Wednesday evening was calm and peaceful and ideal for a trip on the river. Mick had promised to take two Swiss visitors staying in Grouse Lodge for a trip in the boat, and as Paulien Kemp was walking back to her Self Catering below Clonmacnois, she joined us and we headed upstream to deliver Paulien at Clonmacnois.In the eight miles we met two boats and saw lots of birds including two swans sitting up on the bankside looking like they were preparing to nest. Wondered if it was a sign that the river level was going to rise as they were some three feet above the water line.
The Shannonbridge power plant officially closes today and Father O Hanlon has been asked to celebrate Mass for the remaining staff in the canteen building this morning. Already see a number of retired staff arriving such as Paddy Kiernan from Belmont and Michael Devine
Who both spent many years working there. The new power plant has been built close to the old plant and is called West Offaly Power. It is working away and it uses the same pumphouse and culverts as the old plant. Fishermen will be glad to hear that there is a good flow of hot or heated water coming from the outflow culvert.
The table quiz last night raised over 100 Euro for the Alive free newspaper which is kept going on voluntary subscriptions.
Library tonight at 7.00 PM
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Father Peter Kenny from Moore and Los Angeles was on the phone for an Easter greeting and told us that he is in good form and hopes to come home on holiday in June. He was enquiring about his namesake Patrick Kenny, America. Yesterday Patrick was in Shannonbridge with John Hardiman who is home on holidays from London and both are in top form. It was good of John to bring along the photograph of Mrs Mulvey and lucky enough our webmaster Mike was home and stuck it on this page for us. See below. The photograph was taken just upstream from the bridge, which can be seen in the background.
The death is reported of the death of famed Irish fiddle player Sean McGuire, who had a famous Ceili band and in the 1960s and 1970s he toured with Joe Burke the accordionist, and with Barney McKenna of the Dubliners.
Weather was glorious for the Easter and the flower arrangement in the church was again a work of art with about seven arrangements and the windows also decorated. Well done to Mary Kelly and helpers if any.
Easter called for a haircut so on Saturday morning I got a lift to Ballinasloe with Sister Alocoque to visit Joe Keogh, the Barber and was lucky enough to get squeezed in before lunch. Went for a walk and visited Father John Higgins who is in great form in the retirement home. Tells me that he is kept busy and celebrates daily Mass six days a week, which has a congregation of about twenty people from the locality. Recently this has doubled in size as the nuns from the nearby retirement home attend on three mornings and he goes over to celebrate Mass with them on the other three mornings. Called up to see Ciaran Flannery but he had been discharged from Portiuncula hospital. Gemma Henry is still there and please remember her in your prayers. Was lucky to get a lift home with Bishop Joe Cassidy who is in good form again.
Death occurred over the weekend of Mary Martin, mother of Marian McManus and funeral arrangements are on paper today. May she rest in peace.
Well done to the local Offaly Engineer Willie Ryan for arranging to have a skip placed on the quayside for the use of boats. On Saturday evening I noticed that it was full and straddling the top of the skip was a timber frame which I doubt came from a boat.
The Library is open again on this Thursday night 7 to 9 PM. The table quiz this week is in aid of the Alive free newspaper.
The Millennium Cross of daffodils was in full bloom for the Easter on Lamb Island upstream from the bridge.
Saint Patrick's night in Shannonbridge was marked with the removal of a First Aid kit and a Fire Extinguisher from their housing on the floating jetty.
And speaking of Patrick's Day it was great to see some of the photographs taken by Tom and Margaret Carty during their recent visit to Boston and the New York parade photos which had great views of the city and close up views of Gene and Mrs Carty and Chris Price bedecked in big hats for the occasion and looking mighty well.
The death is reported of the death of famed Irish fiddle player Sean McGuire, who had a famous Ceili band and in the 1960s and 1970s he toured with Joe Burke the accordionist, and with Barney McKenna of the Dubliners.
Weather was glorious for the Easter and the flower arrangement in the church was again a work of art with about seven arrangements and the windows also decorated. Well done to Mary Kelly and helpers if any.
Easter called for a haircut so on Saturday morning I got a lift to Ballinasloe with Sister Alocoque to visit Joe Keogh, the Barber and was lucky enough to get squeezed in before lunch. Went for a walk and visited Father John Higgins who is in great form in the retirement home. Tells me that he is kept busy and celebrates daily Mass six days a week, which has a congregation of about twenty people from the locality. Recently this has doubled in size as the nuns from the nearby retirement home attend on three mornings and he goes over to celebrate Mass with them on the other three mornings. Called up to see Ciaran Flannery but he had been discharged from Portiuncula hospital. Gemma Henry is still there and please remember her in your prayers. Was lucky to get a lift home with Bishop Joe Cassidy who is in good form again.
Death occurred over the weekend of Mary Martin, mother of Marian McManus and funeral arrangements are on paper today. May she rest in peace.
Well done to the local Offaly Engineer Willie Ryan for arranging to have a skip placed on the quayside for the use of boats. On Saturday evening I noticed that it was full and straddling the top of the skip was a timber frame which I doubt came from a boat.
The Library is open again on this Thursday night 7 to 9 PM. The table quiz this week is in aid of the Alive free newspaper.
The Millennium Cross of daffodils was in full bloom for the Easter on Lamb Island upstream from the bridge.
Saint Patrick's night in Shannonbridge was marked with the removal of a First Aid kit and a Fire Extinguisher from their housing on the floating jetty.
And speaking of Patrick's Day it was great to see some of the photographs taken by Tom and Margaret Carty during their recent visit to Boston and the New York parade photos which had great views of the city and close up views of Gene and Mrs Carty and Chris Price bedecked in big hats for the occasion and looking mighty well.
Raffled a basket of Easter Goodies over the weekend which realised 306 Euro for the Missionaries of The Sacred Heart - African Aids project. Thanks to everyone that supported the raffle. The winner was a Paddy Fox with a mobile phone address. Noticed the name Wallace on the chart on Thursday night and on enquiry it turned out to be a son of Henri Wallace that worked on the building of the original power plants in Shannonbridge over forty years ago. Henri married a sister of Ciaran Kelly, the Ceili Band man. His son told us that Henri is in great form and living outside Athlone.
Easter brought many visitors to the village both on land and on water. It was good to see Ken and Betty Smith and their daughter Linda from Santa Barbara take a week to visit family and friends. Unfortunately the week ends today, but they have plans to stop by again in September. Last night they noted that they missed the quiz for Uganda last week and left a generous donation for the orphanage. Linda had her own pet shop in California for years and when she saw Moby, she told us that Lowlamd terriers are subject to skin problems and she recommended Lipiderm either in capsule or liquid form. Speaking of Moby, yesterday morning he was basking in the sun outside the door, when suddenly he spotted his hairdresser coming out from Morans shop across the way. Quick as a flash he headed off to his favourite hiding spot, as he is not fond of haircuts or washing. But he had a ball walking with a number of visiting children over the weekend.
Other welcome visitors for Easter were Noel Sloane and his daughter Dervilla who were visiting family and friends in the general area.
Derek Evans in the Irish Times angling notes yesterday features a photograph of Alan Steward holding a pike weighing 46 LB. Caught in Oaks trout fishery in Derry, which if ratified will be a new Irish Record. River pike are fitter and so do not weigh as much as those caught in a lake. Yesterday our own Steve Nell had a go pike fishing near his home on the River Suck. Using a dead roach and fishing on the bottom he caught a beautiful pike that weighed 24 LB. 12 Ounces. He weighed it and returned it alive after taking a photograph on his digital. He promised you a copy.
Easter brought many visitors to the village both on land and on water. It was good to see Ken and Betty Smith and their daughter Linda from Santa Barbara take a week to visit family and friends. Unfortunately the week ends today, but they have plans to stop by again in September. Last night they noted that they missed the quiz for Uganda last week and left a generous donation for the orphanage. Linda had her own pet shop in California for years and when she saw Moby, she told us that Lowlamd terriers are subject to skin problems and she recommended Lipiderm either in capsule or liquid form. Speaking of Moby, yesterday morning he was basking in the sun outside the door, when suddenly he spotted his hairdresser coming out from Morans shop across the way. Quick as a flash he headed off to his favourite hiding spot, as he is not fond of haircuts or washing. But he had a ball walking with a number of visiting children over the weekend.
Other welcome visitors for Easter were Noel Sloane and his daughter Dervilla who were visiting family and friends in the general area.
Derek Evans in the Irish Times angling notes yesterday features a photograph of Alan Steward holding a pike weighing 46 LB. Caught in Oaks trout fishery in Derry, which if ratified will be a new Irish Record. River pike are fitter and so do not weigh as much as those caught in a lake. Yesterday our own Steve Nell had a go pike fishing near his home on the River Suck. Using a dead roach and fishing on the bottom he caught a beautiful pike that weighed 24 LB. 12 Ounces. He weighed it and returned it alive after taking a photograph on his digital. He promised you a copy.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 27th March 2005 - Easter Sun A
Tel (090) 9674125
Fax (090) 9674267
Masses: Mon @ 11am; rest of week @ 10am.
Adoration all day on First Fri; Rosary & Benediction @ 6pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €478. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: J.Kelly, A.Finnerty, T.Goldie
Eucharistic ministers: Group 3
Readers for next Weekend: E.Quinn, C.Doolan
Altar Servers for this week: : Katie, Mary - Anne, Tara.
