Saturday, June 23, 2018

Fr. Tom Cox Adm. (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500 
June 24th 2018 The Birth of John the Baptist 

Sat 23rd June 8p.m. (Vigil) Jimmy, Lizzy & James Joseph McManus
Mon 25th 10a.m. Communion Service
Tues 26th 10:00a.m. Mass
Wed 27th  10:00a.m. Mass (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
Thurs 28th 10a.m. Communion Service (St. Irenaeus)
Fri. 29th 10a.m. Mass (Ss Peter & Paul)
Sat 30th 10:00a.m. Mass (First Martyrs of Rome)
Sat 30th 8:00p.m.  Nuala Ryan (M/M)

Sun 24h June 10:30a.m.
Sun 1st July 10:30a.m.

Offertory June 16/17th  €770
Donations for this can be received at any time either using the special envelope  in the Offertory Box. Or simply mark “WMOF” on any envelope.

STATION MASS ON T.V. On Sunday, July 1st at 11a.m. on RTE1 Television, a station mass will be broadcast from the Owens family home in Strokestown parish. Next door to my own home parish! A lovely idea for this Year focusing on Family.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!   Our Local School Clonmacnois and many others close these days and families will be going on holidays. May everybody be safe on the roads and at the seaside during the Summer. We have heard sad reports recently in the media of disasters and deaths on the roa ds. God between us and all harm. May everybody have a holiday free from sadness and fear (Dia idir sinn agus an t-olc. Go raibh saoire gan bhrón, gan sceon ag cách. )


Shannonbridge: Sat 30th June  2018@8p.m.
Servers: Group 1 Emily, Ruth, Grace Fallon
Reader: Eileen Quinn
Euch. Minister: Marian McManus
  Church Care:Eileen Quinn, Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes
Clonfanlough:Sun 1st July  @  10:30
Server Group 2 Neása, Tadgh T, Charlie G.    
Reader:  Della Fitzgerald
Min. of Eucharist: Declan McEvoy
Church Care- July Niamh Egan, Anne Rohan
SERVERS TOUR - The annual tour for altar servers will take place on Thursday June 28th for Pureskills Galway...I will be sending  out parental consent forms shortly.  Depart 9:30a.m. back 2:30p.m. approx.
WEST OFFALY TRAINING’S COMPUTER CAMPS FOR CHILDREN will be held in the following locations: Banagher - 9th to 13th July, Kilcormac – 23rd to 27th July, Ferbane – 30th July to 3rd August, Crinkill – 7th to 10th August, Clareen – 13th to 17th August, Pullough – 20th to 24th August. We are also running Irish Speaking summer camps for 6 to 9 year olds in Banagher, Ferbane, Clareen & Crinkill. For further details or to enrol call 057 9152003 or email

THE MIGRAINE ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND will hold a FREE public Information Seminar in the County Arms Hotel, Birr on Thursday the 28th of June from 7 - 9 pm. Free tickets are available through Eventbrite  

DATA PROTECTION New regulations require us to distribute ‘consent forms’ to all employees/choir members/altar societies/ servers/ volunteers in our parishes. Consent will allow us to keep names, phone numbers in our parish files and to publish names in the weekly newsletter. Further information later.
DEATHS - Please pray for the repose of the souls of David Cullinan, Ballylin, (father of Liam Shannonbridge Power Station) Noel Connaughton, Lissduff, Belmont (brother of Brendan, Shannonbridge

 DOON / SHANNONBRIDGE GAA LOTTO - winning numbers in last week’s lotto draw were 17, 22, 23, 27. No jackpot. 2 match 3 winners. €200 extra added to jackpot. This week’s jackpot is €3,200 and the draw will be held in Doon on Monday 25th June.
BAPTISM - Next mtng Parochial House in Ballinahown on Thursday 19th July from 8-9pm. Tuesday 14th August. Parents are asked to contact their local priest about attendance at these meetings.
JUNE RETREAT DAYS AT GLENSTAL ABBEY - - Tuesday 26th - Thursday 28th June. For more information 061-621005 /  
VILLAGE WEEKLY CLEAN-UP on Wednesdays meeting at Playground at 7:30p.m. 
ST. CIARAN’S PASTORAL AREA PREPARES FOR WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES  (WMOF)- A summer series over 4 Wednesdays: 7.30p.m is planned in advance of the Aug 23-26th WMOF in Dublin. It will be based on some of the themes of Pope Francis’ letter “Amoris Laetitia” Friendship-Faith-Fidelity-Forgiveness
July 4th Leamonaghan Parish - Friendship (Venue Pullough Community Centre)
July 11th Clonmacnois- Faith
(Venue Shannonbridge Playground & Church) July 18th Cloghan & Banagher Parish - Fidelity (Cloghan Hall)
July 25th Ferbane Parish - Forgiveness.
(Venue Teach Lea, Boora)
People from all parts of our parish and our pastoral area are warmly welcome to join in this time of reflection
PAPAL MASS, PHOENIX PARK - Final Call Those wishing to travel to the Phoenix Park on Sun 26th August must have their names given to me by Monday 25th June to secure a ticket. If you want to apply for Knock or Phoenix park tickets yourself (tickets  available from Mon 25th) is really excellent.
SEWING WORKSHOP FERBANE 4 Day workshop June 29th Intro to sewing & basic stitching 6pm-8pm. June 30th Alterations, July 3rd and July 6th Intro to dressmaking 10am to 12.30pm. Bookings taken for children’s workshop for August (age 10+), numbers limited. Contact Sandra 0863769459.
ARK OF DIVINE MERCY  Athlone one day Pilgrimage with Fr Thady Doyle at Gods Cottage Glendalough on Saturday 28th of July. Bus will leave Roscommon from the church car Park @ 7.20 stopping at B&Q Athlone at 8.00am  Moate, Kilbeggan.& Lucan.
Please bring a packedLunch with you. Cost €20 for Return fare.€10 booking deposit required. Details from Kathleen O'Connor or Paul Woods on 087 7828283

-Clonmacnois Sat August 4th @ 7p.m.
-Mullanakill Children’s Cemetery, Clonlyon Glebe  Mon August 6th @7p.m .  
-Templeduff Children’s  Cemetery,  Cloniffeen Wednesday, August 15th @ 7p.m
IN LOCALITY  Boher - Sunday 19th August Kilrehan: Sunday 1st July, 11am.              High Street: Sunday 8th July, 12 noon.) Killourney Mon Aug 6th @ 7p.m.

(World Meeting Of Families Anthem)
Lo-ve is patient, and love is kind.
Love is not resentful; it is not rude.
Love is not arrogant, nor boastful, nor jealous, but love rejoices, rejoices in the truth
Refrain The joy of love, a joy for all God’s family,  The joy of love transcending time and space. Our Love for each other mirrors God the Father’s love.  The joy of love: a joy for all the earth.

Oh, the love of my Lord is the essence
of all that I love here on earth.
All the beauty I see he has given to me
and his giving is gentle as silence.

Every day, every hour, every moment
have been blessed by the strength of his love. At the turn of each tide he is there at my side, and his touch is as gentle as silence.

There’ve been times when I’ve turned from his presence, and I’ve walked other paths, other ways. But I’ve called on his name in the dark of my shame, and his mercy was gentle as silence

Song Faithful is the Lord (air:Mo Ghile Méar)
All sing: Faithful is the Lord our king
Let us all in glory sing.
Ever praise in song and word
Holy, holy, holy Lord.


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