Saturday, June 15, 2024

Clonmacnois Parish Bulletin June 16th 2024


Clonmacnois Parish

June 16th  2024

Eleventh Sunday (Day for Life) (B)

Fr.  Tom Cox (Adm)                                              Tel. 090 9674125/  086-8319500 






Saturday 15th 7p.m. (Vigil)

-Mary & Thomas Coleman & decd family

-Bernadette Kenny M/M

 Mon 17th 10am St Moling

Tues 18th 10am St Brone

Wed 19th 10am St Romuald

Thurs 20th No Mass The Irish Martyrs  Seventeen Irish martyrs, men and women, cleric and lay, put to death for the Catholic faith between 1579 and 1654 were beatified by Pope John Paul 11 in 1992. Grant us, we pray that through their intercession we may  receive the graces which we implore of you if it be your holy will. We also pray that they may soon be raised to the altars for glory of your name and the good of your Church, we make  this prayer through Jesus Christ, your son. Amen

Fri 21st St Aloysius Gonzaga 10am   Aloysius joined the Jesuits as a novice and worked in a plague hospital where he caught the fever and died in 1591

Sat 22nd 7pm [St. Thomas More] John & Mary Claffey & Rosie Claffey


Sun 16th 10:30am Concepta Guinan Anniv

Wed 19th 7p.m. End of Year Mass 6th Class

Sun 23rd 10:30am  Bernie Nugent (Née Doolan)

 Rochfortsbridge & formerly Clonfanlough


CLUAIN CHIARAIN Mass 19/6/24 7:30pm

OFFERTORY  June 9th  €760 June Monthly €174  Pentecost Dues  €1,468 Holy Land €229

Thank you for your financial support. You can also support using electronic transfer if it is more convenient. Bank details are :

Clonmacnois Parochial Account.

A MISSIONARY GROUP FROM BETHLEHEM, , The Holy Land will be visiting our Parish on the 22nd and 23rd of June to briefly talk about the Holy Land and  to sell religious articles ( Crucifixes , Rosary Beads and Plaques ) made out of olive wood in Bethlehem to help and support the poor Christians families , any help you could give them it will be highly appreciated . See Permission letter from Diocese on Porch Noticeboard.

B’sloe & District Lough Derg Pilgrimage: June 21st – 23rd. Details John @ (086) 8600987.

Clonfert Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 takes place from August 7th -12th departing from Shannon airport. Further enquiries from Society Travel: 090 9645350 or 087 9479141

Sunday July 28th Knock Shrine National Grandparents Pilgrimage 2024 – Theme ‘Do not cast me off in my old age’ Principal Celebrant Archbishop Luis Mariano Montemayor Papal Nuncio of Ireland.




 ‘The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed’ On December 1st 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parkes, a forty-two year old African American working woman refused to vacate her seat on a city bus when ordered to do so by the driver so that a white man could be accommodated. Rosa was arrested. Meetings were called. Martin Luther King emerged. The Civil Rights movement took root. Public transport was boycotted. The Supreme Court of the United States declared Alabama’s segregation laws to be unconstitutional and so ‘a forest fire began with a spark’. No word or deed is insignificant in the hands of God. Mustard seeds grow into trees. Small seeds are growing quietly in our Church. Let us take notice and take heart. We must never be daunted by small beginnings. Great acts take time. We could well adopt the words of encouragement offered by St. Francis Xavier to his followers: ‘Be big in little things’.

 "Day for Life": celebrating the beauty and dignity of all human life.

This Sunday 16th June, our Church marks the Day for Life 2024

The theme this year is: "The Lord is my shepherd- Compassion and Hope at the end of life."

It is a day specifically dedicated to raising awareness and reflecting on the deep value and meaning of human life at every stage, and in every  condition. This year, we are reminded that Jesus did not send the sick away, rather He showed us that life always has dignity and that there is n o such thing as a useless life.

We are called to defend this gift of life to its natural end and  to protect vulnerable citizens from a culture that could pressured

them into assisted suicide. In this way, we are encouraged to  support people  with the companionship of a listening ear,  appropriate treatment, and the best of care, so that their last

days can be times of grace, intimacy and love.

