Clonmacnois Parish
October 7/8th 2023
27th Sunday Ordinary Time (A)
Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 0868319500
‘He will lease the vineyard to other tenants’

The parable of the vineyard is ‘a Bible within the Bible’, presenting in veiled form the history of salvation. It’s a story of a God who is at once a trusting father, a patient mother and a just judge. The owner of the vineyard trusts the tenants to get on with the task of cultivating it. He shows immense patience by giving them chance after chance to respond to his appeal to produce a harvest. They don’t listen. In the end, his patience runs out and he leases the vineyard to other tenants. We are the tenants today. God gives us ample opportunity to produce fruit, but there does come a moment of reckoning when we must account for our stewardship and those who have ears to hear should listen. True fruitfulness begins in the heart and mind when we stand close to the Lord of the vineyard and fill our minds and hearts with all that is true, noble and good. Then if our minds and hearts are right we will be able to love what He loves and do what He does. That in essence is what bearing worthwhile fruit means. It is the outward demonstration of our inward disposition. Thoughts are roots; words are leaves; actions are fruits.
With the passage of time, I have realized that our responses have not been adequate, while the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point. In addition to this possibility, it is indubitable that the impact of climate change will increasingly prejudice the lives and families of many persons. Pope Francis (4 October 2023) on the present climate crisis
PLANTED BY GOD Lord, you planted me on this earth. You fenced me around with the love of family and friends. Their care towered over me. In the shelter of this tower I grew in safety and peace. I put early blossoms; I filled up with leaves. People had great hopes for me You had great hopes for me. But now the year of my life is passing. The harvest is approaching. What fruit have I shown? What if after all this care, I had nothing to offer but sour grapes? May you, Lord, have mercy on me, And with your patient urging help me to produce the fruits of love.
Anniversaries at this Time: John Carty (Lecarrow)
Congratulations to our u12 Football team on their recent Final Win.
Birthday Congratulations (90!) to Eilish Kelly who turned
90 on October 1st.
Sat 7th Oct 7pm Oliver & Philomena (Billie) Macklin
Monday 9th October 10am
Tues 10th Oct 10am
Wed 11th Oct 10am
Thurs 12th Oct 10am
Fri 13th Oct 10am
Sat 14th Oct 12 Noon Mary Allen M/M
Sat 14th Oct 7pm John Flannery (10th A.)
MONIES: Sept 30/Oct 1st €850
Sunday 8th Oct 10:30 Pro Populo
Sunday 15th Oct 10:30
-Tim Devery (25A)
-Kathryn Kate Maleney Glynn (M/M)
Cluain Chiarain Mass 11/10/23 @ 7:30pm
RECENT DEATHS Please pray for the repose of the soul of Danny Farrelly
Saturday 7 Oct. Our Lady of the Rosary. Monday 9 Oct.: St. John Henry Newman. SS Denis, Bp & Companions. St. John Leonardi.
St. JH Newman was canonised on 13th Oct 2019 and is remembered for his gentle scholarship, deep human wisdom and profound love for the Lord
Wednesday 11 Oct.: St. John XXIII Pope, St. Canice. St. John XXIII Elected Pope 28th Oct. 1958. Despite his age and humble background, a farmers son from northern Italy, Pope John XX111 was one of the most influential popes of the modern era. In 1962 he called the Second Vatican Council. At the opening of the Council he opposed the ‘ the prophets of doom’ and said “nowadays however, the spouse of Christ (church) prefers to make use of the medicine of mercy rather that that of severity” He and John Paul 11 were canonized on the same day in 2014. Called the second Vatican council which began on the 11th Oct. 1962. He died 3rd June 1963.
Prayer for Peace Pope St John XXIII – Lord Jesus Christ, who are called the Prince of Peace, who are yourself our peace and reconciliation, who so often said, 'Peace to you,' grant us peace. Make all men and women witnesses of truth, justice, and brotherly love. Banish from their hearts whatever might endanger peace. Enlighten our rulers that they may guarantee and defend the great gift of peace. May all peoples of the earth becomes as brothers and sisters. May longed-for peace blossom forth and reign always over us all.
