Sunday, August 14, 2016

Parish of Clonmacnois


Fr. Gerard Brady P.P.
Tel. 087 231 2353

13th/14th August, 2016

The cost of supporting
Christian values and principles.
Mass times:- Shannonbridge,
Saturday (Vigil), 8.00 p.m.; Weekdays, 10.00 a.m.
Clonfanlough, Sunday, 10.30 a.m.
Sunday Mass in neighbouring churches:- St. Mary’s, Clonfad, 10.00 a.m.
Sts. Patrick and Saran, High Street, 12.00 noon.; 
St. Mary’s, Ferbane, 7.00 p.m.

Monday, 15th August, is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holyday of obligation.  Mass in Clonfanlough at 10.30 a.m. and in Shannonbridge at 8.00 p.m.

Mass for the Intentions of the People of the Parish, Missa pro Populo, in Shannonbridge, this Saturday, 13th, at 8.00 p.m.

A Night Prayer Vigil will be held at Cluain Ciaráin Prayer Centre on Friday 19th. Mass at 9.00 p.m. Adoration and prayer follow, concluding at 2.10 am. All Welcome. Enquiries: David Murray, 085 774 6763.  Mass is celebrated at the Payer Centre, on Wednesday evenings at 7.30.

A One-Day Retreat will be conducted at Cluain Ciaráin on Saturday 20th, commencing 9.30 a.m.  Under the auspices of the Ark Centre of Divine Mercy, the retreat is facilitated by Frances Hogan (EWTN Eternal Word Television Network).  Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Jim Candon.  Participants should being a packed lunch.  Further details from Kathleen O'Connor or Paul Woods, 087 782 8283.
Sunday 14th is the Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe, 1894-1941, Franciscan, worked in the religious press in Poland and Japan, died in Auschwitz so that another prisoner might live. 
Tuesday 16th, St. Stephen of Hungary, 975-1038, first king of Hungary; worked for the conversion of his people to Christianity.
Wednesday 17th is the Feast of Our Lady of Knock.  The Liturgical Calendar and the Roman Missal give this date though, at the Shrine, the Feast is celebrated on 21st August, the anniversary of Our Lady’s apparition in 1879.
Thursday 18th, St. Helen, daughter of a Turkish innkeeper, married a Roman general.  Their son, Constantine, became the first Christian emperor.  St. Helen did much to promote the Christian faith throughout the Roman Empire.
Friday 19th St. John Eudes, 1601-1680, France, known for his preaching, promoted devotion to the Sacred Heart.
Saturday 20th, St. Bernard, 1090-1153, Cistercian, Abbot of the monastery
of Clairvaux, France, taught by deed and example, worked for Church unity.

Baptism.  Alice Mary Daly, daughter of Peter and Olive (Doolan) Daly, Clonfanlough, was welcomed into the Christian community on Saturday, 6th August.

Congratulations to Joseph McManus and Eimear O’Neill who were married on Friday, 12th August.

Thank You.  Renewed thanks to all who organised and participated in the Cemetery Masses, ensuring they were a fitting remembrance of those who have gone before us. 
The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Sunday, 4th September.  A bus will depart from Clonfanlough at 9.30 a.m. and leave Shannonbridge at 9.45.  Enquiries to Teresa Rohan, 086 103 4835, or Darran Finnerty, 086 877 6273.
Confessions from 12.30 p.m.  Anointing of the Sick, 2.30 p.m.  Mass and Eucharistic Blessing of the Sick with Benediction, 3.00 p.m., followed by the Rosary Procession.

The Clonmacnois Summer School takes place on Saturday, 10th September, from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.  Cost, including lunch, €25.00 pre-booked, or €35.00 on the day. Booking: fredcarney2  Further information: Clonmacnoisemonastery or 087 212 8842.

Clonmacnois Pattern Day will be celebrated on Sunday 11th September.  Ceremonies commence at 3.00 p.m.

Next Newsletter, Saturday/Sunday, 27th/28th August.

The Parochial House.  Surveys of drainage, electrics, insulation and timbers were completed last week.  The refurbishment project is now ready to go to tender.  Survey recommendations will be included in the scope of works.  The Parish Pastoral Council have approved five building contractors to tender for the renovation.

Rosters: 14th to 20th August:-
Shannonbridge:-    Church Cleaners:
Jacinta Kelly, Mary Killeen, Ann Keena.
Altar Servers: Group 3, Kate, Paddy, Adam.
15th, Pattie Corbett; 20th, Kieran O’Connor.
Ministers of the Eucharist:
15th, Marian McManus; 20th, Margaret Duffy.
Altar Servers: Group 2, Jane, Tadhg, Roisín.
15th, Kathleen Guinan; 21st, Della Fitzgerald.
Ministers of the Eucharist:
15th, Declan McEvoy;  21st, Kay Kelly.

Rosters: 21st to 27th August:-
Shannonbridge:-    Church Cleaners:
Geraldine Brennan, Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes.
Altar Servers: Group 1,
Roisín, Darragh, Matthew, Emily.
Reader: Michaela Anderson.
Minister of the Eucharist: Marie McManus.
Altar Servers: Group 3,
Conor, Adam, Charlie, Kelan.
Reader: Marie Egan.
Minister of the Eucharist: Bridie Coughlan.
Book Launch - “Dan Edwards, The Life and Times of a Craftsman and Artist”, by Declan Ryan with Dan Edwards, will be launched in Clonfanlough Hall, on Sunday 21st, at 7.00 p.m.  The book is hard back in full colour and on sale at €20.00.  All are welcome.
Shannonbridge G.A.A. Duck Derby takes place in Shannonbridge Marina on Saturday 20th at 5.00 p.m.  Barbeque and Ice Cream Party in the playground afterwards.  All are welcome.
Bord na Móna hosts a family festival in Lough Boora Discovery Park on Saturday 20th from 1.30 to 7.30 p.m.  Fun and entertainment for all ages.   Proceeds go to local charities. Tickets may be purchased on line.
Recent collection totals:-
Sunday last,………………..€875.00.
Peter’s Pence Collection,…€350.00. 
                       Thank you very much.  

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