Saturday 14th September
(The Exaltation of the Holy Cross) 6:30pm William Dillon (A)
Mon 16th 10a.m. Service of Word & Communion Saints Cornelius, Pope and Cyprian Bishop
Tues 17th 10a.m. Mass St. Robert Bellarmine
Wed 18th 10a.m. Mass
Thurs 19th 10amMass St Januarius
Fri 20th Saints Andrew Kim, Paul Chong & Korean Martyrs
Sat 21st September St. Matthew Apostle and Evangelist
6:30p.m. John Carty
Sunday 15th September 10:30am
John (Sean) Rohan (M/M)
Sunday 23rd September 10:30am
Kathleen Kilduff (4th Anniv)
CLUAIN CHIARAIN Mass Wed. 18th September at 7.30pm
Offertory 8th Sept €890 Pattern Day Mass €1,425
The first meeting of the 270 delegates to the Diocesan Assembly to be held next May took place today (Saturday). There will be two follow up meetings of the delegates over the year. The Delegates in turn will try to gauge the concerns of the people in their respective parishes over that time so that a fuller picture of ‘the health of our faith communities’ can be assessed and then to formulate a plan or vision for the future.
There are response boxes in both Churches that we invite you to use .
More about the assembly as the year progresses. Continue to pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance.
. If you would like to Be a Host for Hospice please contact Offaly Hospice on 086 8595046 for your Coffee Morning Pack or supp ort by attending a Hospice Coffee Morning in your area.
HARVEST DUES this weekend. Please use the Dues envelopes in your box or put your contribution in an ordinary envelope with your name and address and return it
CLONMACNOIS PRAYER VIGIL in Cluain Chiaráin Prayer Centre on Friday 20th September and every third Friday. Mass at 9pm. Adoration and prayers follow until 2.10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Dave 085-7746763.
LYNX C.C. - Host a Charity Cycle in aid of the Cluny Autism Unit in GCS on Sunday 22nd September with distances of 100K, 50K and a 25K Leisure cycle. Registration in Gallen CS from 8am with a 9am start. Full details on the Lynx facebook page. Lynx CC also host a 10K (10 laps) Business Park Challenge for anyone not confident to take on a longer distance with children, who must be accompanied by an adult. Registration and cycle takes place in the Business Park at 11.30am on the same day. Your support is requested and appreciated.
AUTUMN STATIONS - Station Mass Areas areas: (1)Chapel St & Hill, (2)Ballyhearth, (3)Clongowney, (4)Carrowkeel, (5)Clonfanlough & Lakefield (6) Clonmacnois & Tullabeg (7)Clonlyon (booked Wed Oct 30th) (8) Glebe (booked Oct 25) , (9)Aughincabe/Clerhane/Creevagh (10)Shannonbridge (11) St. Kieran’s Park, (12)Garrymore, Woodbank, Charlestown, Lecarrow, Blackwater (13) Clondelara
PATTERN DAY THANKS to all involved in helping with our annual hosting of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Clonmacnois on September 8th last. To landowners who made parking spaces available, stewards, collectors, readers, servers, eucharistic ministers, Choir members and all who catered. To all who helped with sound & amplification, the OPW for their great help. To all who assisted in any way, my deepest thanks.
NEW EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS We welcomed last Monday in a Commissioning Ceremony John Mitchell, Maura Molloy, Deirdre Kenny, Fergal Moran, Jacqueline Hennessy, Linda Donaghy
BEGINNING EXPERIENCE weekend 18-20 October for people who have lost a spouse through death, divorce or separation Esker Retreat Centre Athenry; Phone Maureen 0876646896 or Josie 0879881143!!
1) Pilates on Monday at 11am in the Hall, S’bridge
2) Fitness Class Tuesdays at 8p.m. in the Hall, S’bridge
CLONFANLOUGH CHRISTMAS PARTY A short meeting on Monday 16th at 8pm in Clonfanlough Hall to organise this years Christmas Party. New members are very welcome.
SHANNONBRIDGE GAA Minor Club present MOVIE NIGHT on the Pitch. Saturday 21st Sept @ 7:30p.m. .. €10 per adult €5 per child. Popcorn & refreshments available to purchase. Tickets available on the Night or in Moran’s Gala, & Killeens, Shannonbridge or contact Paula 087 6891036. Bring warm clothes, Picnic Blankets, Pillows/Cushions, Sleeping Bags, Camping chairs, Hot water Bottles
Servers Grp 1 Emily D, Ruth Q, Grace F
Reader: Kieran O’Connor
Euch. Minister Martha Murphy
Church Care:Eileen Quinn, Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes
Clonfanlough:Sun 22nd Sept @10:30am
Server Grp 3 Teagan D, Seán O’S, Callie H., Ailigh B
Reader: Kathleen Guinan Euch Min.:Linda Donaghy
Church Care– Sep Anne McEvoy/Eilish Egan
WELL DONE - To the management and players with Naomh Ciarán who won the Senior County Championship for the fifth time last Sunday against Tullamore AND to RACHRA GAA Brilliant win for Shannonbridge on Friday 13th on a scoreline of 0-17 to 1-12 - We are into the semi finals now v Kilcormac. Well done to all involved!! RACHRA ABÙ
SEPTEMBER is a month where many people consider something new. If you’d like to help in the Mission of this Parish by helping as a Server, Reader, Choir, Church Cleaning, Eucharistic Minister or any role we’d love to hear from you. Contact me at 090 9674125/ 086 8319500
DUMPING IN OUR CEMETERY update Just attaching pictures of just some of the rubbish dumped from graves since the 3 Clean ups before our August Cemetery Mass. Just to gently remind Dumping is illegal and subject to Council Fine. More importantly it’s highly disrespectful to all who are at rest there.
The winning numbers in last week’s lotto draw were 18, 24, 29, 30. No jackpot winner. One match 3 winner. This week’s jackpot is €9,000 draw will be held in Doon on Monday 16th September.
‘The one who was lost has been found’. Today’ Gospel offers us three beautiful parables about lost things. Jesus speaks with great tenderness about a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son. His message is clear and encouraging. Everyone matters to God. He will never give-up on His children. He searches unceasingly with fatherly concern for the one who has strayed and welcomes him/her home. As St. Augustine once wrote: ‘He loves each of us as if there were only one of us’. It was no wonder that this uplifting message drew sinners in great numbers to hear the Lord speak and seek His company. They were touched deeply by His merciful words in what was a merciless world. Today as then, people need to hear that they matter. Pope Benedict had this need in mind when he couched the timeless teaching of Jesus in these memorable words: ‘Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary’.
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