Clonmacnois Parish
May 9th 2021
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Fr. Tom Cox (Adm) Tel. 090 9674125/ 0868319500
FACEBOOK (Live) (saved to it afterwards)

‘Love one another as I have loved you’
Love is a much-used word in our world today. It has become an umbrella term to encompass enjoyment, fascination and infatuation. It is employed at times to suggest a way of living that is without responsibility, without boundaries, without principles. Jesus guides us in a different
direction. The One who was known as the ‘man for others’ lived a life that was marked by humble service, selflessness and sacrifice. From country roads to city streets, from lake shore to mountain top He revealed a love that was new. It was a love that manifested itself in hands that healed, feet that walked the extra mile, eyes that looked with compassion, ears that listened with empathy, and
words that lifted up and encouraged. It was a love that promoted the greatest good of all whom He encountered, and nobody was beyond the reach of that love. It was a love that led Him to the Cross. We are called to mirror that love today. It’s a tall order and it will lead us to difficult places too. It will cause grey hairs and heartbreak, stressful days and sleepless nights, but, in the end, joy.
The love that Jesus proposes is as simple and as difficult as that.
CLONFERT MAY NOVENA continues Saturday 8th May @ 8p.m., Sunday May 9nd at 10:30am Church open for private prayer from 7am to 11pm each day. Door closed from 7:45pm to 8:45pm each weekday for mass at 8p.m. with no congregation. Livestreamed on
I come to you, as one of your children, who will never forget the importance of a woman like you. I come because I believe in you. I come to say thanks for the past and the present and ask you to bless me in the future. You know me, you know how I live and you know my needs. Please help me especially when I need you most. I have problems worries and anxieties the same as everyone else - help me to cope. So often I would just love to give up when life hurts me and people betray me, but give me the courage never to lose heart. Bless my family, my life and my friends. Help me, no matter what happens to me in
life, to believe, to trust and to hope.
Our Lady of Clonfert, pray for us.
MASSES -in Person from 10/5/21
Sat 8th May 7;00p.m. Peoples Intn.
Sun 9th May 10:30a.m.
Mon May 10th 7pm
Tues May 11th 10am St. Damien
Wed May 12th 10am
Thurs May 13th 10am O.L. of Fatima
Fri May 14th 10am St. Matthias
Sat May 15th 7p.m. Peoples Intention
Thursday, May 12th 7p.m.
Sun May 16th 10:30am
RECENT DEATHS Darryl Hynes (Cloghan/Belmont) nephew of Mick Hynes, Shannonbridge
OFFERTORY May 2nd €510 Trócaire €2,762 April Shrine €500 Lenten Alms €375 Easter Dues €2,215
OUR LADY OF FATIMA on 13th May 1917, Our Lady appeared to three children, Lucia Santos, Jacinta and Francisco Marto in Fatima. The final apparition was on 13th October. The request made by Our Lady during the apparitions was: i) Pray for sinners ii) Pray for an end to the World War . During the apparitions Mary identified herself as ‘Our Lady of the Rosary’. During the month of May, as a family we might father together and pray a decade of the Rosary for our Covid stricken world.
1) The Fatima Prayer/Decade Prayer “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen.” Mary told the children that people should add this prayer to the end of each decade of the Rosary. 2) The Pardon Prayer “My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for all those that do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.” This prayer was given to the children by the angel that visited them in 1916, the year before Mary appeared to them 3)The Angel’s Prayer O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary I beg the conversion of poor sinners.”
welcome. I wish to emphasise the need for
continued caution and the implementation of all safeguards required to ensure the safest possible return to public worship in our churches. The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days remains suspended. People are encouraged to consider carefully if returning to collective worship is safe and appropriate for them at this time. I take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to you and to parish teams - including sacristans, caretakers, stewards and cleaners - who generously ensure that our churches are safe environments where people can confidently
assemble for worship. Bishop Francis Duffy.
Thoughts From next week we can open our Churches to welcome you back to Mass. I can’t wait to see all the families and smiley faces –ever hidden by your face masks. For months the seats have been empty—it has been a long and lonely 12 weeks. We missed you all. We still have the restrictions to 50 people; social distancing; hand sanitising; no servers and no choirs…...but it is the beginning of a new dawn of vaccine hope for all our people. I can’t thank you enough for your patience, understanding, generosity and your prayer during this past year. Of course Mass is still available online
In the meantime, we can reflect on the words of Saint Teresa of Avila. Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things are passing: God never changes. Patience obtains all things Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices. Amen
MOBILE FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER SERVICE House Calls Available Daytime and Evening. Contact Maura at 086-8053671 to arrange an appointment.
OFFALY LOCAL ENTERPRISE OFFICE - Start Your Own Business Online Courses are open for bookings. Evening Online Course runs from 26 May to 30 June, 6.30pm to 9.30pm. Day Online Course
runs from 10 June to 28 June 9.30am to 12.30pm. These courses are currently FREE OF CHARGE. For more info. and to reserve a place please visit or 087 6480378.
Galilee Spirituality Centre Online: May 11th. Rev Dr. Patsy Kelly MSC: Patsy is a Missionary of the Sacred Heart. Booking and Zoom link: €5.
Lotto can be played online also at clubforce
ROSARY RELAY FOR MAY @ 5PM Irish time go to for link
We continue to remember the invitation of Francis, our Pope to pray the month of May, a Rosary of the World: We fly to the protection of Mary the Mother of Jesus and our mother too. Each day a different intention, a different Shrine, a different Country, many languages, and prayer of one family of peoples. Monday 10th is our day in Ireland, prayer in the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock “For all people who live with a disability” which is all of us in some way.
Sunday 9th May: Holy House of Loreto (Italy) .. For all communication worker Monday 10th May: Our Lady of Knock Basilica ( … For all people with disabilities.
Tuesday 11th May: Virgin of the Poor (Belgium)…..For all the poor, the homeless and the economically distressed.
Wednesday 12th May: Our Lady of Africa (Algeria) ….For all people who live alone and those who have lost hope.
Thursday 13th May: Blessed Virgin del (Portugal)…. For all prisoners. (Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. )
Friday 14th May: Our Lady of Health (India)… For all scientists and medical research institutions.
Saturday 15th May: Our Lady Queen of Peace (Bosnia)….. For all migrants.
Sunday 16th May: St. Mary’s Cathedral (Australia)…..For all victims of violence
Act of Spiritual Communion Prayer My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.
(In person Masses return May 10th )
S’BRIDGE Eileen Quinn, Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes
CLONFANLOUGH : Angela Walsh, Rosaleen Gunning
READER May 15th 7pm Kieran O’Connor May 16th Della Fitzgerald
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