Sunday, December 22, 2019


Vigil 4th Sunday of Advent Saturday 21st December 6:30p.m
6:30p.m. Eileen Higgins
Monday, 23rd December   -   St John of Kanty 
7p.m.  Mass  (Confessions afterwards)
Tuesday, 24th December   -   Christmas Eve  
10a.m. NO Mass    
6:00p.m. Christmas Eve Mass            
Wednesday 25th December  -
Christmas Day,   12 Noon Mass of the Nativity
Thursday, 26th December   -   St Stephen’s
No  Mass S’bridge (Mass Moore 11, Boher 11am, Ferbane 12)
Friday, 27th December    -    St John, Evangelist      
   7pm Mass   (Mass Moore 11 Ferbane 12)        
Saturday, 28th December   -   Feast of the Holy Innocents            
Saturday 28th December   -Eve of   The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
6:30pm. (1) Damien Kenny (Anniv.)
(2) Julianne Dillon (M/M)
Sunday, 22nd  Dec- 4th Sun Advent
10:30a.m. Mary Kate Dolan M/M
 Also Requiem Mass for Dan Edwards
Sunday, 29th December   -   The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
10:30a.m. Kieran & Kate Daly, Joe Daly & extended family (Creevagh )
 RECENT DEATHS  Dan Edwards  Carrowkeel, Clonfanlough
RECENTLY BAPTISED We welcomed Aoife Lorraine Kelly  into the Christian Community last weekend
SUNDAY READINGS 2020  – Available sacristy  FREE  for Sunday rota readers
COLLECTIONS: Offertory Dec 14/15th
2019 €785 Shrine €50  
CLUAIN CHIARAIN  No Mass Wed 25th or Jan 1st  Next Mass Jan  8th.(T.Cox

  Shanonbridge:Sat  28th  December @6:30 p.m.          
Server Grp 2Aoife F, Harry,Luke,Ellie&Noah O’D.
Reader: Pattie Corbett E.M. John Mitchell  Ch Care Gemma Moore, Doris Claffey
Clonfanlough:Dec 24th (8pm) Dec 25&  29th Dec @10:30am
Server Grp 2 Neása T, Eva S
 Reader: AlanDevery Dec 24 / Bridie Coughlan Dec 25 Rita Molloy Dec 29th Euch Min.:Jacqueline Hennessy Dec 24/Leanne Quinn Dec 25th/ Dec 29 Declan McEvoy          Church Care– Dec Kathleen Norton/Helen Darcy

Joseph took Mary to his home’
Nelson Mandela recalled the moment when he realized he was free. It was when he arrived at his old home in Soweto, small, humble, but home. Home is where our story begins, where memories are created, and where we always belong. It’s the place where we grow up wanting to leave, and grow old yearning to return. In these final days of the Advent season we are drawn to home, to the people who made and shaped us, to what is deepest within. We come home in another sense at this time also, home to the centre of our history, home to a story that gives meaning to our journey. The story is Emmanuel. God is with us. There can be no greater story. Happy homecoming! Nollaig shona.

PARISH CHRISTMAS MESSAGE A sincere word of thanks to all who contributed to the life of our Parish during 2019. Your support, unfailing kindness and generous hospitality is greatly appreciated. Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain Shuaimhneach. . Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain Shuaimhneach. Fr. Tom & Parish Pastoral Council  Enda Molloy, Anne Guinan, Kathleen Norton, Eileen Quinn, Vincent Darcy, Dympna Fitzpatrick,  Sr. Margaret Mary, Patricia Anderson, Anne McEvoy
 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES Planned Giving Envelopes Currently new boxes of envelopes for 2020 are available for distribution and collection to those who use them. We thank our Parish Representatives who distribute these New boxes become effective on 5th January 2020.

DOON / SHANNONBRIDGE GAA LOTTO The winning numbers in last week’s lotto draw were 8, 21, 22, 27. No jackpot winner. One match 3 winner. This week’s jackpot is €12,000 and the draw will be held in Doon on Monday 23rd December. Happy Christmas to all our supporters.
GODS’ WORD 2020  Available from Sacristy./Fr. Tom. The daily Mass readings with a short reflection. Cost price €6 PARISH CALENDARS are in the Church porches and you are welcome to take a copy home
SHANNONBRIDGE VIGIL MASS - Moves to 7pm from Saturday 4th January 2020 onwards.
 CAR WASH - Belmont GAA are hosting a Fundraising Car Wash on Christmas Eve in Moystown Pitch from 12 - 4pm. Your support on the day would be very much appreciated.
MASS OF PEACE - For all the families of our community in Shannonbridge Parish Church at 12 noon on New Year’s Day. We encourage all families to make an effort to be with us.
EPIPHANY– Monday Jan 6th 2020. As it’s a Holyday and school reopens that day, after the 10:30 Clonfanlough Mass, I shall be in Clonmacnois NS for mass at 11:45a.m.  All are welcome as we sing carols with the children.

SCHOOL’S OUT! We’d like to wish our young friends a lovely  Christmas break. We want to keep our school safe and well maintained, so we would ask passers-by & local residents to be vigilant and to report any suspicious activity. Just to remind that apart from school hours, the school and grounds are closed to public access.

CONFESSIONS Monday Dec 23rd 7p.m. Shannonbridge Church after 7p.m. Mass
Christmas Eve, Confessions in Ferbane Church  on Tuesday from 11am until 4pm
Christmas Arrangements

Christmas Eve  Tues. Dec 24th
Clonfanlough 8:00p.m. Mass

 Christmas Day (Wednesday) in                     Clonfanlough  at 10.30 a.m.
Shannonbridge. 12 Noon

Christmas Eve—Mon  24th
 In Ferbane 11a.m.—4p.m.
 Bishop Francis Christmas Message 2019:
We are all familiar with the story of Christmas – the journey that Mary and Joseph embarked on, their expectancy and anticipation of the imminent arrival of the baby Jesus. But, as we celebrate Christmas 2019 in a world that is troubled and where so many people have to leave home because of war and persecution, we might reflect on the fact that at the very centre of the Christmas story were two people also seeking a welcome from strangers. Mary and Joseph were displaced and seeking accommodation at a vulnerable time in their lives. Their immediate concern was to find shelter and safety for the birth of their child. One man took pity on the couple and gave them shelter in a stable. 

During our recent listening process, which took place as part of our preparations for next year’s Diocesan Assembly, the joys, anxieties and hopes that come with family life were very clearly expressed to me. Receiving help in our times of need is a concern that all families share.  Pope Francis recently tweeted ‘The true worship of God is always expressed in love of one’s neighbour’.

So, this Christmas I would like to remember and pray for two groups of people: those in need of assistance and those who give assistance.  Those who need assistance include all who are homeless, our own people and displaced people who come to our shores seeking refuge and the welcome of strangers.  Those who give assistance include the many women and men who work with the emergency services who are there when needed, medical personnel, ambulance, fire brigade, Garda Síochána and a great number of volunteers and organisations who make all the difference.  As we see the selfless assistance these people give, might we also be inspired to look out for each other through the coming year?

As we remember the birth of Jesus, our Saviour may we be inspired to carry the love of God and the hope of Christmas into the world.  And may all of you, your family, and your friends have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
Francis Duffy Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois

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