Mass on next Sat for Frank Coleman & family deceased
Mass on First Fri @ 7pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €275. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: B.Maleney, H.Hynes
Readers for next Sunday: D.Boland, C.Higgins
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 1
Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: N.Egan
Many thanks for you generous support for the SIA (Emigrant) Fund on St Patrick's Day. With the help of your contributions we have sent €580.00 to the Fund..
Many thanks to all those who made any contribution to the celebration of the Holy Week ceremonies; to all who played a part in preparing for & in the celebration of the Liturgy, and to all who encouraged us by their attendance & co-operation
Which Way to Go
Dr. Seamands tells of a Muslim who became a Christian in Africa. “Some of his friends asked him, ‘Why have you become a Christian?’
He answered, ‘Well, it’s like this. Suppose you were going down the road and suddenly the road forked in two directions, and you didn’t know which way to go, and there at the fork in the road were two men, one dead and one alive—which one would you ask which way to go?’“ (Warren Webster, April, 1980, HIS, p. 13)
Shannonbridge / Clonmacnois Women's Group
Meeting on Tues @ 9pm in Killeens.
Highstreet / Belmont Women's Group
Annual Variety Concert 'April Follies' in Highstreet Hall, @ 8.30pm on Fri 1st April. All proceeds go to Crumlin Hospital for sick children
Do you need?
Sand & gravel, plant hire, site clearance, track machine hire etc
Contact Eamon Dolan, Banagher; tel 0509-52996; 087-9227296
Busiime bwa Weele JN 3.16
"Sikila Weele asiima sibala mala aana Omwana wewe omutelwa, nio buli omundu omusubila alobe khutiba ta, mala anyoole bulamu bukhaliwayo ta".
'The stone at the tomb of Jesus was a pebble to the Rock of Ages inside'. (Frederick Beck)
Sunday 27th March 2005 - Easter Sun A
Tel (090) 9674125
Fax (090) 9674267
Masses: Mon @ 11am; rest of week @ 10am.
Adoration all day on First Fri; Rosary & Benediction @ 6pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €478. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: J.Kelly, A.Finnerty, T.Goldie
Eucharistic ministers: Group 3
Readers for next Weekend: E.Quinn, C.Doolan
Altar Servers for this week: : Katie, Mary - Anne, Tara.
Mass on next Sat for Frank Coleman & family deceased
Mass on First Fri @ 7pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €275. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: B.Maleney, H.Hynes
Readers for next Sunday: D.Boland, C.Higgins
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 1
Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: N.Egan
Many thanks for you generous support for the SIA (Emigrant) Fund on St Patrick's Day. With the help of your contributions we have sent €580.00 to the Fund..
Many thanks to all those who made any contribution to the celebration of the Holy Week ceremonies; to all who played a part in preparing for & in the celebration of the Liturgy, and to all who encouraged us by their attendance & co-operation
Which Way to Go
Dr. Seamands tells of a Muslim who became a Christian in Africa. “Some of his friends asked him, ‘Why have you become a Christian?’
He answered, ‘Well, it’s like this. Suppose you were going down the road and suddenly the road forked in two directions, and you didn’t know which way to go, and there at the fork in the road were two men, one dead and one alive—which one would you ask which way to go?’“ (Warren Webster, April, 1980, HIS, p. 13)
Shannonbridge / Clonmacnois Women's Group
Meeting on Tues @ 9pm in Killeens.
Highstreet / Belmont Women's Group
Annual Variety Concert 'April Follies' in Highstreet Hall, @ 8.30pm on Fri 1st April. All proceeds go to Crumlin Hospital for sick children
Do you need?
Sand & gravel, plant hire, site clearance, track machine hire etc
Contact Eamon Dolan, Banagher; tel 0509-52996; 087-9227296
Busiime bwa Weele JN 3.16
"Sikila Weele asiima sibala mala aana Omwana wewe omutelwa, nio buli omundu omusubila alobe khutiba ta, mala anyoole bulamu bukhaliwayo ta".
'The stone at the tomb of Jesus was a pebble to the Rock of Ages inside'. (Frederick Beck)
Thursday, March 24, 2005
The bold Ken and Betty Smith from California arrived with their daughter Linda last evening absolutely worn out after a ten- hour trip to London and a link up to Shannon. Ken likes to take a few of his favourite bottles of wine along but the special wine carrier case got lost in transit. Sadly this time they are not staying in Shannonbridge as their favourite house was not available. They were glad to meet Kate who was attending the weekly quiz, which was in aid of the Uganda Orphanage. The quiz on next week is for the Alive free paper which relies on voluntary subscriptions.
Dennis Mc Loughlin enquired a couple of days ago whether Clonmacnois had any Killeen connections and of course I told him about St. Killin that went to Wurtzburg about the 9th century. Today he sent an assload of information on the Gaels and the city of Wurtzburg.
Presently clearing out piles of historic documents before the power plant closes next week. Found two old mortuary cards. One for Mary Theresa Lane, Shannonbridge , Ballinasloe, who died on the 17th July, 1926, aged 11 years. The other one was for Annie Marie Belton , Shannon bridge, who died on the 16th December, 1908, aged 16 years. May they rest in peace.
Weather has been as forecast with showers and sunny patches and overcast.
Found an old saying on a slip of paper " Dip in the pan, and leave the herring for your father".
Happy Easter to you all.
Dennis Mc Loughlin enquired a couple of days ago whether Clonmacnois had any Killeen connections and of course I told him about St. Killin that went to Wurtzburg about the 9th century. Today he sent an assload of information on the Gaels and the city of Wurtzburg.
Presently clearing out piles of historic documents before the power plant closes next week. Found two old mortuary cards. One for Mary Theresa Lane, Shannonbridge , Ballinasloe, who died on the 17th July, 1926, aged 11 years. The other one was for Annie Marie Belton , Shannon bridge, who died on the 16th December, 1908, aged 16 years. May they rest in peace.
Weather has been as forecast with showers and sunny patches and overcast.
Found an old saying on a slip of paper " Dip in the pan, and leave the herring for your father".
Happy Easter to you all.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The talk last night was about the new lights on the road leading to the power station that were lit for the first time yesterday evening and they really look well. Hopefully lights will be fitted along the walkway out to Ard Chiarain on the west bank soon.
Remember a table quiz in aid of The Missionaries of The Sacred Heart a few weeks ago ?.
Well yesterday the postman brought a letter of thanks for the money raised at the quiz and from the mite boxes and a private donation. Also enclosed was a poster thanking those that attended and about a dozen large photographs taken at the quiz by the priest that had travelled up from Cork to attend the quiz. You can see them tonight at the table quiz , which is being held for the Uganda orphanage that we got to know last year thanks to Kate.
The popular green book on The Irish Golfers Guide to Open Fixtures 2005 compiled by Oliver Hilliard is just about to go to print and should be available in a few weeks. A feature of the book is a day by day diary of the golf courses around Ireland that have an Open Day feature on that day. Usually green fees are greatly reduced on that day and the course is open to play on.
Dave and Paulien Kemp arrived on Monday and Dave linked up with Steve Nell to fish the Grand Canal where there caught some nice rudd, roach and skimmers. Pauline told us that the Tourist Office in Clonmacnois has just opened for the season and that they have a wonderful array of books on Clonmacnois and the area. Pauline spent a time looking around Clonmacnois and was in awe at the stonework at The Nun's Church.
Weather today is bright and sunny at present with a few showers forecast. Rain moving in from the south this evening. Temperatures ranging from 11C / 52F to 14C / 57F.
Remember a table quiz in aid of The Missionaries of The Sacred Heart a few weeks ago ?.
Well yesterday the postman brought a letter of thanks for the money raised at the quiz and from the mite boxes and a private donation. Also enclosed was a poster thanking those that attended and about a dozen large photographs taken at the quiz by the priest that had travelled up from Cork to attend the quiz. You can see them tonight at the table quiz , which is being held for the Uganda orphanage that we got to know last year thanks to Kate.
The popular green book on The Irish Golfers Guide to Open Fixtures 2005 compiled by Oliver Hilliard is just about to go to print and should be available in a few weeks. A feature of the book is a day by day diary of the golf courses around Ireland that have an Open Day feature on that day. Usually green fees are greatly reduced on that day and the course is open to play on.
Dave and Paulien Kemp arrived on Monday and Dave linked up with Steve Nell to fish the Grand Canal where there caught some nice rudd, roach and skimmers. Pauline told us that the Tourist Office in Clonmacnois has just opened for the season and that they have a wonderful array of books on Clonmacnois and the area. Pauline spent a time looking around Clonmacnois and was in awe at the stonework at The Nun's Church.
Weather today is bright and sunny at present with a few showers forecast. Rain moving in from the south this evening. Temperatures ranging from 11C / 52F to 14C / 57F.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Catch of another large pikeyesterday. This time by a German visitor. John Dirksen's party who are on a Waveline cruiser. Yesterday on their way to Shannonbridge they caught three pike weighing 6 LB, 16LB, and a whopping 25 Lb one. They were using a Two -part Loud Mouth lure called "Follow Me".
John told us that the fish gave great fight and were returned alive to the water. He will forward pictures.
Beggars make rags
Rags make paper
Paper make Banknotes
Banknotes make banks
Banks make loans
Loans make beggars
Beggars make rags.
John told us that the fish gave great fight and were returned alive to the water. He will forward pictures.
Beggars make rags
Rags make paper
Paper make Banknotes
Banknotes make banks
Banks make loans
Loans make beggars
Beggars make rags.
Sir, I give hereunder an item that I would appreciate if you display same on the Shannonbridge Website. Thanking in anticipation.
