JANUARY 14th 2018
CHURCH UNITY WEEK: Church Unity Week is celebrated this year from 18-25 January. The themes this year have been proposed by the churches of the Caribbean. Ecumenical Service in Athlone Methodist Church, Northgate St. on Wed. 24th at 11a.m.
WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES 2018 from 21st—26th August 2018. included is the Festival of Families on Saturday 25th August 2018 and the final Mass on Sunday 26th August 2018. Registration is required for the weekday events. The organisers seek volunteers, There is a wonderful website where you will find the latest information on all the events taking place information on all the events taking place in preparation for and during the world meeting of families. The website is:
CLONMACNOIS PRAYER VIGIL in Cluain Chiarain Prayer Centre on Friday 19th of January and every third Friday. Mass at 9pm. Adoration and Prayers follow until 2.10am. All Welcome. Enquiries Dave; 085-7746763.
RECENT DEATH: Sr. William PillionMt. Sackville Dubln & Clonascra
BAPTISM: We welcome baby Conor Trevor Mahon into our Christian Community this weekend.
Newsletter: Bulletin Notices please Thursday, 5p.m. Items for the Jan 26/27th bulletin must be in by Fri 19th Jan. Thank you..
Sat 13th 8p.m. Tess & Tommy Corbett
[2nd Collection after Communion for Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Fund]
Mon 15th 10a.m. Mass Private Intn
Tue 16th 10a.m. Mass
Wed 17th 10a.m. Mass
Thurs 18th 10a.m. Mass
Fri 19th
Sat 20th 10a.m. Communion Service
Sat 20th 8p.m. Tommy, Geraldine & Simon McManus
Sun 14th 10:30a.m. Bridget Rigney (Anniv) [Do This In Memory Mass with First Communicants]
[2nd Collection after Communion for Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Fund]
Sun 21st 10:30a.m. John Loonam & dec’d family
CLUAIN CHIARAIN mass Wed, Jan 17th @7:30pa.m.
Shannonbridge: Sat 20th Jan 2018@8p.m.
Altar Servers: Group 2 Niamh & Aoife
Reader: Ffion Anderson
Euch. Minister: Margaret Duffy
Church Cleaners Shannonbridge (weekly) Eileen Quinn, Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes
Clonfanlough:Sun 21st Jan ‘18 @ 10:30
Altar Servers:Group 3 Conor D, Roisin D., Teagan D., Rory D.
Reader: Anne Rohan
Min. of Eucharist: Enda Molloy
Monthly Cleaning Rota (Jan) Mary Guinan,Anne Guinan
SIGN OF PEACE is suspended for the present because of the flu and on the advice of +Francis.
ST. PAUL’S SUNDAY MISSAL : Free to our parish readers. This Missal contains all the Readings and Prayers of the Mass for 2018. There are some extra copies available at €5 each. If you would like a copy, please contact me
GOD’S WORD 2018 I also have copies of the Daily readings with a short reflection for €6
OFFERTORY Jan 6th (Epiphany) & 7th €1,195
CHRISTMAS DUES €4,020.. Many thanks for your generous response. (€2,830 in Xmas 2016 Dues)
SAINTS Wed 17 St. Antony, Abbot, Sat 20th St. Fabian & Sebastian, Memrl of B.V.M.
SHANNONBRIDGE GAA CLUB NOTES Sympathy expressed to the Higgins family on the recent untimely passing of Eileen (Nee Mooney). We hope that they find strength in this Most difficult time. Ar dheis de go raibh a ainm.
Shannonbridge G.A.A./EGM An extraordinary general meeting was held on Sunday last in the clubhouse to ratify committee members for the coming year. We had a very sizeable attendance and we would like to thank everybody for coming! Committee members as follows: Chairman; Tony Rohan, Vice; Pakie Brazil Secretary; Lucy Quirke, Asst; Olive Costello Treasurer: Vincent Costello, Asst; Trevor Mahon PRO; Jason Mahon Registrar: Declan McEvoy, Asst; Darragh Corbett County board delegates; Jim Killeen & Damien Brazil Executive Committee meeting
Congratulations to Colette Quinn on winning the top prize €1000 in our Take-your-pick fundraising draw last night! Draw results as follows: €1000 Colette Quinn €500 K Cunniffe Ballinasloe c/o Vinnie Costello €200 Cahill family, Belmont €100 Kieran and Ann Rohan, clonfanlough €100 Ken Gunning, Shannonbridge €100 Tomás Ryan, Lukers ShannonbridgeA great night was had by all and the club would like to thank everyone who helped out with the event, organising, selling tickets, collections etc. We would also like to wish everybody a very happy 2018!
PILATES CLASS Mondays 11a.m. €8 per class Shannonbridge Hall
EXERCISE CLASS Tuesdays @ 8p.m. Shannonbridge Hall
This Sunday we remember migrants and refugees all over the world. We extend a warm welcome to all who have come to make their homes among us in Ireland. “Migrants trust that they will encounter acceptance, solidarity, and help , that they will meet people who will sympathise with the distress and tragedy experienced by others, recognise the values and resources the latter have to offer, and are open to sharing humanly and materially with the needy and disadvantaged. …….When we heal the wounds of refugees, displaced persons, and victims of trafficking, we are practising the commandment of love that Jesus has left us...Their flesh is that of Christ.” (Pope Francis)
NEW SERVER ROTA should be issued next week where we welcome 6 new Servers
First Confession Fri. 2nd March @6:45p.m. Clonfanlough
First Communion Saturday, April 28th @ 12 Noon. (Clonfanlough),
Confirmation, Friday May 11th @ 4p.m. Shannonbridge
I saw a stranger yesterday I put food in the eating place drink in the drinking place music in the listening place And in the sacred name of the Triune He blessed myself and my house my cattle and my dear ones And the lark said in her song often often often Goes the Christ in the stranger’s guise often often often Goes the Christ in the stranger’s guise.
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