Sunday, April 17, 2022

Clonmacnois Parish

April 10th 2022

Passion (Palm) Sunday (C)

Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/  0868319500 







‘Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the Lord’

It is Holy Week again. We take our place beside the cross and begin the lonely road with Jesus that leads to the Hill of Calvary. It is a week of contrasts, shot through with moments of acclamation and condemnation, betrayal and loyalty, despair and hope, darkness and light, sadness and joy. It is a week that gives meaning to all suffering, which is shown as the price of love and the path to glory: ‘no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown’. The drama of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday is the story of the Triumph of Failure and the Triumph of Love. We have heard the story a thousand times, but we need to be reassured again that our God is near; we do not walk alone; our journey has a destination; death is not a voyage into the unknown, but, rather a journey home. By His cross and resurrection He has set us free


PRAYER BEFORE CRUCIFIX  Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul I pray and beseech of Thee to impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity. With true repentance and contrition for my sins and a firm purpose of amendment; while with deep affection and grief of soul, I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five precious wounds, having before my eyes the words which David Thy prophet put on Thy lips concerning Thee O Good Jesus. “They have pierced my hands and my feet, they have numbered all my bones.” Amen. (Psalm 21:17- 18) Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be to the Father

ROSARY AT THE GROTTOS The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit You can also register by texting 087 278 6552. We are praying for Ireland and for peace in the world



Sat 9th April 7pm Tom & Bina Nugent (Anniv.) Confession afterward

Mon 11th April 10am

Tues 12th April 10am

Wed 13th April 10am

Thurs 14th April 6:30pm Holy Thursday

Fri 15th April 3pm  Good Friday

Sat 16th April 8pm Holy Saturday 8pm Parish Easter Vigil (Shannonbridge)

Easter Sun. 17th April 12 Noon


Sun 10th April 10:30am Michael J. Molloy & parents Michael and Annie

[Do This in Memory Mass ]

Thurs 14th April 6:30pm Holy Thursday

Fri 15th April 7pm  Good Friday

Sat 16th April 8pm Holy Saturday 8pm Parish Easter Vigil (Shannonbridge)

Easter Sun. 17th April 10:30am


Mass Wednesday, April 13th @ 7:30pm

BAPTISM - We welcome into our Christian Community Oliver Hugo Coughlan  who was baptised recently.

OFFERTORY 26th/27th March €700 Ukraine Appeal €1,000

TRÓCAIRE BOXES - Can be left into Churches during these days. ‘Let us not grow tired of doing good’. (Pope Francis) . or you may use the envelope in yearly box.. Some left at Church porches

This year the Thandekile family in Zimbabwe are on the Lenten boxes. Conflict, injustice, climate change and Covid are hurting so many around the world


Moore & Clonfad Drama Society (back by popular demand), will present a 3 act comedy ‘The Stations', by Carole King, on Sunday, 10th April at 8.00pm in Moore Community Hall. Lots of laughs guaranteed. All proceeds in aid of Unicef Ukraine Appeal.

DIVINE MERCY NOVENA  begins  Good Friday 15th April. Mass in Cluain Chiarain on Sunday 24th at 2pm at Cluain Ciaran. We place our trust in Jesus & ask for His mercy & protection

LOURDES DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE The annual pilgrimage is going ahead this year, from May 23- May27, four nights. The total cost is €679 (Hotel Agena) or €699 (Hotel La Solitude) For further details call- 090 6481180.



The last two Holy Weeks were overshadowed by the dark clouds of an unseen enemy of a Covid Virus, causing pain, separation and suffering to thousands worldwide. It was an enemy that brought the family of humanity together in shared suffering and solidarity. There were so many examples of quiet heroism and unseen goodness to fight this enemy. This Holy Week however, the clouds are darker and man-made, as we watch nightly the cruel and callous face of war that drives people apart in hostility and fear. The Cross of this Holy Week is not in Calvary but in Kharkiv, Mariupol, Chernigov, Kyiv, places that now have become household names, unknown to many a few months ago.

