Fr. Tom Cox Adm. (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 086-8319500
Sat 14th July 8p.m. William Bell (M/M)
Mon 16th 10:00a.m. Communion Servce
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
[Tree cutting begins outside– apologies for noise ]
Tues 17th 10:00a.m. Communion Servce
Wed 18th 10:00a.m. Communion Servce
Thurs 19th 10:00a.m. Comm Service
Fri 20th 10:00a.m. Communion Servce
(St. Apollinaris)
Sat 21st 10:00a.m. Communion Servce (St. Laurence of Brindisi)
Sat 21st 8:00p.m. Jim & Rose Coakley & Leo Coakley (Anniv).
Sunday 15th July 10:30a.m. Kieran Kelly
Sun. 22nd July 10:30a.m John & Agnes O’Shea
[3p.m. Monastic Site 22/7./18 Clonmacnois:Italian Mass Group]
CLUAIN CHIARAIN MASS No Mass for Month of July-area meetings on.
Offertory June 23rd/24th €550
YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL 2018: will be taking place in Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary between 16th-19th August 2018. Donation only. Ages 16-35 Tel 01-6753690, /
Offertory July 9th €540
Shannonbridge: Sat 21st July 2018@8p.m.
Servers: Group 4 Darragh, Lauren, Isobel, Rian, Shane
Reader: Dympna O’Carroll
Euch. Minister: Martha Murphy
Church Care:Kathleen Price, Catherine Curley, Patricia Anderson
Clonfanlough:Sun 22nd July @ 10:30
Server Group 2 Neasa, Tadgh, Charlie G. Reader: Anne Rohan
Min. of Eucharist: Enda Molloy
Church Care- July Niamh Egan, Anne Rohan
WEST OFFALY TRAINING’S COMPUTER CAMPS FOR CHILDREN will be held in the following locations: Banagher - 9th to 13th July, Kilcormac – 23rd to 27th July, Ferbane – 30th July to 3rd August, Crinkill – 7th to 10th August, Clareen – 13th to 17th August, Pullough – 20th to 24th August. We are also running Irish Speaking summer camps for 6 to 9 year olds in Banagher, Ferbane, Clareen & Crinkill. For further details or to enrol call 057 9152003 or email
Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) came into force recently. Among the requirement is that the written consent of people whose names are published in the Newsletter be obtained, for example, Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, Altar Society, Collectors, those involved in looking after church Grounds. Consent Forms will be left in the Sacristies in each of the Churches. The consent form is an essential element of Data Protection compliance. The Consent form is very short and only takes a few moments to complete and can be completed after any of the Masses. I would be very grateful if you could treat the completion of this form as a priority next time you are at Mass.
VILLAGE WEEKLY CLEAN-UP on Wednesdays meeting at Playground at 7:30p.m.
MARRIAGES: Congratulations and a long and happy life to Geraldine Claffey & Terry Mulready who married on July 7th last in Shannonbridge.
(World Meeting Of Families Anthem)
Lo-ve is patient, and love is kind.
Love is not resentful; it is not rude.
Love is not arrogant, nor boastful, nor jealous, but love rejoices, rejoices in the truth
Refrain The joy of love, a joy for all God’s family, The joy of love transcending time and space. Our Love for each other mirrors God the Father’s love. The joy of love: a joy for all the earth
MISSION APPEAL - Next weekend, July 21/22nd. Fr. John O’Donoghue of the Missionaries of Africa will speak at all Masses to seek spiritual and material support for the missionary work of his order (also known as the White Fathers). They have about 500 young men, mainly in Africa, preparing for missionary priesthood, and help is needed to fund their training. There will be a second collection after Communion for the Missionaries of Africa. Envelopes available if you wish to make a donation later.
CLONMACNOIS PRAYER VIGIL in Cluain Chiarain Prayer Centre on Friday 20th of July and every third Friday. Mass at 9pm. Adoration and Prayers follow until 2.10am. All Welcome. Enquiries Dave; 085-7746763.(‘These ruins are still charged with a great mission’ St. Pope John Paul II)
THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS PRAYER GROUP - Every Monday night at 8pm offered for the Priesthood and religious life at Aodh and Carmel Horan’s house, Coolfin, Banagher, Eircode R42 C524. Phone 087 2072996. This Monday speaker Professor William A. Thomas, one of the Holy Fathers Private Advisors / Theologians, bringing first class relic of Saint John Paul II. All most welcome
BAPTISM - Next mtng Parochial House in Ballinahown on Thursday 19th July from 8-9pm. Then on Tuesday 14th August. Parents are asked to contact their local priest about attendance at these meetings.
ST. CIARAN’S PASTORAL AREA PREPARES FOR WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES (WMOF)- A summer series for the remaining 2 Wednesdays: 7.30p.m planned in advance of the Aug 23-26th WMOF in Dublin
July 18th Cloghan & Banagher Parish -
Theme “ Fidelity” (Cloghan Hall) 7:30pm
July 25th Ferbane Parish - Forgiveness.
(Venue Teach Lea, Boora)
People from all parts of our parish and our pastoral area are warmly welcome to join in this time of reflection
MASS WITH POPE FRANCIS –We have approximately 24 seats (158 booked) left on our 3rd bus for the Phoenix Park Mass on Aug 26th or for more info.
SEWING WORKSHOP FERBANE Bookings taken for children’s workshop for August (age 10+), numbers ltd. Contact Sandra 0863769459.
7p.m. Clonmacnois Monday July 23rd 7p.m. Clonmacnoiis Tuesday July 24th
-Clonmacnois Sat August 4th @ 7p.m.
-Mullanakill Children’s Cemetery, Clonlyon Glebe Mon August 6th @7p.m .
-Templeduff Children’s Cemetery, Cloniffeen Wednesday, August 15th @ 7p.m
IN LOCALITY Boher - Sunday 19th August Killourney Mon Aug 6th @ 7p.m. Liss Ecumenical Service: Sunday 15th July, 7pm Tissaran: Wednesday 15th August, 8pm
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