Saturday 14 Oct.: St. Callistus I
Monastic Vocations Weekend for women at St Benedict's Priory, Cobh, Co Cork 28th-29th October. For more information contact Mother Prioress: 021 4811354
Shannonbridge GAA are holding a dinner dance to commemorate the 50th anniversary since our club’s foundation. Join us for a night of memories, music & more in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Athlone on Sunday 29th October at 7 pm. Tickets are €40. Please call or text Paula Claffey on 087 689 1036 or Roger Ryan on 087 056 3987 to confirm your ticket order
SHANNONBRIDGE LOTTO Oct 2nd ‘23 Numbers drawn 12-14-26-30 No Winner, Three Match 3 Next Draw 9-10-23 Jackpot stands at €12,200
Confirmation 2023 Made contact again on Friday 6th October with the Office. A list of Confirmation Dates for the 41 parishes expected in near future from Bishop Paul.
First Communion 2023 Should be deciding with parents between May 4th and 25th... To be determined
ENROLMENT FOR FIRST COMMUNION/CONFIRMATION Saturday, November 11th 2023 ät 7pm in Shannonbridge.
ATHLONE LITTLE THEATRE - Invites you to , ‘Four Minutes Twelve Seconds’ by James Fritz, directed by Joe MacCarrick from Wednesday, October 18 to Wednesday, October 25 at 8pm by special arrangement with Berlin Associates. There’s a Sunday matinee performance only on October 22 at 3pm. This play contains adult themes and is not suitable for anyone under 12. Booking via or Eventbrite.
BIRR ARTS THEATRE - Presents Emer Dunne Trio ‘Folk Threads’ on Saturday 21st October. Irish, Scottish and American folk songs and music ‘Grace’, ‘Sweet Sixteen’ and contemporary surprises. Show at 8pm. Tickets €18 (plus booking fee). Special discount for groups of ten. Contact 057 9122911 or book online or - Invites you to the first play of the new autumn season, ‘Four Minutes Twelve Seconds’ by James Fritz, directed by Joe MacCarrick from Wednesday, October 18 to Wednesday, October 25 at 8pm by special arrangement with Berlin Associates. There’s a Sunday matinee performance only on October 22 at 3pm. This play contains adult themes and is not suitable for anyone under 12. Booking via or Eventbrite.
BIRR ARTS THEATRE - Presents Emer Dunne Trio ‘Folk Threads’ on Saturday 21st October. Irish, Scottish and American folk songs and music ‘Grace’, ‘Sweet Sixteen’ and contemporary surprises. Show at 8pm. Tickets €18 (plus booking fee). Special discount for groups of ten. Contact 057 9122911 or book online or
: It meets on the theme “For a Synodal Church:Communion, Participation&Mission”
Prayer for the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome (4-29 October 2023)
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.
Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move For this year’s World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis has chosen a theme inspired by the story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, in the Gospel of Luke “Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move”. The two disciples were confused and dismayed, but their en counter with Christ sparked in them the enthusiastic desire to set out again towards Jerusalem and proclaim that the Lord had truly risen. Please remember our Missionaries. .
BUS TO PRO LIFE CONFERENCE IN DUBLIN - On Saturday 14th October. Bus picks-up at Athlone Coosan Church Car Park at 8:35am. Fare €20. Booking essential. Please contact Siobhan on 083 0254 809. For further information see
MINISTRIES Readers: 1410/23 @7pm Fiachra Anderson 15/10/23 @10:30am Anniv. Intn Reader (Cf)Communion 14/10/23 @7pm Deirdre Kenny 15/10/23@10:30am Declan McEvoy Church CarePaula Claffey, Antoinette Kelly, Deirdre Kenny (SB) Eithne Rohan, Della Fitzgerald (CF) Counters Shannonbridge (October) Servers; 14/10/23 L. Fitzpatrick, J. Darcy (SB) 15/10/23 Clonfanlough T. Rohan, J. Rohan, Keelan Kelly, Kara Kelly
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