Saturday, December 16, 2017


Fr. Tom Cox Adm. (Adm)
Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500
Email:   WEB
Offertory : Dec 10th €525.00
 Advent Safeguarding Message 2017
As we approach Christmas we remember that Jesus Christ was born into a family; he was a son. He was brought up by Mary and Joseph and by his wider family and local community. Scripture records his connections with family and friends. Mary and Joseph looked after their son; they protected and kept him safe at a time when there were many threats. In our time, as a Church community, we look after and protect our young people and adults at risk.
I thank our Parish Safeguarding Representatives and our Priests for their valuable work in ensuring the safety of children and adults at risk in our Church related activities.
I encourage anyone with concerns regarding the safety of children or anyone who suffered in the past to contact our Designated Liaison Person, Sean Leydon (087-7431649) or our Deputy Designated Liaison Person, Róisín O’Doherty (087-3327587).  [+ Francis Duffy]
ENVELOPES FOR 2018 Envelopes for the new year 2018 are shortly available. We thank our parishioners who distribute boxes.
 Contributing through the envelope system has the extra benefit for the parish because the parish, as a charitable institution, can reclaim tax on your contributions, provided your total for the year reaches €250 or more. The envelope system is necessary for a paper trail as evidence that you have contributed.
Note your number may change from year to year with changes.. If you don’t find your box, contact Fr. Tom or any member of the Parish Pastoral Council and it will be sorted. Thank you for your continued support.
PARISH COUNCIL Enda Molloy, Shane Hynes, Anne Guinan, Doris Claffey, Kathleen Norton, Eileen Quinn, Vincent Darcy, Dympna Fitzpatrick,
Tom Cox, Patricia Anderson

Sat 16th Dec 8p.m. Maureen Claffey M/M
Mon 18th 10:00a.m. Communion Service
(Am at Confessions in Ferbane)
Tues 19th 10:00a.m. Mass
Wed 20th 10:00a.m. Communion Service
Thurs 21st 10:00a.m.  Mass
Fri 22nd 10:00a.m. Mass
Sat 23rd 10:00a.m. Maura Moran Anniv
Sat 23rd 8:00p.m. Damien & Josephine Kenny
Sun 17th 10:30a.m. Kieran & Anne Pillion (Carrowkeel) “Do This in Memory Mass” with First Communicants & Children
Sun 24th 10:30a.m. Peoples Intention
Shannonbridge:  Sat 23rd Dec  @8p.m.
Altar Servers: Group 2 Fiachra, Sean, Niamh & Aoife
Reader:  Eileen Quinn
Euch. Minister: Martha Murphy 
Church Cleaners Shannonbridge (weekly)  Kathleen Price, Catherine Curley,Patricia Anderson.
Clonfanlough:Sun 24th Dec  @  10:30
Altar Servers:Group 2 Tadgh T.,CharlieG
Reader: Della Fitzgerald
Min. of Eucharist: Leanne Quinn
Monthly Cleaning Rota  (Dec) Kathleen Norton/Helen Darcy
SUNDAY 24th 7p.m.
Reader : Alan Devery
Euch Min Declan McEvoy/Kay Kelly
MONDAY 25th 10:30a.m.
Reader : Anne Rohan
 Euch Min Bridie Coughlan
SHANNONBRIDGE ACTION GROUP would like to thank everyone for their support in getting the village lit up for Christmas. Thanks for the generous contributions and we hope you all we have a happy Christmas. The names of all those
 For whom bulbs were purchased will be placed on the tree at the Church 

 A Gift of Kindness…
While Christmas is also about gift giving in a tangible way, there are many other gifts that we are and can bring that have no price tag– such as kindness..
If all children would like to bring a picture of an act of kindness for Christmas (could be helping out at home, being patient with someone etc.) we can hang it up in the Church. We will display them over the Christmas Season.
BAPTISM - The next meeting for parents in our pastoral area who have a child for baptism will be held in the Parochial House in Ballinahown on Thursday 18th January & after that Thursday 15th February. Please contact me in advance.
SHANNONBRIDGE GAA Minor Club calendars available in Killeens & Morans- €5.  Also available after Mass.
E.G.M  of Shannonbridge GAA on Sunday 7th January @5p.m. in S/bridge Hall
CAROL SERVICE re-scheduled to January 6th at 5p.m. in S/bridge
CHILDRENS PARTY in Shannonbridge Hall Sunday 17th 4-6p.m.

 Arrangements for Christmas
 Sunday, Dec 24th 
Christmas Eve
Clonfanlough 7:00p.m.
Shannonbridge 9:00p.m.
 Christmas Day (Monday) in Clonfanlough  at 10.30 a.m.(Michael Kelly Anniv) and 12 Noon Shannonbridge.
Confessions for Christmas
are as follows and take the form of penitential services with a number of priests attending.
Ferbane– Mon 18th 10:00a.m.
Pullough—Mon 18th 6:30p.m.
(Mass of Reconciliation with
individual absolution)
Boher –Mon 18th 7:30p.m.
(Mass of Reconciliation with
individual absolution)
Clonfanlough—Thurs 21st 7:00p.m.
Shannonbridge—Thurs 21st  8p.m.
Ballinahowen– Fri 22nd 7:30p.m.
(Mass of Reconciliation with
individual absolution)
Christmas Eve—Sun 24th
Ferbane 12 Noon—4p.m.
 I invite all penitents to come for the short preparation beforehand and wait for the prayer of thanksgiving afterwards. As part of the celebration of the World Meeting of Families 2018 this is a good opportunity to come as a family for reconciliation and healing.

Mon 18th St. Flannan, Thur 21 St. Peter Canisius
ADVENT PRAYER  Ard Chiarain Mon. Dec 18th (Carol Service) @ 8p.m
Wed 20th Dec  @ 7:30p.m. (Fr. T. Cox)
 ST. PAUL SUNDAY MISSAL 2018 available from Sacristy free for Parish Readers.
GOD’S WORD Daily Mass Readings & Reflection . Cost €6               


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