The “War Machine” describes aptly this years Crucifixion. It has no heart: if feels no pain: and it sheds no tears.

The Garden of Gethsemane anguish is in basements and bombed out shelters and on the borders of Poland. The Face of Christ’s agony is etched on the faces of the children and the mothers as they leave not just their homes and homelands but their husbands, fathers, brothers behind.

So as we walk these days of Holy Week, let us be sober, silent and continue to be shocked beyond words by this virus of hatred and horror. Let us pray our Passion Week as never before with the innocent who suffer, the mothers who grieve and the rescue missions who risk their lives, and hear once again, the scream of the Ukernian people who echo the cry of Jesus on His Cross of today…” My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?”

MINISTRIES  Ch. Care Maureen Mitchell /Bernie Kenny-Mgt Langtry, Euch Min Dympna Fitzpatrick 16/4/22 / Maura Molloy 17.4.22 



HOLY WEEK 2022 with our childrens help!
Next week we mark in our ceremonies the story of Holy Week.
Good Friday April 15th at 12 Noon in Shannonbridge we plan to have Stations of the Cross.
Children are most welcome and if they would like to read a short prayer at one of 14 Stations or hold an image of the Station Or light a candle (safely!)

Easter Sunday April 17th Shannonbridge 12 noon Special family mass with a special blessing for children. We would be delighted if your child  would like to say a prayer or bring up gifts please contact Dympna Fitzpatrick 087 2284392

Easter Hunt after 12 noon mass in Shannonbridge in Playground on Easter Sunday

Please contact Dympna Fitzpatrick 087 2284392



We are back in person after a gap of 2 years.

We include here the times of the ceremonies for Holy Week. Because of the presence of the virus so prevalent at this time, we will omit the Washing of Feet on Holy Thursday & invite people to bow (not kiss) to the Cross on Good Friday. No Dawn Mass for this year.

 Holy Thursday 14th April: 6:30 Shannonbridge Adoration afterward for an hour / 8:00pm Clonfanlough

Exposition afterwards for an hour in both churches.

Good Friday 15th April : 12 noon Stations of the Cross: Shannonbridge  1pm Confessions 3.00 p.m. The Lord’s Passion (Shannonbridge) 7pm (Clonfanlough) Confessions afterwards. Holy Saturday 16th April 8.00 p.m. Easter Vigil (Shannonbridge)

Easter Sunday 17th April 10.30 a.m Clonfanlough 12 Noon. (Shannonbridge)


VOICES FOR PEACE CONCERT: Tuar Ard Arts Centre will host a very special concert on Thursday April 14th (Holy Thursday) at 8pm. The Voices for Peace Concert will feature performances from Larissa Tormey, P.J. Murrihy, Charlie McGettigan, Alex Roe, Caitriona O'Sullivan, Aishling Rafferty, Dave Lawlor and Ger O'Brien. All proceeds will go to the Irish Red Cross Ukraine Fund. Tickets: €20. For bookings phone 090 6482042

SILENT RETREAT at Cluain Chiarain, Clonmacnois.  Tuesday April 19th (Mass 9am, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for 36 hours) For World Peace & protection of Human Life & for all blasphemy against the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ending with Holy Mass 8pm Wednesday, 20th April. Details Kathleen 087 6600190

SHANNONBRIDGE GAA LOTTO Draw April 4th '22. Numbers drawn 12-13-21-31

No Winner, One Match 3. Jackpot now €5,200

Loving Father, we prepare to celebrate your love during Holy Week. We thank Jesus for giving us his Body and Blood at the Last Supper. We thank him for dying on the Cross to save us. Help us to become more like Jesus in our love for you and one another. Fill our hearts and homes with your peace and joy as we celebrate His resurrection this Easter. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

RECENT DEATH John Joseph (Johnny) Kenny Kilcormac,, Burial in Clonmacnois Tuesday after 11am Mass Kilcormack


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