A Reunion of the McNeill, Related & Connected Families will take place in Athlone over the weekend of June 4th.5th & 6th. 2005.
The McNeill Family hail from Curraghbui, in the townland of Bloomhill, in the parish of Ballinahown.
The celebrations will commence on Saturday June 4th. with a trip on the Shannon from Athlone to Clonmacnoise, passing the original homestead, on the banks of the Shannon. At Clonmacnoise, a tour of the Monastic Site, and a viewing of the Audio Visual Presentation and also a guided tour of the Old Cemetery, where generations of the family are buried will follow.
Sunday June 5th. at 2.30pm Mass in remembrance of the dead generations will be celebrated. Immediately after Mass, a lecture on the Family and the genealogy of the Family, followed by a question & answer session will follow.
At 6.30pm all will sit down to dinner, and at 9.00pm a dance and singsong session will commence, and continue until, all are too tired to continue. On Monday June 6th. around noon, a picture show will start, showing pictures of places and people associated with the family over the 230 years since the Family first came to Curraghbui.
Anyone who is related, thinks they are related, or would like to be related is welcome, please contact Stephen J.McNeill, Phone (0506) 41896, email by April 4th. at the latest.
A Reunion of the McNeill, Related & Connected Families will take place in Athlone over the weekend of June 4th.5th & 6th. 2005.
The McNeill Family hail from Curraghbui, in the townland of Bloomhill, in the parish of Ballinahown.
The celebrations will commence on Saturday June 4th. with a trip on the Shannon from Athlone to Clonmacnoise, passing the original homestead, on the banks of the Shannon. At Clonmacnoise, a tour of the Monastic Site, and a viewing of the Audio Visual Presentation and also a guided tour of the Old Cemetery, where generations of the family are buried will follow.
Sunday June 5th. at 2.30pm Mass in remembrance of the dead generations will be celebrated. Immediately after Mass, a lecture on the Family and the genealogy of the Family, followed by a question & answer session will follow.
At 6.30pm all will sit down to dinner, and at 9.00pm a dance and singsong session will commence, and continue until, all are too tired to continue. On Monday June 6th. around noon, a picture show will start, showing pictures of places and people associated with the family over the 230 years since the Family first came to Curraghbui.
Anyone who is related, thinks they are related, or would like to be related is welcome, please contact Stephen J.McNeill, Phone (0506) 41896, email
This is Katty from Belgium, friend of the Donegans familie.
I hope you're all well over there and you're all got a great Paddy's Day.
Here in Belgium the celebration was fantastic , until the early hours as
we have no closing time here.
I'm very happy that I can read your news every day so I don't feel so
"for away from my Irish home"
I'll will be back at the 8th of April and hope to see you all in good
Take care for so long and a Happy Easter
Talk soon.
Katty en Dimitri (my son)
I hope you're all well over there and you're all got a great Paddy's Day.
Here in Belgium the celebration was fantastic , until the early hours as
we have no closing time here.
I'm very happy that I can read your news every day so I don't feel so
"for away from my Irish home"
I'll will be back at the 8th of April and hope to see you all in good
Take care for so long and a Happy Easter
Talk soon.
Katty en Dimitri (my son)
Monday, March 21, 2005
Michael and David Walsh from Durrow who caught the specimen pike on 13th March 2005 returned this weekend with two companions seeking other Specimen (over 20Lb) pike and fished all day Saturday without any luck. Yesterday Mick Walsh had a 12Lb pike on the River Suck fishing with a dead eel as bait. His son David Walsh had an 18 Lb. pike while legering a herring. Pat Dunphy missed five pike but caught one small Jack pike. Ray Fogarty did the business by landing a 21 Lb. pike using a herring on the bottom. All fish were caught on the River Suck and a boat was used to get to the preferred stretches.
It was a beginning to see five cruisers moored on the old jetty on Saturday evening. Noticed that no refuse skip available for general rubbish but there is a fine arrangement for recyclable bottles.
There is an amount of rubbish from the old jetty down to the Cut after the winter floods.
On Saturday two Dutchmen walked into Shannonbridge.Hans Lodders and Anjon Rosier from Narden, Holland are visiting Ireland on foot.They set out from Dublin on last Monday to walk to Galway. They reached Celbridge on Tuesday, Tullamore on Thursday and had a rest day. They were in Shannonbridge at 13.00 on Saturday and were planning to walk to Ballinasloe along the old canal that once linked Shannonharbour to Ballinasloe.So they crossed the bridge over the River Suck near Ragherabeg and they had very good maps, so no doubt they found the old canal. From Galway they plan to return to Dublin by bus on Wednesday so as to catch their plane to Holland.
Our golfers almost had a great weekend with Paul Mc Ginley beaten in a play off in China and Graham Mc Dowell sharing in the prizes in Florida.
Missed Tom and Margaret Carty at the weekend. They usually arrive down from Dublin on a Sunday evening but our Garrymore correspondent told us that they had gone to visit Gene Carty in Boston for a few days. Good for them.
Noticed a good few blooms of Daffodils in bloom on Lamb Island with the Millenium Cross not fully shown. Many Daffodils in bloom in Reddy's garden and primroses are in bloom in Ragherabeg.
Steve and Liz Nell have arrived for a few weeks break and Dave and Paulien Kemp are coming over from Bradford next weekend. Ken and Betty Smith from California will be here this week.
Had a phone-call from an old friend in San Diego - Will Goldsmith who tells us that all the neighbours and June and himself are in good form. Will still paints every day and his subjects are usually animals in funny layouts. And he sells them at open markets about.
Weather was glorious on Friday and Saturday but the rain arrived yesterday just as forecast. Showery weather is forecast for the next few days . Good Friday will be good.
The death occurred recently of Sis Boland, nee Finneran, Taughmaconnell, relic of Kevin Boland T.D. and sister of Paddy Finneran. May she rest in peace.
Remember the late Pat Corbett of The Aughrim Slopes singing The Old Bog Road a week ago while the cousins ate their breakfast in Rachra House ?. By coincidence I opened an old copy of Irelands Own and there were the words. -
The Old Bog Road
My feet are here on Broadway this
blessed harvest morn,
But, oh, the ache that's in them for
the spot where I was born.
My weary hands are blistered from
Toil in cold and heat,
And oh, to swing a scythe to-day
Through a field of Irish wheat.
Had I the chance to wander back or
Own a king's abode,
It's soon I'd see the hawthorn tree
By the old bog road.
My mother died last springtime
When Ireland's fields were green,
The neighbours said her waking as
The finest ever seen,
There were snowdrops and
Primroses piled up beside her bed,
And Ferns Church was crowded
When the funeral Mass was said,
And there was I on Broadway, and
Bitter was my load
When they carried out her coffin
Down the old bog road.
Ah, life's a weary puzzle past findind
Out by man,
I take the day for what it's worth
And do the best I can,
Since no one cares a rush for me,
What need to make a moan,
I go my way and draw my pay, and
Smoke my pipe alone.
Each human heart must beat its
Grief, though little be its load,
So God be with old Ireland and the
Old bog road.
It was a beginning to see five cruisers moored on the old jetty on Saturday evening. Noticed that no refuse skip available for general rubbish but there is a fine arrangement for recyclable bottles.
There is an amount of rubbish from the old jetty down to the Cut after the winter floods.
On Saturday two Dutchmen walked into Shannonbridge.Hans Lodders and Anjon Rosier from Narden, Holland are visiting Ireland on foot.They set out from Dublin on last Monday to walk to Galway. They reached Celbridge on Tuesday, Tullamore on Thursday and had a rest day. They were in Shannonbridge at 13.00 on Saturday and were planning to walk to Ballinasloe along the old canal that once linked Shannonharbour to Ballinasloe.So they crossed the bridge over the River Suck near Ragherabeg and they had very good maps, so no doubt they found the old canal. From Galway they plan to return to Dublin by bus on Wednesday so as to catch their plane to Holland.
Our golfers almost had a great weekend with Paul Mc Ginley beaten in a play off in China and Graham Mc Dowell sharing in the prizes in Florida.
Missed Tom and Margaret Carty at the weekend. They usually arrive down from Dublin on a Sunday evening but our Garrymore correspondent told us that they had gone to visit Gene Carty in Boston for a few days. Good for them.
Noticed a good few blooms of Daffodils in bloom on Lamb Island with the Millenium Cross not fully shown. Many Daffodils in bloom in Reddy's garden and primroses are in bloom in Ragherabeg.
Steve and Liz Nell have arrived for a few weeks break and Dave and Paulien Kemp are coming over from Bradford next weekend. Ken and Betty Smith from California will be here this week.
Had a phone-call from an old friend in San Diego - Will Goldsmith who tells us that all the neighbours and June and himself are in good form. Will still paints every day and his subjects are usually animals in funny layouts. And he sells them at open markets about.
Weather was glorious on Friday and Saturday but the rain arrived yesterday just as forecast. Showery weather is forecast for the next few days . Good Friday will be good.
The death occurred recently of Sis Boland, nee Finneran, Taughmaconnell, relic of Kevin Boland T.D. and sister of Paddy Finneran. May she rest in peace.
Remember the late Pat Corbett of The Aughrim Slopes singing The Old Bog Road a week ago while the cousins ate their breakfast in Rachra House ?. By coincidence I opened an old copy of Irelands Own and there were the words. -
The Old Bog Road
My feet are here on Broadway this
blessed harvest morn,
But, oh, the ache that's in them for
the spot where I was born.
