Sunday, April 17, 2022


Clonmacnois Parish

April 17th 2022

Easter Sunday (C)

Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/  0868319500 





‘He is not here, he has risen’ The Resurrection is the core of the Good News. The stone is removed, the tomb is empty, our deepest worries are scattered, and our God reigns. Jesus whom we worship is not just a dead hero but a living Lord. We live in the light of Easter. We rest secure in the knowledge that the grave will never be our permanent address, but merely the halfway house on our journey home. Easter then marks the birthday of our eternal hope. It is the guarantee of our own resurrection. It is above all the feast of life and calls us to create and promote a culture of life. In a broken world saturated with death and destruction, wars and violence, misery and inequality, we must continue to proclaim that something else is needed; another reality is possible. Goodness has the power to overcome evil. Light can conquer darkness. ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that’ (Martin Luther King). This is what ‘resurrection people’ believe.

 Easter Grace Prayer before a Meal: Lord, as we gather together as family and friends we invite you once again into our lives. May the hope of your resurrection colour our days. May the promise of your spirit working in us light up our lives. May the love you revealed to us shape our giving. May the truth in your word guide our journeys, and may the joy of your kingdom fill our homes. As we gather together underneath the banner of your life, we thank you for all the wonderful food that we can now enjoy, and celebrate your glorious resurrection. Thank you Lord. Amen

ROSARY AT THE GROTTOS The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit You can also register by texting 087 278 6552. We are praying for Ireland and for peace in the world


Sat 16th April 8pm Holy Saturday 8pm Parish Easter Vigil (Shannonbridge)

Easter Sun. 17th April 12 Noon David Macklin Anniv

Easter Monday 18th 10am

Easter Tuesday 19th 10am

Easter Wednesday 20th 10am

Easter Thursday 21st  10am

Easter Friday 22nd 10am

Saturday 23rd April 7pm  May Rock & Nancy Kelly


Easter Sun. 17th April 10:30am

2nd Sun of Easter 24th April 10:30am


Mass Tuesday, April 19th @ 9a.m.

[36 hour Adoration & Retreat begins]

Mass Wednesday, April 20th @ 8:00pm

OFFERTORY 9/10th April €535

Feast Days April 21st St Anselm A French saint, Anselm was from Normandy. He became Archbishop of Canterbury and died in 1109.


 Jesus, you know what it’s like to feel abandoned lost and afraid. Walk with us And show us how to walk with others, who live in fear, who face death through hunger or war. Show us how to pray for those we do not know and will not meet, but who are always loved by you. Walk with us Jesus, Amen. Linda Jones/CAFOD


Risen Jesus,

Bless this family as we gather to eat together. May we always welcome those who come to share a meal at our table. Your friends recognised you when you broke the bread for them; may we also recognise you in the breaking of bread and in each other. We ask this in the name of the God who loves us, the risen Jesus who gave his life that we might have new life in the Spirit. Amen.

From Grapevine—Do This in Memory Program


Readers  April 23rd @ 7pm Fiachra Anderson  April 24th @  10:30am Maura Molloy 

Eucharistic Minister Sinead Ryan 23/4/22 (7pm S/B) Enda Molloy 24/4/22 (10:30am Clonfanlough) Church Care Martha Murphy, Marie McManus (S)/Bernie Kenny/Mgt Langtry (C)

Easter Reflection

Breaking through the powers of darkness

Bursting from the stifling tomb

He slipped into the graveyard garden

 To smell the blossom air.


Tell them Mary, Jesus said,

That I have journeyed far

Into the darkest deeps I’ve seen

In nights without a star.


Tell them Mary, Jesus said,

That fear will flee my light

That through the ground will tremble

And despair will stalk the earth

I hold them firmly in my hand

Through terror, to new birth.


Tell them Mary, Jesus said,

The globe and all that’s made

Is clasped to God’s great bosom

They must not be afraid.

For though they fall and die, He said

And the black earth wrapped them tight

They will know the warmth

Of God’s healing hands I

n the early morning light.


Tell them Mary, Jesus said,

Smelling the blossomed air

Tell my people to rise with me

To heal the earth’s despair. Edwina Gately


Trócaire 2022 Holy Week is the traditional time for returning your Lenten Trócaire savings (Boxes). With the crisis in the Ukraine we can easily forget that a similar crisis exists in many other parts of our globe. This year, while the Trócaire campaign focused on Thandekile and her family from Zimbabwe, it has also been engaged in funding and supporting the people of Ukraine who have lost family, their homes and senseless destruction of their towns and cities. Your support and generosity to these causes are a witness to your understanding and empathy that we are a ‘global family’ and when one suffers all suffer. Please return your Box/offerings this week—no contribution is too small and is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

RETURN TO SUNDAY MASS The Irish Bishops at their recent meeting encourage people to return to their churches, welcoming each other back as we gather once more together. From this Easter Sunday, they’ve announced that this will once again be deemed an essential expression of faith for all in our Church As always, those whose health is vulnerable or who are unwell  will not be under any obligation to attend Mass. Please let us all keep safe


 DIVINE MERCY NOVENA (begins Good Friday 15th April.) Devotions at Cluain Chiarain (beside Clonmacnois Monastic Site) starting at 2pm on Sunday 24th. Details Kathleen 087 6600190

SILENT RETREAT at Cluain Chiarain, Clonmacnois. Tuesday April 19th (Mass 9am, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for 36 hours). Ending with Holy Mass 8pm Wednesday, 20th April. Details Kathleen 087 6600190

SHANNONBRIDGE GAA LOTTO Draw April 11th '22. Numbers drawn 1-7-21-26

No Winner, Four  Match 3. Jackpot now €5,400


GRADUATION OF CATECHISTS We congratulate Dympna Fitzpatrick, Cloghan Road, Shannonbridge from our parish who will be  among the 23 volunteer Catechists who receive their certificate of Catechesis in the course facilitated by Maryvale Institute. Fr. Tom Healy Diocesan Administrator will present the certificates at the 10am Mass on Saturday, April 23rd in St. Mel’s Cathedral. Catechists work primarily in the area of sacramental preparation in our parishes and pastoral areas. We wish Dympna and her colleagues every blessing.

I would also like to remember the late          Seamus Grennan of Shannonbridge who began the Catechist Course but sadly ill health interrupted. Leaba i measc na nAingeal agus na Naomh go raibh aige


Easter Thanks A special word of thanks to all those who helped us celebrate Holy Week and Easter this year. Having not celebrated Easter  in person for two years it is good to be back. Thanks again to all who played a part in our celebrations this Holy Week

 LOURDES DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE The annual pilgrimage is going ahead this year, from May 23- May27, four nights. The total cost is €679 (Hotel Agena) or €699 (Hotel La Solitude) For further details call- 090 6481180.


LOCAL LINK BUS SERVICE TO Athlone every Saturday from Shannonbridge Church at 1:30pm. Return from Golden Island Athlone at 4:45pm

APOLOGIES for being unable to stream Holy Week Ceremonies. There is no network capability in Clonfanlough & in Shannonbridge I was not actually on the ceremonies so was unable to control camera and sound from the altar as I usually do using a MEVO streaming camer

We wish you a time of new life, new hopes and new possibilities as we celebrate the feast of Easter








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