Sunday, June 23, 2024

Clonmacnois Parish Bulletin June 23rd 2024


Clonmacnois Parish

June 23rd 2024

Twelfth Sunday (B)

Fr.  Tom Cox (Adm)                                              Tel. 090 9674125/  086-8319500 






Sat 22nd 7pm [St. Thomas More] John & Mary Claffey & Rosie Curley

Mon 24th No Mass

Road Closure :Resurfacing works in village

Tues 25th 10am Mass

Wed 26th 10am Mass

Thurs 27th 10am Mass

Fri 28th 10am Mass

Sat 29th 7pm (Vigil)

-Jimmy, Lizzie, James Joseph & Baby Joseph McManus (Leitra)

- Kieran Hanniffy


Sun 23rd 10:30am  Bernie Nugent (Née Loonam)

 Rochfortsbridge & formerly Clonfanlough

Sun 30th 10:30am Peoples Intentions

RECENT DEATHS Thomas (Tommy) McEvoy Clonmacnois who died recently

CLUAIN CHIARAIN Mass 26/6/24 7:30pm

OFFERTORY  June 16th  €665 June Monthly €219  Pentecost Dues  €1,665  Holy Land €239

Thank you for your financial support. You can also support using electronic transfer if it is more convenient. Bank details are :

Clonmacnois Parochial Account.


‘The wind and the sea obey Him’.

 The Gospel of Mark was written around the year 70 AD for the Church in Rome, which had experienced the persecution of Nero, during which great leaders like Peter and Paul were lost. Fear and uncertainty were in the air. There was a feeling abroad that the Lord had abandoned His people. Reassurance was needed. The parable of the calming of the storm would have provided that reassurance to the faithful in those turbulent times. As it was in the beginning, so it is today. Our Church has had to navigate exceedingly stormy waters in recent decades. Even Pope Benedict admitted, on the occasion of his resignation, that there were moments during his papacy ‘when the seas were rough and the wind blew against us and it seemed that the Lord was sleeping’. Whether as Church or as individuals we must never forget who is on board our ship. Sometimes He calms the storm; at other times, He calms the sailor. He never abandons His people



June 24th  The Nativity of St John the Baptist

Jesus praised John the Baptist by attributing to him the glorious phrase‘of all children born to women, there is no one greater than John’ (Lk

7:28) a man of self-denial, integrity of life and purpose and an uncompromising prophetic voice. The  name ‘John’ means “The Lord has shown favour”. This feast relates to the summer solstice, when the  days begin to grow shorter, recalling John’s words, “He must increase, but I must decrease”.

 June 29th SS Peter & Paul (Apostles)

On the day in ancient Rome, considered to be its foundation day by  Romulus, we celebrate the twin founders of the Church in Rome. St. Peter and St. Paul proclaimed that  Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

We welcome this weekend…

A MISSIONARY GROUP FROM BETHLEHEM, , The Holy Land will be visiting our Parish on the 22nd and 23rd of June to briefly talk about the Holy Land and  to sell religious articles ( Crucifixes , Rosary Beads and Plaques ) made out of olive wood in Bethlehem to help and support the poor Christians families , any help you could give them it will be highly appreciated . See Permission letter from Diocese on Porch Noticeboard.

YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL  takes place on August 15th – 18th in Clongowes Wood College, Co. Kildare - save the date! Join us for a weekend of festivities: talks, testimonies praise & worship, and workshops. Donation Only. Check out for more information 

 This poem is about praying and as the poet sees it , it’s like waiting for the Kingfisher.

Prayer is like watching for

The kingfisher. All you can do is

Be there where he is like to appear, and Wait.

Often nothing much happens;

There is space, silence and Expectancy.

No visible signs, only the Knowledge that he’s been there And may come again.

Seeing or not seeing cease to matter,

You have been prepared.

But when you’ve almost stopped

Expecting it, a flash of brightness

Gives encouragement. [Ann Lewin]

For Those in Pain For all whose faith has been battered by tragedy, persecution or abuse, that Christ, who calmed the wind and the rain, will bring them peace. For the nations of the earth and those who govern them, that the storms of violence, poverty and hunger may be stilled and all will find a safe harbour in Christ. Amen

Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path

 Parish Pattern Day Mon Sept 9th @7pm Clonmacnois Pattern Day Sun Sept 15th@3pm


June 17th  Results Numbers drawn 7-8-23-26  No Winner. Two Match 3 winners. Jackpot now