My weary hands are blistered from
Toil in cold and heat,
And oh, to swing a scythe to-day
Through a field of Irish wheat.
Had I the chance to wander back or
Own a king's abode,
It's soon I'd see the hawthorn tree
By the old bog road.
My mother died last springtime
When Ireland's fields were green,
The neighbours said her waking as
The finest ever seen,
There were snowdrops and
Primroses piled up beside her bed,
And Ferns Church was crowded
When the funeral Mass was said,
And there was I on Broadway, and
Bitter was my load
When they carried out her coffin
Down the old bog road.
Ah, life's a weary puzzle past findind
Out by man,
I take the day for what it's worth
And do the best I can,
Since no one cares a rush for me,
What need to make a moan,
I go my way and draw my pay, and
Smoke my pipe alone.
Each human heart must beat its
Grief, though little be its load,
So God be with old Ireland and the
Old bog road.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Saint Patrick's Day turned out dry and mild and ideal for watching parades , racing and games.
Mass in Shannonbridge kicked off with all the responses and hymns sung in Irish, which sounded so well that they should consider having a few repeats at intervals during the year.
Shannonharbour boat people had a parade along the street with four men marching with an oar over the shoulder followed by six men carrying a canoe. It must have been nearly as short as the shortest parade of the day claimed by a village in County Cork, where they paraded from one pub across the street to the other pub. Many of the youth decided to head for Wales in time for the rugby match at the weekend, while others headed for Twickenham to see Manchester United play. Frank Guinan was saying that there would be no proper training session for the local footballers until Tuesday because of this.
Reports that the parade in Ballinasloe was very good with lots of children taking part. Barry Quinn was telling us on Wednesday evening that he would be marching in Ballinasloe with the FCA. Barry reckons that there would be about thirty military marching. He remembers only a few years ago that over ninety FCA marched in three squadrons and attended Mass in Saint Michael's Church before the parade. A colour party was included. This year they were instructed to assemble at a meeting point and just join the parade.
Weather news told us that Scotland had the highest temperature in Edinburgh for a very long time.
Here at home today we are promised sunny intervals inland. It will be mild with temperatures from 13C / 55F to 16C / 61F.
Met about twenty-five people from Wales who arrived yesterday morning and had called to Clonmacnois on their way to Galway. Seems that the White hotel group is offering them an attractive package for a four-day mini break. One lady told us that she had been over to Dublin twice. She had considered coming over and taking a car but the ferry price was too expensive.
The table quiz next week will be in aid of the children's orphanage in Uganda where Kate did her volunteer work last year. The village felt very close to Uganda at the time and the idea for the table quiz is to keep in contact someway. Seems they need a little help as Kate tells us in her corner.
Finally RUBBISH. Doc was here yesterday and she took her dog Mollie along the riverside downstream from the old jetty as far as the Cut for a walk. She discovered a great lot of litter, mostly bottles along the way and filled two sackful.. They were too heavy to carry home. Mentioned it to Oliver Darcy and he says that the ditches along the Clonmacnois road have an amount of rubbish thrown into them including a television set close to the gateway leading into his field.
The death occured on Wednesday of Tony Rogers from Donard in Wicklow, a brother of Jim Rogers Shannonbridge. Tony was a frequent visitor to Shannonbridge over the years. His remains were removed to the Donard church last evening and his funeral took place today in Wicklow. May he rest in peace.
Mass in Shannonbridge kicked off with all the responses and hymns sung in Irish, which sounded so well that they should consider having a few repeats at intervals during the year.
Shannonharbour boat people had a parade along the street with four men marching with an oar over the shoulder followed by six men carrying a canoe. It must have been nearly as short as the shortest parade of the day claimed by a village in County Cork, where they paraded from one pub across the street to the other pub. Many of the youth decided to head for Wales in time for the rugby match at the weekend, while others headed for Twickenham to see Manchester United play. Frank Guinan was saying that there would be no proper training session for the local footballers until Tuesday because of this.
Reports that the parade in Ballinasloe was very good with lots of children taking part. Barry Quinn was telling us on Wednesday evening that he would be marching in Ballinasloe with the FCA. Barry reckons that there would be about thirty military marching. He remembers only a few years ago that over ninety FCA marched in three squadrons and attended Mass in Saint Michael's Church before the parade. A colour party was included. This year they were instructed to assemble at a meeting point and just join the parade.
Weather news told us that Scotland had the highest temperature in Edinburgh for a very long time.
Here at home today we are promised sunny intervals inland. It will be mild with temperatures from 13C / 55F to 16C / 61F.
Met about twenty-five people from Wales who arrived yesterday morning and had called to Clonmacnois on their way to Galway. Seems that the White hotel group is offering them an attractive package for a four-day mini break. One lady told us that she had been over to Dublin twice. She had considered coming over and taking a car but the ferry price was too expensive.
The table quiz next week will be in aid of the children's orphanage in Uganda where Kate did her volunteer work last year. The village felt very close to Uganda at the time and the idea for the table quiz is to keep in contact someway. Seems they need a little help as Kate tells us in her corner.
Finally RUBBISH. Doc was here yesterday and she took her dog Mollie along the riverside downstream from the old jetty as far as the Cut for a walk. She discovered a great lot of litter, mostly bottles along the way and filled two sackful.. They were too heavy to carry home. Mentioned it to Oliver Darcy and he says that the ditches along the Clonmacnois road have an amount of rubbish thrown into them including a television set close to the gateway leading into his field.
The death occured on Wednesday of Tony Rogers from Donard in Wicklow, a brother of Jim Rogers Shannonbridge. Tony was a frequent visitor to Shannonbridge over the years. His remains were removed to the Donard church last evening and his funeral took place today in Wicklow. May he rest in peace.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Sniat Ptracik Day to you all
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
What oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny
Iprmoetnt tihng is that
Frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The
Rset can be a toatl mses
And you can still raed it wouthit porbelm. This is
Bcuseae we do not raed
Ervey lteter by it slef but the word as a wlohe.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
What oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny
Iprmoetnt tihng is that
Frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The
Rset can be a toatl mses
And you can still raed it wouthit porbelm. This is
Bcuseae we do not raed
Ervey lteter by it slef but the word as a wlohe.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Cheltenham four day horse racing festival starts today and the Ballinasloe syndicated horse Essex runs today. Last time he won the local bookies had not enough money to pay out until the banks opened. Martin Burke reckons the bet for today is that the Irish horses win the first three races.
Paddy Power Bookmakers are opening a new branch office in Ballinasloe just in time for Cheltenham. It is located in The Square in the former ESB shop.
Went to the Talk by Father John Cullen in Ard Chiarain last night. It turned out to be a group session where one was given a paper and pen and asked to write down what one thought of certain words such as sanctity ,hope etc. He will be back in April so keep an eye on the Bulletin and give it a lash.
After that there was the Community meeting in the Hall and about ten people attended. Appears the GAA had a meeting at the same time to finalize details of their annual golf outing to Moate on Easter Monday. Anyhow a follow up meeting for the Community is to be arranged and notice will again be given in the Newsletter.
Death occurred of Lorna Hogan, Banagher. Removal this evening and burial tomorrow. May she rest in peace.
No library this week or next week. The regular readers topped up with extra books last Thursday.
The weekly table quiz in Killeens on Wednesday night is a fundraiser for The Oblate Fathers mission fund and starts at 9.45 pm.
The device consists of a store of solid fuel, means to melt this fuel at a steady rate and store it temporarily in a reservoir, and means to raise a stream of melted fuel from said reservoir into a region where it is further heated, vaporised and finally burnt in a stream of air. ???
Paddy Power Bookmakers are opening a new branch office in Ballinasloe just in time for Cheltenham. It is located in The Square in the former ESB shop.
Went to the Talk by Father John Cullen in Ard Chiarain last night. It turned out to be a group session where one was given a paper and pen and asked to write down what one thought of certain words such as sanctity ,hope etc. He will be back in April so keep an eye on the Bulletin and give it a lash.
After that there was the Community meeting in the Hall and about ten people attended. Appears the GAA had a meeting at the same time to finalize details of their annual golf outing to Moate on Easter Monday. Anyhow a follow up meeting for the Community is to be arranged and notice will again be given in the Newsletter.
Death occurred of Lorna Hogan, Banagher. Removal this evening and burial tomorrow. May she rest in peace.
No library this week or next week. The regular readers topped up with extra books last Thursday.
The weekly table quiz in Killeens on Wednesday night is a fundraiser for The Oblate Fathers mission fund and starts at 9.45 pm.
The device consists of a store of solid fuel, means to melt this fuel at a steady rate and store it temporarily in a reservoir, and means to raise a stream of melted fuel from said reservoir into a region where it is further heated, vaporised and finally burnt in a stream of air. ???
Conor Killeen, GAA club PRO Reports:
Senior Challenge
Shannonbridge 0-11
Padraig Pearces 0-12
Shannonbridge took on Roscommon side Padraig Pearces
on Saturday evening last in Shannonbridge in what
turned out to be a well contested game.
This was a good run out for the Bridge, but
unfortunately for the Blue and Gold came out on the
wrong side of the result.
There were some very good displays from the
Shannonbridge young guns. Manager Padraig McMcgowen
will be pleased with the way Shane flannery,Kieran
Norton and the ever improving Paul Maloney played.
Pearces Man Niall Fineran was the match winner for the
Roscommon side scoring an excellent point in the final
minutes to seal victory for the visitors.
