ACTIVE RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION A.G.M. on Tuesday 30th Jan 2018 at 10:45a.m. (after 10 Mass )in Shannonbridge Hall.
WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES 2018 from 21st—26th August 2018. included is the Festival of Families on Saturday 25th August 2018 and the final Mass on Sunday 26th August 2018. Registration is required for the weekday events. The organisers seek volunteers, There is a wonderful website where you will find the latest information on all the events taking place information on all the events taking place in preparation for and during the world meeting of families. The website is:
RECENT DEATH Margaret (Mae) Moore (nee Coughlan) Ballylin, Ferbane & formerly Clonasra.
SEWING CLASSES / WORKSHOPS AT BELMONT MILLS - Learn how to use your sewing machine and basic stitching. Workshops on Saturday 27th January, 11am-1pm and Tuesday 30th January, 6pm-8pm. Beginners and advanced sewing classes starting in February. Early booking is advised. Limited places. Contact Sandra on 086 3769459.
Sat 20th 8p.m. Mass Tommy, Geraldine & Simon McManus
Mon 22nd 10a.m. Communion Service
Tues 23rd 10a.m. Communion Service
Wed 24th 10a.m. Communion Service
Thur 25th 10a.m. Communion Service
Fri 26th 10a.m. Communion Service
Sat 27th 10a.m. Communion Service
Sat 27th 8p.m. Mass Kathleen Lantry
Sun 21st 10:30a.m. John Loonam & dec’d family
Sun 28th 10:30a.m. Mary, Jack & Pat Maloney
CLUAIN CHIARAIN mass Wed, Jan 24th @7:30pa.m.
Shannonbridge: Sat 27th Jan 2018@8p.m.
Altar Servers: Group 3 Rachael, Kate, Paddy & Cliodhna
Reader: Patti Corbett
Euch. Minister: Marie McManus
Church Cleaners Shannonbridge (weekly) Marion McManus, Catherina Slattery, Ann Corbett
Clonfanlough:Sun 28th Jan ‘18 @ 10:30
Altar Servers:Group 1 Abigail K.
Reader: Declan McEvoy
Min. of Eucharist: Mary Kelly
Monthly Cleaning Rota (Jan) Mary Guinan,Anne Guinan
ST. PAUL’S SUNDAY MISSAL : Free to our parish readers. This Missal contains all the Readings and Prayers of the Mass for 2018. There are some extra copies available at €5 each. If you would like a copy, please contact me
GOD’S WORD 2018 I also have copies of the Daily readings with a short reflection for €6
OFFERTORY Jan 13/14th Offertory Collection €705
January Monthly €800 (to date)
LOURDES DIOCESAN PILGRIM FUND €450 to date.. If you wish to make a donation, simply mark “Lourdes” on an envelope & drop it in.
DONATION TO SVP €130 made on behalf of the Parish from Collection made at the Carol Service on Jan 6th 2018.
SAINTS Mon 22nd St. Vincent (Deacon) Tues 23rd St. John the Almsgiver Wed 24th St. Francis De Sales Thurs 25th Conversion of St. Paul (Apostle) Fri 26th St. Timothy & Titus (Bishops) Sat 27th St. Angela Merici
EXERCISE CLASS Tuesdays @ 8p.m. Shannonbridge Hall
ST. PAUL’S SUNDAY MISSAL This Missal contains all the Readings and Prayers of the Mass for 2018. There are some extra copies available at €6 each. If you would like a copy, please call to Sacristy
PARISH SAFEGUARDING: The Parish Safeguarding Representatives for the Parish of Clonmacnois is Joey Rigney & Eileen Quinn.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Catholic schools week will take place across Ireland from 28th January – 4th February and will focus on Family, with the theme: “Catholic Schools – called to be family of Families. Catholic Schools will be invited to reflect on and to celebrate the relationship that exists between home, school and parish. It also presents a special opportunity for school families to celebrate the fact that parents are the primary educators of their children, as well as the vital role that Catholic schools play in supporting parents as they raise their children.
For many years it has been part of the Irish Catholic tradition to have mass in your home and it is still a lovely form of prayer, especially in this year of the World Meeting of Families. If you would like to host a Station Mass please contact me (Tom Cox) at 086 8319500
Station Mass Areas are: (1)Chapel St & Hill, (2)Ballyhearth, (3)Clongowney, (4)Carrowkeel, (5)Clonfanlough & Lakefield (6)Clonmacnois & Tullabeg (7)Clonlyon (8) Glebe, (9)Aughincabe/Clerhane/Creevagh (10)Shannonbridge (11) St. Kieran’s Park, (12)Garrymore, Woodbank, Clondelara, Charlestown, Lecarrow, Blackwater
THE POOR CLARES IN GALWAY - Are hosting a Cloister Day on Saturday, January 27th from 10am to 5pm. The day is designed to help young women between the ages of 21 and 40 to find out more about the Poor Clare way of life with a view to vocation discernment. To book a place contact Sr. Faustina at:

Check out O’Neills website for the newest range of @RachraGAA gear which is now available for purchase..…
“Quote, Unquote....” “· In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - they produced Michelangelo,Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce….? The cuckoo clock.” -Orson Welles.
·“What we call social virtues, good fellowship, is commonly but the virtue of pigs in a litter, which lie closer together to keep each other warm. It brings people together in crowds and
mobs in bar-rooms and elsewhere, but it does not deserve the name of virtue.” -Henry David Thoreau. · “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.” -Albert Einstein. · “Too bad all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs or cutting hair.” -George Burns. · “Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a
disinclination or a reluctance to inflict pain upon oneself.” -George Meredith
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