♣Sat 16 th 6:30p.m. (Vigil) Gerard Greene & Parents Thomas & Catherine Greene
Sun 17th Ferbane 7p.m.
Mon 18th 10:00a.m. Mass St. Cyril
Tues 19th 10:00a.m. Mass St. Joseph
Wed 20th 10:00a.m. Mass
Thurs 21st 10:00a.m. Mass St. Enda
Fri 22nd 10:00a.m. Comm Service
Sat 23rd 10:00a.m.Mass
Sat 23rd 10:00a.m.Mass
Sat 23rd 6:30pm Mass Harry Gunning
♣ Sun 17th March 10:30a.m.
St. Patrick’s Day Peoples Intn
Tues 19th 7:00p.m.
Sun 24th 10:30a.m. Mass.
Joseph Darcy&Sr. Damien Darcy
OFFERTORY Mar 9th/10th
CLUAIN CHIARAIN Next Mass Wed. March 20th 2019 @ 7:30p.m.
BAPTISM We welcomed Baby Zac Kenny into the Christian Community last weekend
CONGRATULATIONS to locals Saul & Adam O’Carroll, Jack Ryan, Matthew & John Devine & Sean Quirke who played in Garbally College double victory in the Junior & Senior Cup Rugby Connacht Schools Cup Finals
CHRISTCHURCH This week we cry the tears of Christchurch people, the latest city to know the meaningless horror of hatred and brutality. We in Ireland for many years have known the same story of violence - and this week we remember the story of Bloody Sunday and the blood shed, Catholic and Protestant, on our own island. We now thankfully know a better place …….Patrick, taught us the Gospel of Christ, the Christ who asked us to love our enemies and pray for those who hurt us . “Forgive them for they know not what they do” … may that prayer of Jesus be the only prayer on our lips this St. Patrick’s Day
ARD CHARAIN Lenten Prayer with Adoration Wednesday Nights 7-8pm.
SHANNONBRIDGE ACTIVE RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION Meeting Tuesday, 19th 10:45a.m NEARBY MASSES. Sunday Clonfad 10am, B’sloe (Creagh) 10:30am, B’asloe (St. Michael’s (9:15.m.&12 Noon,High St. 12pm
LENTEN MEETING OF EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Wed 20th 8:30p.m. in Presbytery. Just to
For many people St. Patrick’s Day is no longer a
spiritual or religious occasion, but if we eliminate the religious aspect of this day we remove its very heart and soul. It is akin to leaving Christ out of Christmas. When Patrick came to these shores in the fifth century, he brought a message of hope and liberation to a people who were held in the grip of dark fears and superstitions. Using the shamrock as an illustration brought them the wonderful news
That God is a Father who cares, a Son who walks
with us, a Spirit who guides our steps. That simple message has sustained Irish people intimes of prosperity and times of persecution. Today, then, is a call to Patrick’s children to reconnect with our faith roots; to salute those who, down the years, kept the flame burning, and to renew our commitment to pass-on the torch to the next generation. This is first and foremost a faith festival. Today is about
Preaching the shamrock not drowning it.
‘Dia linn ló ‘gus oíche, ‘s Pádraig Aspal Éireann’.
Servr:Group 3 Michael & Rachael C, Paddy R, Cliodhna F, Niamh C.
Reader: Eileen Quinn
Euch. Minister Dympna Fitzpatrick
Ch Care: Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes
Clonfanlough:Sun 24th Mar @10:30am
Server Grp 1, Abigail K, RoryD, Grace D, Kate McC
Reader: Kathleen Guinan Euch Min.:Enda Molloy
Ch Care–March Josie Egan/Betty Dolan
BAPTISM PREPARATION - The next meeting for parents in our pastoral area who have a child for baptism will be held in the Parochial House in Ballinahown on Thursday 11th April from 8pm to 9pm. Next Meeting then Thursday and Thursday 16th May. Please contact me b4!
SHANE HYNES People have responded generously to parishioners selling tickets for this Benefit Night. If you haven’t got a ticket yet– contact us at Shannonbridge Gaa.
Benefit night on Saturday, March 23rd in Killeens. People will be selling tickets (€10) and your support is deeply appreciated.
TRACTOR RUN Shane Hynes Benefit Tractor Run Sunday, 31st March 2019 starting at Doon GAA Grounds Registration from 10am Tractors leave at 11:30am Sharp. All Tractors welcome, New & Old €25 per entry
SPRING STATIONS Saturday, April 13th @ 11a.m. Kathleen Price’s (Shannonbridge)
Gleeson’s, Ferbane on Friday 22nd March.
Suitable for all ages. Proceeds to the Missions.
Your support would be appreciated.
TUAR ARD - Upcoming events include: ‘Return of the Hero’ by Tuar Ard Film Club
on Tuesday 26th March at 8pm. Tickets: €5.
Rahan Drama Group presents ‘Nobody’s Talking to Me’ by Tommy Marron on Friday 29th March & Saturday 30th March at 8pm. Tickets: €10.
LOURDES - The Ardagh & Clonmacnois pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from Sunday 26th May to Friday 31st May. Five nights fully inclusive price: €749. If you have never been to Lourdes why not make the pilgrimage this year. To book your place please contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410812 or 2410811.
Shannonbridge Library open Thurs7-9pm

guest speaker and Mr. Declan Ryan will act as M.C The book is in Hardback and consists of some 366 pages. Price is €25 (€20 on the night of the launch). Light Refreshments will be served. . All are Welcome
A thiarna dean trocaire/ A Chríost dean trocaire/A thiarna dean trocaire
Is naofa, naofa, naofa thú, a Thiarna Dia na slua. Tá neamh agus talamh lán de do ghlóir. Hosanna sna harda. Is beannaithe an té atá ag teacht in ainm an Tiarna. Hosanna sna harda.
A Uain Dé, a thógann peacaí an domhain, déan trócaire orainn;(x2)
A Uain Dé, a thógann peacaí an domhain, tabhair dúinn síocháin.
Ag Críost an síol, ag Críost an fómhar;
i n-iothlainn Dé go dtugtar sinn.
Ag Críost an mhuir, ag Críost an t-iasc;
i líonta Dé go gcastar sinn.
Ó fhás go h-aois, is ó aois go bás,
do dhá láimh, a Chríost, anall tharainn. Ó bhás go críoch, ní críoch ach athfhás, i bParthas na ngrás go rabhaimid.
Hail, glorious Saint Patrick, dear saint of our Isle, On us thy poor children bestow a sweet smile; And now thou art high in the mansions above, On Erin's green valleys look down in thy love. On Erin's green valleys, on Erin's green valleys, On Erin's green valleys look down in thy love.
Ever bless & defend the sweet land of our birth, Where the shamrock still blooms as when thou wert on earth, Our hearts shall still burn, wheresoever we roam, For God and Saint Patrick,& our native home.
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