Golf Classic
Shannonbridge GAA club will hold their annual Golf
classic in Moate Golf Club on Easter Monday the 28th
of March.
All Pros and novices are welcome, the competition will
have teams of four, so start getting your team
together soon.
For further details please contact Kevin Rohan 087
Speedy recovery
Shannnonbridge GAA club wish Eamon Mahon a speedy
recovery and hope he gets well soon.
Best of Luck
The Club wish the best of luck to Gallen community
School, who are playing the All- Ireland Semi final of
the Leinstern Colleges competition on Saturday next in
Navan at 1.30.
The Ferbane School face Ballygawley of Tyrone.
Shannonbridge club are very well represented on this
team and your support for the Lads on the day would be
much appreciated.
Long Term Tickets
Long term tickets are now on sale from Club members.
Senior Challenge
Shannonbridge 0-11
Padraig Pearces 0-12
Shannonbridge took on Roscommon side Padraig Pearces
on Saturday evening last in Shannonbridge in what
turned out to be a well contested game.
This was a good run out for the Bridge, but
unfortunately for the Blue and Gold came out on the
wrong side of the result.
There were some very good displays from the
Shannonbridge young guns. Manager Padraig McMcgowen
will be pleased with the way Shane flannery,Kieran
Norton and the ever improving Paul Maloney played.
Pearces Man Niall Fineran was the match winner for the
Roscommon side scoring an excellent point in the final
minutes to seal victory for the visitors.
Golf Classic
Shannonbridge GAA club will hold their annual Golf
classic in Moate Golf Club on Easter Monday the 28th
of March.
All Pros and novices are welcome, the competition will
have teams of four, so start getting your team
together soon.
For further details please contact Kevin Rohan 087
Speedy recovery
Shannnonbridge GAA club wish Eamon Mahon a speedy
recovery and hope he gets well soon.
Best of Luck
The Club wish the best of luck to Gallen community
School, who are playing the All- Ireland Semi final of
the Leinstern Colleges competition on Saturday next in
Navan at 1.30.
The Ferbane School face Ballygawley of Tyrone.
Shannonbridge club are very well represented on this
team and your support for the Lads on the day would be
much appreciated.
Long Term Tickets
Long term tickets are now on sale from Club members.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 13th March 2005 - 5th Sun Lent A
Tel (090) 9674125
Fax (090) 9674267
Masses: Mon-Wed, Fri, Sat @ 10am,
Thurs, Feast of St Patrick @ 12 noon; Vigil Mass on Wed @ 8pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €425. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: M.O'Duffy, M.Corbett, M.Moran
Eucharistic ministers: Group 1
Readers for next Weekend: M.Killeen, G.Hoysted
Altar Servers for this week: Shannen, Nicola, Brian, Kayleigh
Thurs is the Feast of St Patrick - a Holy Day; Mass @ 10.30am
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €246. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: A.Walshe, R.Gunning
Readers for Lá le Padraig: A.Rourke, S.Rourke; For next Sunday: A.Kelly
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 3
Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: B.Coughlan
Next Sun is Passion / Palm Sun, beginning of Holy Week
Ard Chiaráin Prayer Centre
Talk by Fr John Cullen on Mon 14th March @ 8pm:
"Celebrate the Meaning in your Life".
For more info call 090-9674305 / 9674194
Rachra Foróige Club
First meeting for the young people of Shannonbridge & Clonfanlough, aged 12-18, in Shannonbridge Hall this Sun 13th March @ 7.30pm. For more info call 086-0611999, 087-7745048, or 087-2358240
Community Meeting in Shannonbridge Hall, this Mon @ 9pm
Calling all those interested in the local environment, in the health and wellbeing of the people of the area to air your concerns.
Issues concerning speeding through the village, well-marked pedestrians crossways, water quality, walkways & roads etc, will be revisited, with the intention of taking positive action.
Or, you would like to play a part in Our Tidy Towns efforts?
Off-Farm Employment Course starting soon for Smallholders.
Contact Kieran Kelly, Farm Advisor on 0509-51622
Bulletin Bloopers - spot the error! (from
? This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.
? The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind and they may be seen in the church basement Friday.
? Pastor is on vacation. Massages can be given to church secretary.
? The Senior Choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir.
? Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles, and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
? The outreach committee has enlisted 25 visitors to make calls on people who are not afflicted with any church.
? The Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10. All ladies are invited to lunch in the fellowship Hall after the B.S. is done.
Sunday 13th March 2005 - 5th Sun Lent A
Tel (090) 9674125
Fax (090) 9674267
Masses: Mon-Wed, Fri, Sat @ 10am,
Thurs, Feast of St Patrick @ 12 noon; Vigil Mass on Wed @ 8pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €425. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: M.O'Duffy, M.Corbett, M.Moran
Eucharistic ministers: Group 1
Readers for next Weekend: M.Killeen, G.Hoysted
Altar Servers for this week: Shannen, Nicola, Brian, Kayleigh
Thurs is the Feast of St Patrick - a Holy Day; Mass @ 10.30am
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €246. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: A.Walshe, R.Gunning
Readers for Lá le Padraig: A.Rourke, S.Rourke; For next Sunday: A.Kelly
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 3
Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: B.Coughlan
Next Sun is Passion / Palm Sun, beginning of Holy Week
Ard Chiaráin Prayer Centre
Talk by Fr John Cullen on Mon 14th March @ 8pm:
"Celebrate the Meaning in your Life".
For more info call 090-9674305 / 9674194
Rachra Foróige Club
First meeting for the young people of Shannonbridge & Clonfanlough, aged 12-18, in Shannonbridge Hall this Sun 13th March @ 7.30pm. For more info call 086-0611999, 087-7745048, or 087-2358240
Community Meeting in Shannonbridge Hall, this Mon @ 9pm
Calling all those interested in the local environment, in the health and wellbeing of the people of the area to air your concerns.
Issues concerning speeding through the village, well-marked pedestrians crossways, water quality, walkways & roads etc, will be revisited, with the intention of taking positive action.
Or, you would like to play a part in Our Tidy Towns efforts?
Off-Farm Employment Course starting soon for Smallholders.
Contact Kieran Kelly, Farm Advisor on 0509-51622
Bulletin Bloopers - spot the error! (from
? This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.
? The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind and they may be seen in the church basement Friday.
? Pastor is on vacation. Massages can be given to church secretary.
? The Senior Choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir.
? Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles, and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
? The outreach committee has enlisted 25 visitors to make calls on people who are not afflicted with any church.
? The Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10. All ladies are invited to lunch in the fellowship Hall after the B.S. is done.
There are two meetings scheduled for tonight. Father John Cullen will speak at 8pm in Ard Chiarain on "Celebrate the Meaning of Life" By the way the diary of events for the year has been posted in Gallery on this website.
At 9pm in Shannonbridge Hall there is a Community Meeting concerning items such as speeding through the village, well-marked pedestrian crossways, water quality, walkways & roads, Tidy Towns.
Number of deaths including Paddy Kelly, Ferbane, father of our hairdresser Mags, Christy Madden, Ballinasloe, aged 85 years, Margaret Hermoso nee Nugent, Rath, sister of Mrs Frances O'Shea and Dave Allen ( O'Mahoney) the comedian from Tallagh. May they rest in peace.
Well done Padraig Harrington, winning the golf competition in Florida yesterday.
Our Irish Rugby Team was beaten by France on Saturday.
A survey of drinking carried out in four schools in Cork has been published. In one single sex school 73 % of the pupils drink.
Since the bird survey finished a couple of pigeons have dropped in to feed with the other birds on the roofshed in Killeen's yard.
Good to see Andy Rock out and about after a patch of sickness.
Good to see Laura Price and Ciara Finn back on the home sod after what they describe as a marvellous trip.
Also welcome home from New York P.J.O'Rourke from Correen who is visiting his sister Mrs Guinan,Clonfad. P.J. will miss marching with The Ancient Order of Hibernians in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade in New Your for the first time for many a year.
Met a couple named Ward at the weekend who live in Perth in Australia. They had visited Clonmacnois and found a Ward graveslab almost covered over with grass and moss. It bore the name Ward and featured a pair of scissors.
Also met the Murphys from Denver Colorado who are both Irish Traditional Musicians. Pat plays a fiddle and Mary plays the guitar. They had visited Clonmacnois and were looking for a real tradional session.
They were staying overnight in Kajon House. Fraid I was not able to direct them in the right direction and as bad luck would have it Colin was away so no instant session was on the cards.
The Murphys are learning the Irish Language and recommended a website that they use called or .com. This is the Irish for word = word, an = the, lea = day. Visit it.
On Saint Patrick's Day,
You can put the candle
And candlesticks away.
And eat your supper,
By the light of the day.
Weather has been fine and dry last week with a cold breeze common. Saturday and yesterday turned out almost like summer days. Forecast for today - rather cloudy and mostly wet this afternoon. Brighter and drier later. Temperatures 7C / 45F to 11C / 52 F.
At 9pm in Shannonbridge Hall there is a Community Meeting concerning items such as speeding through the village, well-marked pedestrian crossways, water quality, walkways & roads, Tidy Towns.
Number of deaths including Paddy Kelly, Ferbane, father of our hairdresser Mags, Christy Madden, Ballinasloe, aged 85 years, Margaret Hermoso nee Nugent, Rath, sister of Mrs Frances O'Shea and Dave Allen ( O'Mahoney) the comedian from Tallagh. May they rest in peace.
Well done Padraig Harrington, winning the golf competition in Florida yesterday.
