Saturday, November 18, 2017

Sat 18th 8p.m. Jimmy Coleman & dec’d family members
Mon 20th   10a.m. Communion Service
Tues 21st   10a.m. Mass Mary, John & Francis Smith
Wed 22nd Nov 10a.m.  Mass   Holy Souls
Thurs 23rd Nov. 8p.m. Mass Deceased Members of Shannonbridge Generating Station
Fri 24th Nov 10a.m. Mass
Sat  25th Nov 10a.m.  Mass
Sat 25th Nov 8p.m. Kieran & Mary Mannion (Clonmacnois)

Sun  19th 10:30a.m. Patrick, Catherine & Pakie Guinan
Mon 20th 7p.m. Holy Souls  
Sun  26th 10:30a.m.  Peoples Intention  “Do This In Memory Mass” First Communicants
Mass Wed 22ndNov @ 7:30p.m.

OFFERTORY  Nov 12th €535

SAINTS OF THE WEEK  Tue 21st Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, Wed 22nd St. Cecilia, Thur 23rd St. Columban, Fri 24th St. Colman  
Station  of Fri. Nov 24th (Hynes) Postponed
Teresa & Sean Rohan  Fri Dec 1st 8p.m. 

“Do This in Memory” is a programme designed to prepare parents and families for First Communion. It supports the work of teachers in the schools. The programme takes place once a month for eight months before First Communion, and concludes with the parish celebration on Saturday, 28th April 2018

Shannonbridge:  25th Nov  @8p.m.
Altar Servers: Group 2 Fiachra, Sean, Niamh & Aoife
Reader:  Ffion Anderson
Euch. Minister: Sinead Ryan
Church Cleaners Shannonbridge (weekly) Jacinta Kelly, Mary Kilileen, Ann Keena
Clonfanlough:Sun 26th Nov @  10:30
Altar Servers:Group 1 Conor S., Abigail
Reader: Alan/Leanne Devery
Min. of Eucharist: Enda Molloy
Monthly Cleaning Rota  (Nov) Joey Rigney, Dorothy Darcy

World Day of the Poor
Pope Francis has dedicated this Sunday as World Day of the Poor. In the message Pope Francis invites “the whole Church, and men and women of good will everywhere, to turn their gaze on this day to all those who stretch out their hands and plead for our help and solidarity.” The Pope notes that “if we want to help change history and promote real development, we need to hear the cry of the poor and commit ourselves to ending their marginalization.”

CLONFANLOUGH CHRISTMAS SOCIAL in Clonfanlough Hall on  Sunday 19th November 2017 with Mass at 1pm, dinner & dancing to J & S Sound. Contact Mary Kelly at 087-7911453
SUNDAY 19th NOVEMBER— ROAD SAFETY AUTHORITY  on Sunday 19th November - remembering all those who lost their lives as a result of road traffic accidents. Prayers will be offered up at masses on this day.
THURSDAY 23rd  NOVEMBER  -ESBDeceased  members Sbannonbridge Generating Station . Mass in  Shannonbridge Church at 8p.m.
THURSDAY 23rd  NOVEMBER   BALLINASLOE CANCER SUPPORT You are cordially invited to our Annual Celebration Thursday 23rd of Nov 2017 @ 7.30pm at the Ballinasloe Cancer Support Centre Main Street Ballinasloe, All Welcome. Tel. 09096 45574
FRIDAY DEC 1st Table Quiz in aid of Christmas Party in Killeens 9p.m. €20 table of 4
SUN. DEC 3rd HANNONBRIDGE CHRISTMAS SOCIAL December 3rd  Shannonbridge Hall (Mass at 12 In Shannonbridge Church). Dinner & Dancing afterwards
SUNDAY DEC 3rd  GIFT COLLECTION FOR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL with blessing of the children at Mass on 3rd Dec in Shannonbridge Church at 12 noon. This year St. Vincent De Paul woul also appreciate practical gifts for children in need, such as underwear, socks, t-shirts, toothbrushes etc. Please wrap gifts and label with age and gender.
 SUNDAY DECEMBER 10TH -COMMUNITY CAROLS  in Shannonbridge Church [ diverted from Teampall Connor owing to ongoing works], the interdenominational Carol Service at 5p.m.
SUNDAY DEC 10th  The Three Tenors in Concert in St. Brendan’s R.C. Church Birr on Sunday 10th December at 8.00 p.m. Tickets €25 available from Parish Office – 057 9122028 (mornings).
SPONSOR A LIGHT to remember loved ones at Christmas. Donation Box in local shops

Interested in volunteering for the World Meeting of Families 2018?
The World Meeting of the Families 2018 will attract thousands of Irish and International pilgrims. Preparing for this event and seeing it through will only be possible with the generous assistance of many volunteers.  Further details on volunteering are available at the World Meeting website:
Trócaire Romero Family Award is for families who would like to begin their spiritual preparation for the World Meeting of Families in August 2018. For more information, please take a card at the back of the Church.

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