Clonmacnois Parish
April 30th 2023
4th Sunday of Easter (A)
Fr. Tom Cox (Adm)
Tel. 090 9674125/ 0868319500
I am the door of the sheepfold
The TV series ‘One Man and His Dog’ makes compelling TV viewing, the pivotal moment coming when the sheep, guided by the dog reach the gate of the fold. Will they enter or turn back? The choice, ultimately, belongs to them. Choice is at the core of the Christian journey as today’s gospel extract reminds us. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who guides, invites and leads us, His flock, to the Father’s house, but the choice remains with us, the sheep. Religion is not a matter of chance but of choice. My decisions are my destiny. On this Vocations Sunday we ask for the grace to steer the path He has chosen for us from the beginning, that will lead us to choose the only gate that leads to the fullness of life.
YEAR OF VOCATIONS 30th April 2023 - 30th April 2024
‘Respond to the crisis of vocations with intensified prayer, rather than despair’. (Pope Francis).
Sat 22nd April
Mon 24th 10am St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
Tues 25th 10am St. Mark, Evangelist
Wed 26th 10am
Thurs 27th 10am
Fri 28th 10am Liam Fitzpatrick & Dec’d family members
Sat 29th 7p.m Vigil
-Margaret Carty Anniv.
-May Rocke
Sun 23rd April 10:30am Rose Daly
Sun 30th April 10:30am
CLUAIN CHIARAIN 26/4/23 @ 7:30pm
OFFERTORY April 16th €485
Thursday 27 April: St Asicus was St Patrick’s expert craftsman in metal work and accompanied him on his journeys. He was left in charge of the church in Elphin which St Patrick is said to have founded.
Friday 28 April: St. Peter Chanel St. Louis Marie Grignion De Montfort.
Saturday 29 April: St. Catherine of Siena. (1347-1380) St Catherine is remembered as a mystic and a reformer of religious life. A Dominican, she brought peace to her native Siena. Proclaimed Patron of Europe in 2000.
MINISTRIES Readers: 22/4/23 @7pm Dympna Fitzpatrick (SB)/ 30/4/23 @10:30am Anne Rohan (Cf) Communion 29/4/23 @7pm John Mitchell 30/4/23@10:30am Mary Kelly Church Care Eileen Quinn, Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes SB:Bernie Kenny, Margaret Lantry( April (CF) Counters: Shannonbridge (April ) Servers; 29/4/23 @ 7pm Shannonbridge Liam Fitzpatrick, James Darcy 30/4/23 @ 10:30am Clonfanlough Ted Rohan, Jack Rohan, Keelan Kelly, Kara Kelly
“LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST”: 12 step programme of healing & recovery, Ceile Community Centre, Kilbeggan, Sat 29/Sun 30. Ph Rosaleen 0876333437
Lough Derg One-Day Retreat 2023 Season. May 1st, 7th, 9th, 14th, 20th, 27th, 29th. August 19th, 22nd & 27th. September 2nd, 6th, 9th 12th 16th 17th 23rd & 24th. Admission €45. Booking 071 9861518.
Prayer before communion:
Lord Jesus, come to me, Lord Jesus give me your love
Lord Jesus, come to me and give me yourself.
Lord Jesus, friend of children, come to me
Lord Jesus, you are my Lord and my God.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
S.A.R.A. (Shannonbridge Active Retirement Assoc) meeting on Fri, 5th May at 3pm in Lukers
Prayer for Vocations Heavenly Father, we ask you to send labourers into your harvest and to bless all who strive to listen to your voice. Inspire, in the hearts of men and women, vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life. Bless our families with a spirit of generosity, so that those whom you call have the courage to give themselves to your Church in faith. Send workers into Your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with love, the suffering are comforted, and Your people are strengthened by the sacraments. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Vocation Sunday- Year of Vocations 2023 – 2024: Good Shepherd Sunday is not merely about priesthood or religious life. Marriage and parenting are no easy option. But generous families will inspire generous young people. And self-sacrificing church personnel will inspire new heroes. We have to be mad enough to speak of God’s daunting dream and not be trapped in our cosy comfort zone. Good Shepherd Sunday is not just about recruitment but about promoting communities that call young people to sanctity in their different vocations and in the concrete circumstances of their generation. (Bishop Donal McKeown)
TABLE QUIZ in Fallons Bar Friday May 5th at 9pm in aid of community funding. Raffle on the night.. please support.