€9,200. Next draw 17/6/25

MINISTRIES Readers: 29/6/24 @7pm Rachael Carty   (SB) 30/6/24 :10:30am Noelle Daly (CF) Communion 29/6/24 @7pm Fergal Moran  30/6/24 @10:30 Jacqueline Hennessy  Church Care Marian McManus, Ann Corbett (SB) Leanne Quinn, Mairead Henry (CF) (June) Counters Shannonbridge Servers; 29/6/24 @7pm L Fitzpatrick, K. Rocke, D O’Duffy (SB) 30/6/24 @ 10:30am M O’Shea, C. Daly, C. Mahon, S. Trainor, O.Trainor


Pilates with Ger, last class for the summer, Monday 8:00 -9:00. Resuming in September
Music Generation:
Music Explorers Summer Camp Monday 15th to Friday 19th July. Ages 5 - 12 yrs , 10 am to 1.30 pm, €80.   See Music Generation Poster on Clonfanlough Hall Facebook Page for bookings

CHAIR YOGA continues  in Shannonbridge Hall June 25th at 11am contact 087 2410587 for details. [please note change of date]

Final Tally €3278, making a total of €16,886 raised by Parent Assoc since Dec 2019 for school funds. All thanks to Parents, and local community and businesses. Thank you so much.

 BEAT ON THE PEAT - One week to our Moystown event on Sun. 30th June. Tickets €30 (plus €2.50 booking fee), under 16’s free. Purchase tickets online at willwego. com/beat-on-the-peat or from Joe Cahill’s shop, Belmont, 090 6457202.

FOOT CARE:  MOBILE Foot Health Practitioner Service House Calls Available Daytime and Evening:Maura  (086) 8053671

THE RALLY FOR LIFE 2024 - Is on Saturday 6th July at 1.30pm from Parnell Square, Dublin, departing from The Garden of Remembrance. Please contact The Life Institute for travel arrangements.

Clonfert Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 takes place from August 7th -12th departing from Shannon airport. Further enquiries from Society Travel: 090 9645350 or 087 9479141

Sunday July 28th Knock Shrine National Grandparents Pilgrimage 2024 – Theme ‘Do not cast me off in my old age’ Principal Celebrant Archbishop Luis Mariano Montemayor Papal Nuncio of Ireland.

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS As the schools break for the Summer, we thank teachers and staff for all that they do and wish them, pupils & families a safe and restful break


  Cemetery Masses

-Fri 2nd August 7pm in Mullinakill (Glebe)

-Sat August 3rd 7pm in Clonmacnois Cemetery

-Friday August 16th @7pm in Cloniffeen

Thank you to all who mind, tend and prepare the places of rest of our ancestors in this sacred soil of St. Ciaran. A moments care and mindfulness means so much and absence of litter, debris (not over walls!)  speaks volumes to the visiting groups at the monastic site who often wander through what is often their first impression of us.

 33 A.D.                            2024 A.D.

The image of a boat in a stormy sea is a symbol of life in difficult times and is an image of the inner turmoil, anxiety and high emotions we then experience. The image can also be applied to a family, a community, a parish or any other group. It can be applied to the thousands of migrants crossing the stormy waters seeking a place of refuge and security and the thousands who have lost their lives in doing so. Maybe the world is crashing in on you today. Maybe it was yesterday. And then again it may be tomorrow. Remember, God is with you. And all you need is enough faith to get you through to the moment when Jesus speaks, ‘Peace. Be still.’

 First they Came (Paraphrase of First They Came by Martin Niemoller (1892-1984)

-First they came for the unborn child And I did not speak out because I was not an unborn child. -Then they came for the elderly and hopelessly ill And I did not speak out because I was young and healthy.

-Then they came for the refugee and the homeless And I did not speak out because I had a country and a home.

-Then they came for God And I did not speak out because I had forgotten Him.

—Then they came for me And there was no one left to speak out for me..

MARY’S MEALS—An Appeal My name is Fr. Eamonn Kelly and I am parish priest in the parish of Raphoe, Donegal. I also  help with Mary’s Meals, a charity that presently feeds 2,429,182 children in their place of education each  school day. Since 2013 we have walked to Knock Shrine from Malin, Donegal, Thurles, Cavan, the Spire, Dublin, Kilkenny, Longford, Limerick & N. Ireland to raise awareness of, and funds  for, Mary's Meals. We are now launching Step by Step to Feed the Next Child 2024.  All walks go from 7th August to 15th August. We are seeking people to help us create new walks,  join us for a day or half day or a few hours, collect, take a sponsor card or promote the walk. It cost €22 to  give a child a meal each day in school for a school year and every eleven cents raised provides a meal. This  is a great way of gaining a bit of fitness and doing great work at the same time. If you would like more  information or to get involved, I would love to hear from you. My contact details are: Eamonn Kelly (Rev),  Parochial House, Convoy, Co Donegal, F93HX2R, or 087 9077985.



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