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Clonmacnois Parish
November 22nd 2020
Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 0868319500
St. Ciaran’s Church Shannonbridge
Sat 21st Presentation of the BVM
St. Ciaran’s Church Clonfanlough
Sunday Nov 22nd 2020 10:30am
Moran’s Shop I am indebted to Fergal & Linda Moran of Moran’s Gala shop & Post Office who continue to offer a drop in facility.
Presbytery Letterbox Some leave envelopes in my door which I secure right away! Or to me in person.
Clonfanlough Box Sunday 10:30-12:15 at pier
Bank Transfer There is the option of Electronic Transfer which some have chosen to use. I just leave the details below and a request that you put your name or box number in the reference section. Instructions below.
Name of Account Clonmacnois Parochial Account.
IBAN-IE90BOFI90368011629381 Please put your name and/or your box number in reference section.
Sat 7:00p.m. Vigil of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King
Sun 12:00 Noon Funeral Mass of Jim Rogers (Private only-Level 5 restrictions)
Mon Nov 23rd . 7p.m. St. Columbanus
Tues Nov 24th 10:00a.m. Ss Andrew Dung - Lac and Companions, Martyrs
Wed Nov. 25th 10:00a.m. St. Clement 1, Pope, Martyr
Thurs Nov 26th 7:00p.m.
Fri. Nov 27th . 10:00a.m. St. Fergal, St. Catherine Labouré
Sat. Nov. 28th Vigil of First Sunday of Advent
Anniv Peetie & Earl Kelly & dec’d family members of Earls & Kelly families also
Maureen O’Shea & Frances Kelly died this year.
Sunday Nov 29th 2020 10:30a.m.
RECENT DEATHS Joe Kinsella (Dundrum & Hall, Moate ) Brother of Betty Dolan Clonlyon
OFFERTORY Nov 14/15th €523 CHURCH COLLECTIONS ways people donate.
The feast of ‘Christ the King’ was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925. Originally, it was celebrated on the last Sunday of October, but in 1969 Pope St. Paul VI placed it strategically on the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year to emphasise the fact that all time and all seasons belong to Christ. So today, we salute our King and recommit ourselves to the task of making His kingdom come. The expression ‘kingdom of God’ appears 62 times in the New Testament, while the term ‘kingdom of heaven’ occurs 32 times. They have the same meaning. The most apt definition of this kingdom is ‘the place where God rules’. Its’ territory is the territory of peoples’ hearts. Its’ law is the Sermon on the Mount. It exists in every home where parents and children love and respect one another and where God is a welcome guest. It becomes a reality in every country where the weak and vulnerable are cared for, the hungry are fed and the homeless are housed. It is experienced in every parish where all feel welcome, included and safe. The kingdom is a present reality and a future hope. Life is the childhood of eternity and If we do our best to make the kingdom come on earth we believe that we will taste its’ fullness at the end of life’s journey around the throne of the King
SPIRITUAL COMMUNION My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You have already come, and unite myself entirely to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen
SUNDAYS OF NOVEMBER—Blessed Sacrament Exposed 10:00am to 11:30 approx. (Funeral at 12) 1:15p.m. to 6:00p.m. Shannonbridge Church. Please continue to maintain social distancing, face coverings, avoid gathering/congregating and practice hand hygiene & cough etiquette. There is no formal opening/closing prayer for the time of Exposition
The Smaller Beatitudes:
-Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves; they will have no end of fun.
-Blessed are those who can tell a mountain from a molehill; they will be saved a lot of bother.
-Blessed are those who know how to relax without looking for excuses; they are on their way to becoming wise.
-Blessed are those who know when to be quiet and listen: they will learn a lot of new things. -Blessed are those who are sane enough not to take themselves too seriously; they will be valued most by those about them.
-Blessed are those who can take small things seriously and face serious things calmly; you will go far in life.
-Blessed are those who can appreciate a smile and forget a frown; you will walk on the sunny side of the street.
-Blessed are those who think before acting and pray before thinking; they will avoid many blunders.
-Blessed are those who know how to hold your tongue and smile, even when people interrupt and contradict you or tread on your toes; the Gospel has begun to seep into your heart.
Above all, blessed are those who recognise the Lord in all whom you meet; the light of truth shines in your life you have found true wisdom.
ADVENT RETREAT A three session virtual Advent Retreat with Fr. Billy Swan (Wexford) Tuesday 1st to Thurs 3rd December 2020 from 8-9pm on zoom. Tuesday 1st December Faith Wednesday 2nd December Hope Thursday 3rd December Love To take part, just email: to receive the zoom link All Welcome
FOOT CARE: Mobile Foot Health Practitioner Service, House call available, daytime and evening. Contact Maura at 086 8053671 to arrange an appointment.
GETTING THE CHURCHES OPEN FOR MASS We are presently in Level 5 & closed. Our hope was that nationally under a move to Level 3 Churches would be allowed public Masses. With Northern Ireland churches closed until Dec 11th we simply don’t know in the Republic what Christmas 2020 will look like
Week of Witness 25th Nov - 1st Dec A.C.N. (Aid to the Church in Need) host this week to pray for, support & remember persecuted Christians today. We don’t hear in Ireland for instanceof Churches bombed in Nigeria, 2,000 Christians killed in Mozambique, with 400,000 displaced because of their Christian faith
-West Offaly Training will begin a new series of FREE TRAINING for the over 50's on Friday, November 20th. We will begin with one to one training to get you comfortable using Zoom and then continue to groups having fun doing Quizzes, Story Telling, Crafts, Music & Chat and much more. Our next online Train the Trainer course will begin on Monday, November 23rd. Fo information on these and all our other courses, call Carmel on 0579152003 or email
DOON/SHANNONBRIDGE GAA CLUB LOTTERY Draw held 16.11.2020 Winning numbers 1-3-17-20 No Jackpot winner. two Match 3 winners. Jackpot now stands at €5,000. Draw online on Facebook Nov.23rd
NOV 29th REMEMBRANCE WALK & PRAY Postponed from 22nd Owing to funeral - I plan to do a walk alone & pray from Clonfanlough Church Grotto after 10:30am “Online Mass” to Shannonbridge in memory of our deceased family members & the Covid situation. Calling into Clonmacnois Cemetery. I will stream some prayer time on Facebook Page on the day..
PRIORY RETREAT - We are taking registrations now for our Advent Retreat. It’s a series of filmed reflections on the Sunday Gospel readings of Advent. We are subsidising the production costs to encourage participation, the cost of the retreat is €40 and registration closes on Friday week, November 27th. Maybe it’s a sign of the times but it seems people are interested in looking at the ‘big’ questions especially coming up to this very unusual Christmas. events/2020-RADIO MARIA . Talk-Radio Station, Prayer, Catechesis, Music, Talks – Rosary 12.30, 5.30 & 9 p.m. daily. Divine Mercy @ 3 p.m. Listen via TV on Saorview—Channel 210: Download free App: “Radio Maria Ireland” , streaming on
KNOCK SHRINE REMEMBRANCE MASS Knock Shrine invites you to join us live online for a special Mass on Sunday November 22 at 12 Noon, as we remember all who have died from COVID-19 on the island of Ireland. This Mass will be celebrated by Most. Rev. Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam and streamed live from Knock Basilica. As we come closer to the end of this difficult year, we come together as a community of faith to take time to pause and reflect in support of one another and to pray for strength and hope for each other and ourselves. Live stream on and Facebook.
It is lovely to see so many people come to pray in our Church. We thank you and ask you to continue to respect others in the Church by:
Using hand sanitizers:
Wearing face covering:
Social distancing.
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