Saturday, April 27, 2019


Sat 27th 6:30p.m.  Hubert “Louis” Darcy M/M
Monday 29th April 10a.m. Mass
Tuesday 30th April 10am Service
Wednesday 1st May 10a.m. Mass
Thursday 2nd May  10a.m. Mass
Friday 3rd May  10am Mass 1st Fri
Saturday 4th May 10a.m. May Rocke anniv.
Saturday 4th May 6:30p.m. Margaret & Edward Cogavin & dec’d family
  Sunday 28th  April 10:30a.m
Friday 3rd May 7:00p.m. First Friday
Please Note: No Do This In Memory group Mass on 5/5/19. Next Mass First CommuNion 12 Noon, May 18th

Sunday 5th May 10:30a.m.
OFFERTORY  COLLECTION for weekend of April 20th/21st.  €1130 Míle Buíochas.
Trocaire (to date) €2,241
(Last year €2435.)
CLUAIN CHIARAIN   Next Mass Wed. May 1st  2019 @ 7:30p.m.
BAPTISM We welcomed Daniel Mark Kelly Kilboy  into our Christian Community last weekend.
DEATHS Bridget Ward (Ahascragh) grand-daughter of Mick Ward, Shannonbridge
Breeda Bracken (Clara) sister of Bernie Kilduff (Clonlyon)

TRÓCAIRE:  Please return your Trócaire box as soon as possible.

SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER A quieter day after the drama of Easter. Behind closed doors the disciples are dazed and dispirited. Then Jesus appears, and the scene is transformed, but Thomas is not there. Eight days later, he is present when Jesus shows himself to His friends again. He encounters the Lord. He sees, he believes and his life is changed forever. If proof were needed of the power and importance of praying with the community, it is surely to be found in today’s Gospel. Where two or three gather in His name, He is present in their midst. We absent ourselves from the Sunday gathering at a cost. It is the first step on the road to faithlessness. As the water lifts and supports the swimmer so does the praying community lift and support its’ individual members in their search for the living God. The Christian life was never meant to be solitary. Thomas discovered that truth.

There is  a public consultation meeting in Clonmacnois School on Monday 29th April at 8pm. This meeting will be attended by T.D.’s Barry Cowen, Carol Nolan and Marcella Corcoran-Kennedy and a number of other public representatives. The purpose of this meeting is to highlight the fact that our school would greatly benefit from a fourth teacher and that our student numbers currently do not allow for the school to apply for one. We would like to ask these public representatives to help us to put a case to the Department of Education regarding student/teacher ratio etc.  This is a meeting for everyone with a concern for our local school, present and past parents, grandparents, relatives of any of the children.

Shannonbridge:Sat  4th May  @6:30 p.m. Servr:Grp 1 Emily D, Ruth Q, Grace F
Reader: Kieran O’Connor
Euch. Minister Marian McManus
 Church Care:Martha Murphy, Marie McManus
Clonfanlough:Sun 5th  May  @10:30am
Servr Grp 1Abigail K, Rory D, Grace D, Kate McC
Reader: Mary Kelly Euch Min.:Bridie Coughlan
Ch Care–April Bernie Kenny/Margaret Lantry  May Angela Walsh, Rosaleen Gunning

 DOON/SHANNONBRIDGE GAA LOTTO  Winning Numbers in the April 22nd Draw 1-17-24-25 No Jackpot wintner, 2 Match 3’s Jackpot now €4,400 Draw in Doon 29/4/19
 KNOCK Pilgrimage Season. April 28th to October 13th. Mini Vigils 1st Fri of each  month from May to November (8pm to 12 midnight). Anointing of the sick eachvSunday @ 2.30p.m. with Concelebrated Mass at 3p.m. Contact 094 9388100
LOUGH DERG  One Day Retreats begin on Saturday 4th May and continue on 5th, 6th, 11th,12th, 14th,19th, 21st, 25th, 26th and 27th. Why not take some time and space on Lough Derg personally or as a parish group this May? A NEW event for those who serve in lay parish ministry, is our Parish Ministry Day Saturday 18th May. Booking essential. Tel: 071 9861518. Email: Web:
Lough Derg Pilgrimage : Opens Saturday 4th May. One Day Retreats May, August and September. Three Day Pilgrimage can begin any day from 31st May to Tuesday 13th August. Contact 0719861518 or  
ROSARY FOR FAITH & LIFE Each day in May 2019, thousands of people from all around Ireland will gather at their local Grottos to recite the Rosary for Faith and Life in Ireland. To sign up your local Grotto, text/call 087 278 6552 or
DIOCESAN LOURDES PILGRIMAGE FUNDRAISER A Table Quiz will be held in Longford Arms Hotel on Thursday 2nd May at 7.30. All welcome
WEST OFFALY TRAINING -  Working with Autism starting the 30th April; Digital Skills/Manual Handling/ Abrasive Wheel Training (weekly). We are also taking names for Makeup/Hairdressing/Train the Trainer, Mindfulness courses and ECDL. Call 057 9152003 to find out more                      LOUGH BOORA  Discovery Park Sunday May 5th 11-4p.m.  Entry free-all welcome, Tug of war, Wellie Throwing,skipping challenge, Junk drumming, basket weaving, local food produceers/vendors face  painting, arts & crafts, Musicians Paddy Buckley, Diarmuid Guinan, Liz Corrigan
  DIOCESAN DISPLAY DAY - You can sponsor a sacred vessel which will go to the Missions with your intentions. A list and contact numbers in Ferbane Church porch. All items may be seen at the Apostolic Work Display Day on Sunday 28th April in St. Cynoc’s N.S. after 11am Mass. Refreshments, gifts and Cake Sale will also be part of the occasion. Please support.
The members of Belmont Men’s Shed, in conjunction with their patrons, Tom & Sandy, would like to invite the community to visit their workshop at the Old Mill, Belmont. This community event is part of a national campaign called The Big Hello. It is about communities exchanging greetings, sharing a coffee or tea and catching up with each other. The event will take place on Monday May 6th from 2 to 4p.m . In addition to visiting the Men’s Shed, there will also be an opportunity to visit the bottom floor the old mill. Refreshments will be available in the canteen  of the Craft Centre free of charge. The event is sponsored by Offaly Local Development Committee
FIRST SATURDAY Ark of Divine Mercy will host First Saturday in honor of our Blessed Lady in St Ronan’s Parish Church Taughmaconnell on Saturday 4th of May 2019 starting at 2.00pm with a short Procession,Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Concluding with Holy Mass.  Celebrant Fr Pierre Pepper.  All are most welcome. Details from Kathleen O'Connor or Paul Woods on 087 7828283.or arkofdivinemercy@gmail. com
JOIN ACCORD: (Catholic Marriage Care Service) is recruiting volunteers to train as a Marriage Preparation Course Facilitator. Successful applicants will receive professional training & be part of a team delivering marriage preparation courses locally. Tel: Aisling (01)5053112 or
We thank you for your generosity to Trócaire. The hardest part of the Trócaire appeal is to get the boxes returned on time. If you see a Trócaire box in a house, you might be so kind as to suggest that you would bring it to the church or local primary school. Your generosity to Trócaire is very much appreciated.

Wed 1st May Mass at 8p.m.
Opening Mass Fr. Declan McInerney
Thurs 2nd May 8p.m.
Fr. Augustine Chifu Loughrea
Fri 3rd May 12 Noon & 8p.m.
Fr. Kieran O'Rourke Woodford
Sat 4th May 8pmBishop John Kirby

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