BEALTAINE FEST FREE CONCERT on Sunday, May 7th at 3pm with the Bara Singers & Ballinasloe Town Hall Theatre Donations to Parkinson’s Association of Ireland. Come singalong Maritana, 60s, Music Hall & More
GALLEN COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOM - Golf Classic in Birr Golf Club on Friday 19th May. Please register your interest with the school in order to get your tee time on 090 6453600. If you would like to sponsor a hole on the day please contact the school office
SHANNONBRIDGE/DOON G.A.A. CLUB LOTTO Results 24/4/23 Numbers drawn 5-11-22-31. No Winner, Two Match 3 Next draw 1.5.23 Next Jackpot €7,000
CHAIR YOGA resumed in Shannonbridge Hall Tuesdays at 10am Contact 087 2410587
Ardagh and Clonmacnois Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 2nd June to Wed. 7th June.2023 i.e. Five nights from Knock. €879 per person. For information and bookings contact Joe Walsh Tours at 01-2410800 or email Pilgrims who would like to travel with the Special Assisted Section should apply to Margaret McDonald Tel. 086 3918577. For more information see posters in main porch of Church
The first concept drawing on the school building have come back from REIR architects. More meetings & consultations will be held over the coming weeks. This drawing will be on display in Moran’s Shop. Please view.
ACCORD - Is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation facilitators. Marriage facilitators are part of a team that prepare couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Three training dates are currently planned, June 17th and 24th and July 1st. These will take place virtually. If you are interested please contact or call 01 5053112 for more information.
DONAL WALSH 10th Anniversary Mass & Youth Pilgrimage will take place on Thursday 11th May from 10am to 3pm. Children and young people from all over Ireland are welcome to Knock Shrine to celebrate the life of Donal Walsh and to reflect on his message to “Live Life”. To book a school or youth group, contact or call 094 9375321.
WEST OFFALY TRAINING - Would you like to pursue a career as a trainer? West Offaly Training is a social enterprise, community training not-for-profit company based in Banagher. For more info. email or call 057 9152003
Clonfert May Devotions [Mon to Sat 7:30pm Mass (also Friday 12 Noon), Sundays 10:30am & 6:30pm]
Mon May 1st, Opening Mass 7:30pm Fr. Declan McInerney, Tues May 2nd Fr. John Garvey (Ballinasloe), Wed May 3rd Fr. Benny McHale (Athenry), Thurs Mass 12 Noon Fr. Declan & 7:30pm Fr. Peter Burke (Ferbane), Fri Mass 12 Noon & 7:30pm Fr. Declan Sat 6th 7:30pm Fr. Declan Sunday 7th 10:30am & 6:30pm Fr. Declan
Our Lady of Clonfert Prayer.
Our Lady of Clonfert, I come you you, as one of your children, who will never forget the importance of a woman like you. I come because I believe in you.I come to say thanks for the past and the present and ask you to bless me in the future.
You know me, you know how I live and you know my needs. Please help me especially when I need you most. I have problems, worries and anxieties the same as everyone else, help me to cope. So oftenI would just love to give up when life hurts me and people betray me, but give me the courage never to lose heart Bless my family, my life and my friends. Help me, no matter what happens to me in life, to believe to trust and to hope. Our Lady of Clonfert, Pray for us.
JOB VACANCIES: The Archdiocese of Tuam is seeking applications from suitably qualified persons for two positions: the full-time position of Diocesan Accountant, and Diocesan Pastoral Resource Person (two-year contract). For details, visit Applications for both positions should be submitted by 5pm on Friday 12th May
to the following young people who received their First Holy Communion in Clonfanlough Church on Saturday 22nd April -
Mark Buckley, Emily Mitchell, Jayla Guenzi
Olivia Daly, James Kelly, Éabha Malynn
Dáithí O Duffy, Lana Butler, Caitlin Mahon
New Bishop Ordination The date has been set for the episcopal ordination of Fr Paul Connell as bishop of Ardagh Clonmacnois. The ceremony will take place in St Mel’s Cathedral on Sunday June 18th .