Our Irish Rugby Team was beaten by France on Saturday.
A survey of drinking carried out in four schools in Cork has been published. In one single sex school 73 % of the pupils drink.
Since the bird survey finished a couple of pigeons have dropped in to feed with the other birds on the roofshed in Killeen's yard.
Good to see Andy Rock out and about after a patch of sickness.
Good to see Laura Price and Ciara Finn back on the home sod after what they describe as a marvellous trip.
Also welcome home from New York P.J.O'Rourke from Correen who is visiting his sister Mrs Guinan,Clonfad. P.J. will miss marching with The Ancient Order of Hibernians in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade in New Your for the first time for many a year.
Met a couple named Ward at the weekend who live in Perth in Australia. They had visited Clonmacnois and found a Ward graveslab almost covered over with grass and moss. It bore the name Ward and featured a pair of scissors.
Also met the Murphys from Denver Colorado who are both Irish Traditional Musicians. Pat plays a fiddle and Mary plays the guitar. They had visited Clonmacnois and were looking for a real tradional session.
They were staying overnight in Kajon House. Fraid I was not able to direct them in the right direction and as bad luck would have it Colin was away so no instant session was on the cards.
The Murphys are learning the Irish Language and recommended a website that they use called or .com. This is the Irish for word = word, an = the, lea = day. Visit it.
On Saint Patrick's Day,
You can put the candle
And candlesticks away.
And eat your supper,
By the light of the day.
Weather has been fine and dry last week with a cold breeze common. Saturday and yesterday turned out almost like summer days. Forecast for today - rather cloudy and mostly wet this afternoon. Brighter and drier later. Temperatures 7C / 45F to 11C / 52 F.
Enjoyed a few days visit from the Manchester cousins last week when John Francis Killeen and his sons Aiden and Oliver and grandson Michael who stayed in Rachra House while they visited the relations. Met them at breakfast on Friday morning and their host Pat Corbett kindly played a recording of an interview for a radio programme that his late uncle Pat Corbett of The Aughrim Slopes Ceili Band had given in New York about fifty years ago. Pat told of the original members of the four piece and how he and two others had joined to make a seven piece band. The interviewer played a number of songs sung by Pat Corbett and some favourite tunes. Pat Corbett masterpiece was The Old Bog Road. He told that once the band travelled to Dublin to carry out a recording for the national radio station and they received six pounds for their work. This sum was divided between the seven members.
My sister Pat was telling us later that a Martin Costelloe from New York often came to Ireland to carry out recordings and she remembers that on one occasion when Martin was recording Pat Corbett and the Aughrim Slopes in Killeen's sitting room that he found there was too much noise being picked up from the foot tapping of the band members, so he put cushions under their feet. The next tune was started and the musicians used to kick away the cushions and restart their beat.
On Saturday morning we took the cousins to visit America near Falthy school to see the place where their forefathers were evicted by the local landlord Mather nearly two hundred years ago. From there we went to Clonburren graveyard where we located the headstone of John Killian , who died in August 1847, aged 66 years. Stone erected by his son Mattie . We did a roundtrip of Clonburren and noticed that the famous stone at the bottom of the hill near the Bord na Mona site is not in place. At one time people cycling this road would dismount from their bicycles and wheel them around the stone. On then to have a look at The Motte from both sides. We took the branch road to Cappaleitra to look for the Mushroom stones and only found one near Martin Kenny's farmyard.
My sister Pat was telling us later that a Martin Costelloe from New York often came to Ireland to carry out recordings and she remembers that on one occasion when Martin was recording Pat Corbett and the Aughrim Slopes in Killeen's sitting room that he found there was too much noise being picked up from the foot tapping of the band members, so he put cushions under their feet. The next tune was started and the musicians used to kick away the cushions and restart their beat.
On Saturday morning we took the cousins to visit America near Falthy school to see the place where their forefathers were evicted by the local landlord Mather nearly two hundred years ago. From there we went to Clonburren graveyard where we located the headstone of John Killian , who died in August 1847, aged 66 years. Stone erected by his son Mattie . We did a roundtrip of Clonburren and noticed that the famous stone at the bottom of the hill near the Bord na Mona site is not in place. At one time people cycling this road would dismount from their bicycles and wheel them around the stone. On then to have a look at The Motte from both sides. We took the branch road to Cappaleitra to look for the Mushroom stones and only found one near Martin Kenny's farmyard.
At the weekend two Durrow pike anglers visited Shannonbridge and used a boat for accessing the banksides.
Yesterday Mick Walsh legered a full dead eel near the mouth of the Suck and after an hour waiting, a 20 lbs 03 Ounce pike full of spawn tookthe bait.
It was weighed and returned to the water. Mick's companion had a specimen pike from the same stretch of water last year and some years ago the Dublin Pike Anglers caught three specimen pike ( over 20 Lb ) on the same stretch.
On March 6th Alan Colledge landed a 17 Lb pike further up the Suck at Correen Ford.
River levels are almost back to summer level
For information legered means fishing on the bottom. Mick had the patience to wait for one hour before the pike came along.
Yesterday Mick Walsh legered a full dead eel near the mouth of the Suck and after an hour waiting, a 20 lbs 03 Ounce pike full of spawn tookthe bait.
It was weighed and returned to the water. Mick's companion had a specimen pike from the same stretch of water last year and some years ago the Dublin Pike Anglers caught three specimen pike ( over 20 Lb ) on the same stretch.
On March 6th Alan Colledge landed a 17 Lb pike further up the Suck at Correen Ford.
River levels are almost back to summer level
For information legered means fishing on the bottom. Mick had the patience to wait for one hour before the pike came along.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Enjoyed the house station at Dick and Doc's in Oughterard last week. They have about 35 houses in their area and everyone was invited. Some 22 people accepted and the evening started with Confessions when Father Willie Walsh arrived about 7.30pm. Mass followed with everybody within spittin distance of the priest. Afterwards we had tea and sandwiches and /or a drink and chatted until 11.00 when the gathering dispersed. Was talking to one of the neighbours Louie Corbett and was asking him if he was any relation of Pat and Tom Corbett from the famous Aughrim Slopes Band. He never heard of them. He once had Corbetts shop in Galway and he is a very fresh 94. Louie plays the Cello and he is attending a Philosophy course in Galway Uni. at present travelling with Doc, who at one time played a Cello, I think.
Good to hear that Ken and Betty and their daughter Linda from California are hitting Ireland for a week at the end of March.
Some fifteen members of the Shannonbridge Active Retirement Group are having a three day break in the Galway Bay Hotel. It sounds a great deal with a sight seeing bus provided and music dancing and a table quiz at night. Hope they are well geared up for the table quiz in Killeens on Wednesday night which is the yearly fundraiser for the Social Services and Sister Alacoque in Ballinasloe.
Belated Happy Birthday to Mrs Tess Coughlan on her big big O birthday last Saturday. It was a great celebration with friends and family having a meal in The Fort and the celebrations continued in the house that evening / night and into Sunday. Bridie Carry missed out on the fun at the weekend. It turned out that a Godchild William was receiving his Confirmation in Birr on Saturday and Charlie and Bridie went to Birr for the weekend with Paul and family. Hear that twelve year old William cannot wait to go to Secondary school as he is mad about chemistry.
Neal Robertson won a weekend holiday for two in Paris in a raffle recently and is taking his parents Michael and Aine along. His sister Aimee has decided to stay in Shannonbridge while they are away.
The Library session this week is on Thursday night from 7 to 9 pm. Try and come along.
Attended the Stations of The Cross last evening and almost twenty people attended. Father Frank has a neat presentation and if you want to attend next week check the newsletter.
Good to hear that Ken and Betty and their daughter Linda from California are hitting Ireland for a week at the end of March.
Some fifteen members of the Shannonbridge Active Retirement Group are having a three day break in the Galway Bay Hotel. It sounds a great deal with a sight seeing bus provided and music dancing and a table quiz at night. Hope they are well geared up for the table quiz in Killeens on Wednesday night which is the yearly fundraiser for the Social Services and Sister Alacoque in Ballinasloe.
Belated Happy Birthday to Mrs Tess Coughlan on her big big O birthday last Saturday. It was a great celebration with friends and family having a meal in The Fort and the celebrations continued in the house that evening / night and into Sunday. Bridie Carry missed out on the fun at the weekend. It turned out that a Godchild William was receiving his Confirmation in Birr on Saturday and Charlie and Bridie went to Birr for the weekend with Paul and family. Hear that twelve year old William cannot wait to go to Secondary school as he is mad about chemistry.
Neal Robertson won a weekend holiday for two in Paris in a raffle recently and is taking his parents Michael and Aine along. His sister Aimee has decided to stay in Shannonbridge while they are away.
The Library session this week is on Thursday night from 7 to 9 pm. Try and come along.
Attended the Stations of The Cross last evening and almost twenty people attended. Father Frank has a neat presentation and if you want to attend next week check the newsletter.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Congratulations to Nicky and Clare Nugent on the birth of Mark on the 2nd March weighing in at 8lbs 01Ounces.
Glad to see Tony Ellis and daughter Caroline at the weekend. Tony was telling us that the Fish Specimen Awards were on at the weekend and an angling journalist from England was presenting the Awards. Tony and Paul Burke are taking them for a bit of pike fishing on the River Barrow this week.
A visiting angler was telling us that he was fishing the Hot Water stretch at the power plant recently and his young son caught a 16-pound pike. He sent a photo to the Sun newspaper.
