a.m. and from 6.30 – 7.00 p.m. I’m happy to call to people with Communion if you just let me know in advance.

 REMEMBERING OUR DEAD: a thought for Cemetery Weekend upcoming
Writing from his sick bed to his mother not long before his death, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga appealed to their shared faith saying ‘our parting will not be for long; we shall see each other again in heaven; we shall be united with our Saviour; there we shall praise him with heart and soul, sing of his mercies for ever, and enjoy eternal happiness.’
When we lay our loved ones to rest the grave is blessed and named ‘a sign of hope that promises resurrection even as it claims our mortal bodies.’ It is the Resurrection of Jesus that grounds our hope. Where The Lord has gone we hope to follow. He is the way that our loved ones have travelled. The annual ritual of the Blessing of Graves or Cemetery Sunday taps into that hope we all share and that Easter faith that assures us that somehow beyond the horizon of death, we are still united with those we love. Love never ends.
As we stand praying at the graveside of the ones we love today we might also draw consolation from the truth that they are praying for us also. Our loved ones still bear the same love for us and perhaps their prayer is even more assured as the young Aloysius reminded his mother: in death he’d be ‘one living face to face with God, one whose prayers can bring you in your troubles more powerful aid than they ever could on earth.’ As we remember our dead today, we are mindful that they remember us too.
VISIT OF RELICS OF St. TERESA OF CALCUTTA Known to many still as Mother Teresa This event is being organised by the Knights of Columbanus.
St. Mel’s Cathedral, Longford Visit of the Relic of St. Teresa of Calcutta - Monday, 31st July to Wednesday, 2nd August 2017
Monday 31st July
7.20 pm Arrival and procession with the Relic (In vicinity of the cathedral - weather dependent)
7.30 pm Mass (Veneration after mass ending with Night Prayer)
10.30 pm Cathedral closes
Tuesday 1st August
8.00 am Mass  10.00 am Mass
1.00 pm Prayer Service
4.30 pm Syromalabar Mass (Indian Community)
7.30 pm Mass (Veneration after mass ending with Night Prayer)  10.30 pm Cathedral closes
Wednesday 2nd August8.00 am Mass  10.00 am Mass
1.00 pm Prayer of Farewell - Relic departs from St. Mel’s Cathedral
TUESDAY AUGUST 1st Shannonbridge Action Group & Tidy Towns will hold a meeting in the community hall on Tuesday 1st August  @ 8:30pm. We invite you also to interact with your ideas/submissions on village renewal in writing to the Tourist Office during opening hours or via the internet at our Facebook page “Shannonbridge Action Group and Tidy Towns.” 
YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL Cistercian College, Roscrea August 17-20th 2017(ages 16-35) No charge, donations only. It’s being nicknamed “The Holy Oxygen” Inspiring talks, testimonies, prayers, great music, dramas, workshop, reconciliation & healing service. Transport available. Contact 01 6753690 or email /

NATIONAL NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF KNOCK - 14th to 22nd August. The theme for this year’s National Novena is ‘Living Life to the Full’. Ceremonies take place twice daily at 3.00 pm and 8.30 pm (Sundays and Holydays 2.30 pm) and workshops at 12 noon and 6.00 pm. WATCH MASSES ONLINE FROM KNOCK SHRINE - The daily 3.00 pm Mass in the Basilica is now being streamed live. The 12 noon Sunday Mass is also available to watch online at and recordings of all Sundays Masses are also available on the Knock Shrine YouTube channel.

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