The Day for Life message is available on




June 10th  Results Numbers drawn 2-4-10-13  No Winner. Three Match 3 winners. Jackpot now

€9,000. Next draw 17/6/25

MINISTRIES Readers: 22/6/24 @7pm Anniv Intention Ffion Anderson  (SB) 23/6/24 Noelle Daly CF) Communion 22/6/24 @7pm Eileen Quinn 23/6/24 @10:30 Mary Kelly Church Care Eileen Quinn, Dolly Deeley & Veronica Hynes (SB) Leanne Quinn, Mairead Henry (CF) (June) Counters Shannonbridge Servers; 22/6/24 @7pm H & E Mitchell  (SB) 23/6/24 @ 10:30am T & J Rohan, K & K Kelly


Pilates with Ger, Mondays 8.00 to 9.00  17th & 24th June.  Ger will then finish up for the summer, resuming in September.
-Music Generation Offaly:  
Last lesson Wednesday 19th June. Times: 4-5pm ages 8-12  (primary school) 5-6pm ages 13 + ( secondary school).
Music Generation: Music Explorers Summer Camp Monday 15th to Friday 19th July. Cost €80 Ages 5 - 12 yrs , 10 am to 1.30 pm.  See Music Generation Poster on Clonfanlough Hall Facebook Page for bookings
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING June 20th @ 8p.m. Presbytery Members: John Mitchell, Noelle Daly, Paula Claffey, George Quinn (Chair) Rita Molloy (Secretary), Declan Egan, Fr. Tom Cox

CHAIR YOGA starting in Shannonbridge Hall June 18th at 11am contact 087 2410587 for details. [please note change of date]
FUNDRAISER BAKE SALE & 5K WALK/RUN raised €3058 thanks to everyone who supported this fundraiser our wonderful parents teachers and all the staff in the school our fantastic community and all the generous local business who gave so generosity to this fundraiser also we want to thank all who helped in anyway to make this fundraiser a wonderful success

Note: Parents & Community  have raised €16,670 since Dec 2019 for our school. And with a Pandemic too!

BEAT ON THE PEAT - Only two weeks to our Moystown event on Sun. 30th June. Tickets €30 (plus €2.50 booking fee), under 16’s free. Purchase tickets online at willwego. com/beat-on-the-peat or from Joe Cahill’s shop, Belmont, 090 6457202.

FOOT CARE:  MOBILE Foot Health Practitioner Service House Calls Available Daytime and Evening:Maura  (086) 8053671

ARE YOU A CHILDMINDER - Contact Offaly County Childcare Committee at darina@ / 085 1703772 to find out more info about the new childminding regulations that are coming into effect in Autumn 2024. Setting up and operating a childminding business, training and grants/funding available to childminder

VAKS  (Volunteers at Knock Shrine) is an opportunity for young people in TY, 5th and 6th year to come to Knock Shrine to volunteer for a weekend in either July or August. This is a great way to meet new friends, serve others, express your faith and have fun! If you would like any more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mairead Jennings at 094 937 5321


Father’s Day Prayer

Lord, thank you for all fathers.

For the new ones,  who endure sleepless nights with infants in arms.

For the busy ones,  who juggle the pressures of home and family life.

For the steadfast ones,  who nurture and care

for our special vulnerable children.

For the patient ones, who always seek to forgive

and engage with their pre-teens.

For the persistent ones,  who cleverly find new ways to connect with their mini-adults.

For the father uncles,  who step in to cradle and care  for nieces and nephews.

For all granddads, who love and support their precious  grandchildren.

For the foster dads that are called to gather and

cover the fragile ones.

For the Sunday dads  who care for our children and lead them in faith.

For the dads who give far beyond their own

resources,who overcome disability2 cherish&love

Thank you Lord for all our beautiful fathers. Help

us to support them and keep them in our prayers.

May you bless them now on this their special day.

MY FATHER  When I was:…..

4 years old: My daddy can do anything.

5 year old: My daddy knows a whole lot.

6 year old: My daddy is smarter than your dad.

8 year old: My dad, doesn't know exactly everything.

10 year old: In the olden days when my Dad grew up, things were different.

12 year old: Oh well, naturally, Father doesn't know anything about that.

He is too old to remember his childhood.

14 year old: Don't pay attention to my Father, he is old fashioned.

21 year old: Him? My goodness, he is so hopelessly out of date.

25 year old: Dad knows a little about it, but then he should because he has been around so long.

30 year old: Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks. After all, he's had a lot of experience.

40 year old: I wonder how Dad would handle it.  He’s so wise and has a world of experience

50 year old: I'd give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk this over with him.

Too bad I didn't appreciate him when he was alive. I could have learned a lot from him.


 Cemetery Masses

-Fri 2nd August 7pm in Mullinakill (Glebe)

-Sat August 3rd 7pm in Clonmacnois Cemetery

-Friday August 16th @7pm in Cloniffeen

Thank you to all who mind, tend and prepare the places of rest of our ancestors in this sacred soil of St. Ciaran. A moments care and mindfulness means so much and absence of litter, debris (not over walls!)  speaks volumes to the visiting groups at the monastic site who often wander through what is often their first impression of us.


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