Great to hear that Joseph and Donna McCaul from Athlone survived the elimination heats to select someone to represent Ireland in this years Eurovision Contest which is the 50th contest..
Fred Hamm was telling us that swallows often nest in his home which is a barge based in Shannonharbour. Fred welcomes this and says that when the young chicks hatch out that they are not able to find the exit but fly around the inside of the barge, hitting against windows and so on. They rest on a clothesline and Fred helps them find the exit by holding the point of a brush handle near the line. The birds jump onto the handle and Fred carefully removes them to freedom.
Mark Breslin is getting married. Mark lived for many years in Shannonbridge before the family moved to Ferbane. Mark celebrated his birthday in Ferbane on Saturday and combined it with an enjoyable stag party in Hineys. This was one in a series of stags and two of his Scotch friends and a Welsh friend -m Colin, Ely and Gethin travelled over for the occasion. Our own Colin gave them a lift from the airport and cooked a meal for them. One of the trio refused the fish that went with the pasta. Ely told us that when he was in China he ate dog. Moby was listening and he immediately left his box and went out into the yard to hide.
Mothers Day was celebrated yesterday and many a mother was taken out to dinner on Saturday night and yesterday. The Fort was absolutely jammed and hundreds had to be turned away on Saturday night Yesterday Fergal arranged a number of lunch sittings to meet the demand.
Met Tom Egan from Boora Parklands who told us that Cormorants are a nuisance on the lakes and that he saw eight of them on one lake one morning. They create an amount of damage to fish stocks.
Paddy Kavanagh was in Shannonbridge yesterday showing some visitors the attractions of the area and it was like seeing the first swallow. Summer must be near.
Yesterday was beautiful and sunny and two couples from Copenhagen who were on a weekend package trip to Dublin came along to visit Clonmacnois. Kim and his wife had been to Ireland once before and had seen Clonmacnois so they brought along Ole and his wife for a visit. They were based in the Radisson hotel in Dublin. A sign for an award winning wine caught Ole's eye and we found two bottles in presentation wooden boxes for them. I was explaining that the boxes make ideal birdhouses and he wanted to post back the boxes from Copenhagen. Wonder what the custom people would think.?
Glad to see Tony Ellis and daughter Caroline at the weekend. Tony was telling us that the Fish Specimen Awards were on at the weekend and an angling journalist from England was presenting the Awards. Tony and Paul Burke are taking them for a bit of pike fishing on the River Barrow this week.
A visiting angler was telling us that he was fishing the Hot Water stretch at the power plant recently and his young son caught a 16-pound pike. He sent a photo to the Sun newspaper.
Great to hear that Joseph and Donna McCaul from Athlone survived the elimination heats to select someone to represent Ireland in this years Eurovision Contest which is the 50th contest..
Fred Hamm was telling us that swallows often nest in his home which is a barge based in Shannonharbour. Fred welcomes this and says that when the young chicks hatch out that they are not able to find the exit but fly around the inside of the barge, hitting against windows and so on. They rest on a clothesline and Fred helps them find the exit by holding the point of a brush handle near the line. The birds jump onto the handle and Fred carefully removes them to freedom.
Mark Breslin is getting married. Mark lived for many years in Shannonbridge before the family moved to Ferbane. Mark celebrated his birthday in Ferbane on Saturday and combined it with an enjoyable stag party in Hineys. This was one in a series of stags and two of his Scotch friends and a Welsh friend -m Colin, Ely and Gethin travelled over for the occasion. Our own Colin gave them a lift from the airport and cooked a meal for them. One of the trio refused the fish that went with the pasta. Ely told us that when he was in China he ate dog. Moby was listening and he immediately left his box and went out into the yard to hide.
Mothers Day was celebrated yesterday and many a mother was taken out to dinner on Saturday night and yesterday. The Fort was absolutely jammed and hundreds had to be turned away on Saturday night Yesterday Fergal arranged a number of lunch sittings to meet the demand.
Met Tom Egan from Boora Parklands who told us that Cormorants are a nuisance on the lakes and that he saw eight of them on one lake one morning. They create an amount of damage to fish stocks.
Paddy Kavanagh was in Shannonbridge yesterday showing some visitors the attractions of the area and it was like seeing the first swallow. Summer must be near.
Yesterday was beautiful and sunny and two couples from Copenhagen who were on a weekend package trip to Dublin came along to visit Clonmacnois. Kim and his wife had been to Ireland once before and had seen Clonmacnois so they brought along Ole and his wife for a visit. They were based in the Radisson hotel in Dublin. A sign for an award winning wine caught Ole's eye and we found two bottles in presentation wooden boxes for them. I was explaining that the boxes make ideal birdhouses and he wanted to post back the boxes from Copenhagen. Wonder what the custom people would think.?
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Clonmacnois Parish Newsletter
Sunday 6th March 2005 - 4th Sun Lent A
Tel (090) 9674125
Fax (090) 9674267
Masses: Mon, Tues, Sat @ 10am; Wed-Fri @ 11am
Stations of the Cross on Mon eve @ 8pm.
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €460. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: K.Price, C.Curley, P.Anderson
Eucharistic ministers: Group 4
Readers for next Weekend: C.Mannion, P.Duffy
Altar Servers for this week: Katie, Mary-Anne, Tara
Mass for Lent on Mon @ 7pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €234. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: A.Guinan, M.Guinan
Readers for next Sunday: C.Egan, I.McEvoy
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 2
Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: A.Rohan
Mass on next Sun for Patrick & Elizabeth Norton & family deceased
Ard Chiaráin Prayer Centre: Week of guided prayer with Fr Enda O'Callaghan, Sun 6th - Sat 12th March. Anyone interested may choose a time convenient to you & Fr O'Callaghan.
Talk by Fr John Cullen on Mon 14th March @ 8pm:
"Celebrate the Meaning in your Life".
For more info call 090-9674305 / 9674194.
Clonmacnois School is going to the Dogs!
Clonmacnois School will hold a Fundraising Night at Mullingar Greyhound Stadium on Sat 12 March. Tickets @ €10.00 are available from the school. For more info please call 090-9674150.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Blood Donors needed in Birr
The IBTS Board's mobile unit team will be in the Marian Hall, Birr on Thurs 10th March, from 3pm to 4.45pm, & from 7pm to 9,30pm; Fri 11th March, from 10.30am to 12.30pm, & from 2.30pm to 4.45pm.
Some 3000 units (pints) of blood are needed overall each week to cater for hospital patients all over the country.
Clothing Collection for the poor in Africa
Unwanted clothes & shoes; all types of clean & dry ladies, gents, children's clothing, bed linen, curtains, towels & shoes.
Fri 11th March before 12 noon,
At Shannonbridge Hall Carpark; Clonfanlough Hall Carpark;
Clonmacnois School.
Athlone Midland Samaritans need volunteers
And will hold an Information Evening at the Health Centre, St Vincent's Hospital, Athlone, on Thurs 10th March @ 8pm.
Offaly Community Forum
Will hold its first membership meeting of 2005 on Sat 12th March in the County Arms Hotel, Birr, starting @ 10am.
Members of all Community & Voluntary groups in the county are welcome to attend, but are asked to book in advance. Only groups affiliated to the Community Forum are entitled to vote. For Agenda and to book places or seek affiliation contact 0506-46829
Email: Site address:
Rachra Foróige Club
First meeting for the young people of Shannonbridge & Clonfanlough, aged 12-18, in Shannonbridge Hall on Sun 13th March @ 7.30pm. For more info call 086-0611999, 087-7745048, or 087-2358240.
Sunday 6th March 2005 - 4th Sun Lent A
Tel (090) 9674125
Fax (090) 9674267
Masses: Mon, Tues, Sat @ 10am; Wed-Fri @ 11am
Stations of the Cross on Mon eve @ 8pm.
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €460. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: K.Price, C.Curley, P.Anderson
Eucharistic ministers: Group 4
Readers for next Weekend: C.Mannion, P.Duffy
Altar Servers for this week: Katie, Mary-Anne, Tara
Mass for Lent on Mon @ 7pm
Last Sunday's Offertory collection: €234. Many Thanks
Church Cleaners: A.Guinan, M.Guinan
Readers for next Sunday: C.Egan, I.McEvoy
Altar Servers for next Sunday: Group 2
Eucharistic minister for next Sunday: A.Rohan
Mass on next Sun for Patrick & Elizabeth Norton & family deceased
Ard Chiaráin Prayer Centre: Week of guided prayer with Fr Enda O'Callaghan, Sun 6th - Sat 12th March. Anyone interested may choose a time convenient to you & Fr O'Callaghan.
Talk by Fr John Cullen on Mon 14th March @ 8pm:
"Celebrate the Meaning in your Life".
For more info call 090-9674305 / 9674194.
Clonmacnois School is going to the Dogs!
Clonmacnois School will hold a Fundraising Night at Mullingar Greyhound Stadium on Sat 12 March. Tickets @ €10.00 are available from the school. For more info please call 090-9674150.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Blood Donors needed in Birr
The IBTS Board's mobile unit team will be in the Marian Hall, Birr on Thurs 10th March, from 3pm to 4.45pm, & from 7pm to 9,30pm; Fri 11th March, from 10.30am to 12.30pm, & from 2.30pm to 4.45pm.
Some 3000 units (pints) of blood are needed overall each week to cater for hospital patients all over the country.
Clothing Collection for the poor in Africa
Unwanted clothes & shoes; all types of clean & dry ladies, gents, children's clothing, bed linen, curtains, towels & shoes.
