Sat 9th Feb 6:30p.m. Edel Anderson (A)
Mon 11th Feb 10a.m. Mary Smith
Tues 12th Feb 10a.m.
Wed 13th Feb 10am
Thurs 14th Feb 10a.m.
Fri 15th Feb 10a.m.
Sat 16th Feb 10a.m.
Sat 16th Feb 6:30p.m. Tommy, Geraldine & Simon McManus
Sunday 10th Feb 10;30a.m. Padraig Devery (Clonlyon)
Sunday 17th Feb 10:30a.m. Peoples’ Intention
OFFERTORY Feb 2nd/3rd 2019 € 665 Shrine €100 Monthly €435
FIRST CONFESSIONS Wednesday, February 13th Clonfanlough
CLUAIN CHIARAIN Mass Wed. Feb 13th 2019 @ 7:30p.m.
INVITATION TO MINISTRIES - We would be happy to hear from anyone who may wish to volunteer in parish ministries i.e. , Readers, Choirs, Church Care, Eucharistic Ministers,, Collectors
CLONFANLOUGH Sunday, 10th Feb 11:15a.m.
FEAST DAYS - Mon. 11th Feb.: World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Anointing of the sick will take place during 10a.m. Mass in Shannonbridge. We ask God to bless all those who are sick and those in the caring profession who mirror the healing power of Christ
GALLEN COMMUNITY SCHOOL - Presents their school musical “Oliver” from Tuesday 12th to Friday 15th February commencing at 8pm sharp each night. All tickets cost €5 on Tuesday night only and €10 for adults and €5 for children/OAP on all other nights. Please call to school reception to get your tickets.
LOURDES PILGRIMAGE - The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from May 26th to May 31st. Flights from Knock. All-inclusive price €749. Contact Joe Walsh Tours. Tel: 01 2410811.
BAPTISM PREPARATION - The next meeting for parents in our pastoral area who have a child for baptism will be held in the Parochial House in Ballinahown on Thursday 14th February from 8pm to 9pm.
Shannonbridge Library open Thursdays 7-9pm
Parish Council Meeting: Tue Feb 12th at 8p.m. Parochial House
Choose one of the eight verses in this prayer,
write it down and keep it in your pocket for easy reference as a refrain, a mantra, a verse to pray throughout the day...)
be with me, stay with me, close by my side...
speak to me, hear me, answer my prayer...
strengthen me, guide me along the right path...
show me today what you want me to do...
hold me and mould me as you'd have me be...
save me from harm, from wrong and from sin...
keep me at peace with all those I know...
grant me good rest when this day is done...
Shannonbridge:Sat 16th Feb @6:30p.m.
Servr:Grp Grp 2 Niamh & Aoife F, Niamh C, Harry, Luke, Ellie O’D
Reader: Dympna O’Carroll
Euch. Minister Dympna Fitzpatrick
Church Care Kathleen Price, Catherine Curley, Patricia Anderson
Clonfanlough:Sun 17th Feb @10:30am
Server Gr 2 Neása, Tadhg T, Eva Seery
Reader: Bridie Coughlan
Euch Min.:Leanne Quinn
Ch Care–Feb Bridie Coughlan
winning numbers in last week’s lotto draw were 14, 15, 19, 23. No jackpot winner. One match 3 winner. This week’s jackpot is €5,400. Draw will be held in Shannonbridge on Mon 11th February.
THE DAY OF PRAYER FOR SURVIVORS OF ABUSE takes place on Friday 15th February 2019. The following week bishops gather with Pope Francis in Rome to discuss the safeguarding of children in the Church. Many, including survivors of abuse, have spoken about the importance of prayer for survivors, and the atonement in the Church. At 10.00 a.m. Mass in St. Mel’s Cathedral on Friday 15th Feb, Bishop Francis will light the Candle of Atonement and use the Atonement Prayer. This prayer is based on the very moving Penitential Rite composed and prayed by Pope Francis at the final Mass of the World Meeting of Families in Phoenix Park.
Prayer of Atonement. Lord, forgive us our many sins. We grieve and repent with all our hearts for having offended you, for our great failings and neglect of the young and vulnerable.
We place all of those who have been hurt by the Church in any way into your loving hands and under the protection of Our Blessed Mother.
Lord, bring peace to their broken lives and show us all the way out of darkness and into the light of your Word.
May we as the people of God be more fully human, more fully Christ-like and more fully your people, that we may see the errors of the past and go forward with renewed hope and faith in Christ and in our Church. Amen.
It is said that, when the early Irish monks set out to preach the Gospel in new territories, they never used sails on their boats. They trusted that the Holy Spirit would guide them to wherever they were meant to go. In other words they took risks for the faith, and the fruits of their labours speak for themselves. They must have been inspired by the words of Jesus in today’s Gospel when He instructs His disciples to cast their nets into ‘deep water’. It was a hard call. Here was the son of a carpenter instructing expert fishermen on how to fish, but they obeyed and they were rewarded with an abundant catch. His call goes out anew to every generation. We, like those early disciples, must go to unlikely places; reach out to unlikely people; persevere in unpromising situations; sing His song on alien soil. The rest in His hands. With great risk often comes great rewards. As legendary American Football coach Vince Lombardi once said: ‘The man on top of the mountain did not fall there’.
Film Club presents C’est la Vie on Tuesday
26th February at 8pm. Tickets €5.
ANY USED STAMPS ?? Ferbane Apostolic Word Would appreciate any used stamps you may have to
support the Missions. You may leave them into St. Joseph’s Convent. Thank you.
HIGH ST./BELMONT WOMEN’S GROUP - Tues. 26th March: Cookery Demo with Adrian Martin at 8pm. All welcome.
WEST OFFALY TRAINING - Courses: Working with Autism starting 5th February. Mindfulness intense 8 week course with one day retreat starting 6th February. FREE Internet for Beginners course starting Friday 8th February at 10am. Advanced Excel starting 28th February. Introduction to Hairdressing is starting 20th February. Call 057 9152003 to book and for more information.
SOCIAL DANCING CLASSES - Resume in High Street Hall on Wed. 13th February, 8pm. Adm. €5.
DÓCHAS OFFALY CANCER BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP - This group is open to people who have been bereaved through cancer. Programme commencing Thursday 21st February from 7-9pm. Call us on 057 9328268 or email:
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Meetings each week in Ferbane. Contact 01 852 7000
BALLINASLOE FLOWER AND GARDEN CLUB present a Garden talk by Dermot Ward. Woodfield Garden Centre, Birr, in Gullanes Hotel, Ballinasloe on Wednesday 13th February 2019 at 8pm. Admission (non member €5)
INTERNET SKILLS FOR BEGINNERS CLASSES will take place on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th February and Tues 26th and Wed 27th February from 10:30am to 1p.m .in the Health Centre,, Shannonbridge . Limited availability. Contact Paula on 087 6891036
CLONMACNOIS PRAYER VIGIL in Cluain Chiaráin Prayer Centre on Friday 15th February and every third Friday. Mass at 9pm. Adoration and prayers follow until 2.10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Dave 085 7746763.
DAY OF PRAYER for victims and survivors of abuse on Friday 15th Feb. Candle will be lighted at 10am Mass in St. Mel’s Cathedral on that day
ENROLMENT AT CLONMACNOIS N.S. currently enrolling for September 2019.You may contact the school on 09096 74150 for a school enrolment form between 9.20am and 3pm.
Thank you,
SHANNONBRIDGE GAA Registration Night this Friday 15th February from 6.30-7.30pm In Clonfanlough Hall. New members welcome!
DANCE - In Cloghan Hall on Friday 15th Feb. Music by Dave Lawlor, 9.30-12.30. All welcome.
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