Fri 11th March before 12 noon,
At Shannonbridge Hall Carpark; Clonfanlough Hall Carpark;
Clonmacnois School.
Athlone Midland Samaritans need volunteers
And will hold an Information Evening at the Health Centre, St Vincent's Hospital, Athlone, on Thurs 10th March @ 8pm.
Offaly Community Forum
Will hold its first membership meeting of 2005 on Sat 12th March in the County Arms Hotel, Birr, starting @ 10am.
Members of all Community & Voluntary groups in the county are welcome to attend, but are asked to book in advance. Only groups affiliated to the Community Forum are entitled to vote. For Agenda and to book places or seek affiliation contact 0506-46829
Email: Site address:
Rachra Foróige Club
First meeting for the young people of Shannonbridge & Clonfanlough, aged 12-18, in Shannonbridge Hall on Sun 13th March @ 7.30pm. For more info call 086-0611999, 087-7745048, or 087-2358240.
PRO: Conor Kileen
Div 3 FL
PRO: Conor Kileen
Div 3 FL
Ballycumber 1-7
Shannonbridge Juniors took on Ballycumber in a home
game which turned out to be a good win for the Bridge
on Sunday afternoon last.
Ballycumber started the stronger but missed a large
number of scoring opportunities in the opening ten
Shannonbridge then began to rally and points from
Anthony Kelly, Shane and Kieran Flannery, steadied the
Ship for Bridge and put the home side in a comfortable
position at the interval.
The opening of the second half saw Shannonbridge
assert themselves more at midfield and when Rory O'
Connor got his chance he put the Ball in the
Ballycumber net.
In the final quarter, Shannonbridge conceded a
controversial goal but withstood the pressure from
Ballycumber to hold out for a victory.
Please Scroll down for team Sheet
SF Challenge
Shannonbridge 4-12
Tubberclare 1-7
Shannonbridge seniors were far too strong for
Tubberclare on Sunday morning last.
There were outstanding goals from Donal Claffey and
Jason Kelly. This was a strong team which lined out
for the Bridge and there was a good performance from
John Egan in Centrefield who supplied the ammunition
to the Forward line who fired at will.
Race Night
Clonmacnoise national School will hold a fund raising,
race night at Mullingar greyhound Race course this
Coming Saturday.
Shannonbridge GAA are proud to be a sponsor of the
night. Doors open at 6.30, your support is much
Shannonbridge GAA club wish to congratulate Gallon
Secondary School on winning the Leinster Football
title for a second year in a row.
Shannonbridge club were well represented on the day.
Junoir League Team
Team D Corbett, W Kenna, T Mahon,E McEoy, S
flannery(0-1), C Crows, P Maloney,P Egan, K
Flannery(0-1), P Kelly, R Browne, S Kelly(0-1), A
Kelly(0-4),R Ryan, J Turley Subs R O'Connor(1-1), P
Deeley,A Gunning, E Kelly, PJ Kelly(0-1)
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Wireless Broadband in Shannonbridge-
For any keen internet user in the village, a scheme is available which subsidises the cost of a wireless broadband connection for rural communities. For details of what it costs and all the technical details look at website -, they have carried out similar schemes all over the midlands. If you're interested or want to know more contact Daragh Moran, Kerrill Thornhill or send an e-mail to <>. If there is enough interest a meeting will be organised in the community centre over the next couple of weeks.
For any keen internet user in the village, a scheme is available which subsidises the cost of a wireless broadband connection for rural communities. For details of what it costs and all the technical details look at website -, they have carried out similar schemes all over the midlands. If you're interested or want to know more contact Daragh Moran, Kerrill Thornhill or send an e-mail to <>. If there is enough interest a meeting will be organised in the community centre over the next couple of weeks.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Brendan Mc Williams in his Weather Eye column in The Irish Times yesterday told us that the lichen found on old gravestones are a healthy sign and a thriving population of lichens is an indication that the local air is clear. And the stuff is edible and was eaten in areas near the Caspian Sea in 1829 during a famine. Hope he comes up with an easy way to remove it.
The meeting in the Hall last evening told that the Building Healthy Communities used Schoolchildren as a target group last Halloween and what the young people thought Shannonbridge would need to make it a healthier place for them to live in was a "fun factory". Attendance was between 17 and 22.
It is planned to have another art project during the Easter break (Tuesday 29th March - Friday 1st April).
The project will aim to compare and contrast the lifestyles of young people in the late 1950's early 1960's with those of young people today and, in each case, explore how lifestyles impact on health and well-being.
The meeting looked at the local environment and it was decided to have a separate meeting for this in about two weeks time.
Regular Shannonbridge visitor Pauline Kemp from Bradford sent a card from America. She finally convinced her husband Dave to cross the Atlantic and they are having a ball .Let her tell you about it herself when they come to Shannonbridge for the Easter.
The value of Elan shares dropped by 5.4 Billion Euro yesterday with the withdrawal of their drug Tysabri. This was a 68 % drop.
See where Gallen Vocational School Ferbane won the Leinster 'A' senior football final on Sunday defeating Ballymahon by 2 - 9 to 1 - 9 at the game played in Athlone. Glad to see that Shannonbridge had six boys on the team and three substitutes on the bench.
The same Gallen School also play rugby and their team are in the Connacht semi -final on this Thursday 3rd March when they play against Sligo grammar school. Again many of the team are Shannonbridge boys.
One of the most popular players on the Irish Rugby Team is Peter Stringer and somebody was wondering if he was connected to a bank manager named Stringer who worked in Ballinasloe some years ago.
Cousin Father John Killeen from Toher called last evening and was telling about christening a Kenny baby in Moore last Sunday. Afterwards he joined the family for lunch in Millars Restaurant and was telling us that he had a great chat with some man about Jack Mulvey and family and Sportsdays in Shannonbridge sixty years ago and the Johnson's and the Reids and the Burns and the dances in Morans, now The Fort.
Death has taken place of Michael Stanley Cruise Taughmaconnell. Funeral tomorrow. Stanley was often featured in photographs taken at the Ballinasloe Fair as he wore a moustache and smoked a pipe and was in his mid nineties.
Pat Naughton of Clonfad and late of Birmingham has died. Funeral Mass in Clonfad Church on Thursday. May they rest in peace.
Weather today is forecast to be cold bright and sunny spells and scattered wintry showers of rain, hail and sleet, with a slight risk of thunder. Temperatures 4C/39F to 7C/45F with fresh Northerly breezes. Looks like another bad day for fishing.
The meeting in the Hall last evening told that the Building Healthy Communities used Schoolchildren as a target group last Halloween and what the young people thought Shannonbridge would need to make it a healthier place for them to live in was a "fun factory". Attendance was between 17 and 22.
It is planned to have another art project during the Easter break (Tuesday 29th March - Friday 1st April).
The project will aim to compare and contrast the lifestyles of young people in the late 1950's early 1960's with those of young people today and, in each case, explore how lifestyles impact on health and well-being.
The meeting looked at the local environment and it was decided to have a separate meeting for this in about two weeks time.
Regular Shannonbridge visitor Pauline Kemp from Bradford sent a card from America. She finally convinced her husband Dave to cross the Atlantic and they are having a ball .Let her tell you about it herself when they come to Shannonbridge for the Easter.
The value of Elan shares dropped by 5.4 Billion Euro yesterday with the withdrawal of their drug Tysabri. This was a 68 % drop.
See where Gallen Vocational School Ferbane won the Leinster 'A' senior football final on Sunday defeating Ballymahon by 2 - 9 to 1 - 9 at the game played in Athlone. Glad to see that Shannonbridge had six boys on the team and three substitutes on the bench.
The same Gallen School also play rugby and their team are in the Connacht semi -final on this Thursday 3rd March when they play against Sligo grammar school. Again many of the team are Shannonbridge boys.
One of the most popular players on the Irish Rugby Team is Peter Stringer and somebody was wondering if he was connected to a bank manager named Stringer who worked in Ballinasloe some years ago.
Cousin Father John Killeen from Toher called last evening and was telling about christening a Kenny baby in Moore last Sunday. Afterwards he joined the family for lunch in Millars Restaurant and was telling us that he had a great chat with some man about Jack Mulvey and family and Sportsdays in Shannonbridge sixty years ago and the Johnson's and the Reids and the Burns and the dances in Morans, now The Fort.
Death has taken place of Michael Stanley Cruise Taughmaconnell. Funeral tomorrow. Stanley was often featured in photographs taken at the Ballinasloe Fair as he wore a moustache and smoked a pipe and was in his mid nineties.
Pat Naughton of Clonfad and late of Birmingham has died. Funeral Mass in Clonfad Church on Thursday. May they rest in peace.
Weather today is forecast to be cold bright and sunny spells and scattered wintry showers of rain, hail and sleet, with a slight risk of thunder. Temperatures 4C/39F to 7C/45F with fresh Northerly breezes. Looks like another bad day for fishing.
Ken Smith from California writes -
Hello Der. What is this that I have to read the SB news only to find someone from Pennsylvania taking a pot shot (or is it a Pottstown shot?) at our beautiful wet weather. Not many people realize that it is all part of Governor Arnold's plan to turn the desert into a rain forest. ----------Ken
Hello Der. What is this that I have to read the SB news only to find someone from Pennsylvania taking a pot shot (or is it a Pottstown shot?) at our beautiful wet weather. Not many people realize that it is all part of Governor Arnold's plan to turn the desert into a rain forest. ----------Ken
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