Saturday, August 24, 2024

Clonmacnois Parish Bulletin August 25th 2024


Clonmacnois Parish

August 25th  2024

Twenty First Sunday (B)                                            Tel. 090 96741257

Cover Aug 24-27th T. Cox 086 8319500

Cover from Aug 28-Sept 6th

Fr. Michael Molloy PP  090 9673539






What about you, do you want to go away too? The Christian journey hinges on two words: invitation and response. God invites and we have a choice. From the beginning many have chosen to walk away from Jesus and tread other paths. It’s not a uniquely modern phenomenon. The problem today is that many people walk away without making a reflective choice. Having received the faith second-hand, they never go deeper. There is no mature decision involved. Faith sees with the ears and the unexamined faith will wither. There is a crisis of knowledge in the Church family. It could be said that we are drowning in information but starved for knowledge. A recent survey in the United States produced the startling finding that atheists and agnostics have a significantly superior religious knowledge to Catholics. ‘Knowledge is the peg on which we hang the hat of faith, the wing wherewith we fly to heaven’. We cannot have faith in something about which we know nothing! Isn’t it time for the baptised faithful to take a second look and not just walk away?


THANK YOU to all who reached out, attended the farewell Mass on 17th last , and had anything to do with the liturgy and function, and to all who sent cards, gifts, mass bouquets to me with the news of my new appointment to PP Kilronan. It’s been an emotional time for me saying goodbye. Due to events I will be saying my last Mass Fri 6th Sept in Clonfanlough and off then after a Baptism in the parish Saturday 7th. I’ve loved my time here. I  hope to acknowledge you all & maybe see the children in School when they’re back with Fr. Michael. He’s a good man, I know you will mind him and Fr. Burke  Fr. Tom Cox



Sat 24th August 7p.m.

Mon 26th August 10am Mass (TC) Private Intention

Tues 27th August 10am Mass (TC) 

Wed 28th & Thurs 29th August 10am Communion Service

Fri 30th 10am Communion Service

Sat 31st August 7p.m. Vigil Mass (Fr. PJ)


Sun 25th August 10:30a.m. Pro Populo

Sun 1st Sep 10;30 (Fr. PJ) Kieran Kearns 

RECENT DEATH  We remember in our prayers: Johnny Halligan  (Buggane, Clonowen)  brother of Jimmy Halligan & Eileen O’Shea (Clonfanlough)

CLUAIN CHIARAIN   Next Mass Wed 28th August   @ 7:30pm 

OFFERTORY  Aug.  15th & 18  €1065.70 Thank you for your financial support. All donations raised in any parish– stay  in that parish. You can also support using electronic transfer if it is more convenient. Bank details are :   Clonmacnois Parochial Account.

Feast Days This Week

Tues 27th Aug  St. Monica celebrated Patron Saint of all mothers.
Wed 28th Aug St. Augustine, Bishop &Dr of the Church Patron saint of all theologians.
Thurs 29th Aug the Passion of St. John the Baptist who was found worthy of the martyr’s death, his last and greatest act of witness to Christ.

Friday: Saint Fiacre was an Irishman who went abroad to seek a hermitage and was given a hermitage near Breuil died c. 670
Saturday: Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne and was amonk of Iona. Aidan made his headquarters at Lindisfarne. He died in 651.
Sunday 1st Sept. 2024 – World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

 ST. BERNADETTE OF LOURDES - Relics will visit each diocese in Ireland in September. In Ardagh & Clonmacnois the relics will be in St. Mel’s Cathedral on Fri. 27th and Sat. 28th Sept. The purpose of this visit is to Bring Lourdes to the Faithful. In other words, to help those who may not be able to travel to Lourdes themselves, to share in some of the atmosphere of prayer and consolation that pilgrims experience, while they are there. This will be an opportunity to gather together and join in the Message of St Bernadette


CLONFANLOUGH HALL WORKS Contractor Quotes sought  N37 Y2P8 Eircode

The Clonfanlough Hall Committee is currently applying for grants to fund renovation work on the hall. The priorities are;
1. Hall roof
2. Heating, lighting and electrical works
3. Upgrades to kitchen, bathroom, stage, painting and decorating
We invite contractors interested in providing quotes for any or all of these projects to contact Lorraine Guinan - 086 8677904 or Derek Hennessy - 0879180251 as soon as possible.

SHANNONBRIDGE/DOON G.A.A.  LOTTO Aug 19th ’24 Draw  Results Numbers drawn 8-13-30-31  No Winner, No  Match 3. €400 bonus added Jackpot now  €11,200. Next draw 26/8/24

ANNUAL DIOCESAN PRILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK will take place on Sunday 1 st September  2:30pm Anointing of the Sick, 3p.m. Concelebrated Mass with Bishop Paul Connell 4p.m. Rosary Procession

Parish Pattern Day Mon Sept 9th @7pm Monastic Site    

Diocese of Ardagh & Clonmacnois Pattern Day in Clonmacnois on  Sunday 15th Sept. 2024 Pattern Prayers 2:45p.m. Pattern Mass 3p.m. Celebrant Bishop Paul Connell. Preacher: Fr. Peter Burke   

Harvesting Gratitude: Weekend Retreat with Carol Barry 13th to 14th Sept. at the Dominican Retreat Centre, Tallaght, D24 KA40. The retreat offers the invitation to pause, ponder, acknowledge and celebrate with gratitude the many blessings of our lives. Cost €280 residential; €180 non-residential. For more info and bookings call the Dominican Retreat Centre 01 4048189 or email


SHANNONBRIDGE Aug 31st 2024 Shannonbridge (Reader) Dympna O’Carroll (E. Minister)  Marian McManus  (Server)  L. Fitzpatrick, K. Rocke, D O’Duffy   (Church Care) Dolly Deeley, Veronica Hynes

CLONFANLOUGH (Reader) Kathleen Guinan (Eucharistic Minister) Mary Kelly  (Server)C Daly, C Mahon, S&O Trainor  Church Care) Anne McEvoy

Athlone Little Theatre presents 'The Importance of Being Earnest' by Oscar Wilde, directed by Joe MacCarrick   Fri August 30th-Fri Sept 6 at 8pm. Sunday matinee only on Sunday, September 1 at 3pm. The play has been transported into the 1920s without affecting the script, so expect art deco design, flapper dresses and gramophones. Book your tickets at



 Schools re-open this week (Well some unfortunate First Years in Secondary last week!) . Good luck to all students in our parish schools as they return this week! We wish every blessing on children beginning school for the very first time

Beginning of Year Prayer
We give you praise, O God, for everything that is new and beautiful, for everything which holds promise and brings us joy.
Bless us as we start this New Year with our friends and teachers.  Help us to make the most of every chance we have to start afresh.
May we show love to one another and to all.
May the new beginning of this school year
remind us that you give us chances to start over again and again. Help us to forgive others as we receive your forgiveness.
Help us to learn and to work together.
Help us to listen when we should and to know the best words when we speak
and when it is better not to speak.
We thank you for our friends
Help us to be good friends this year.
Help us to be patient with ourselves and with others.  Bless our school and keep us safe.
Be with us as we travel each day.
Help us to be aware of your love shown to us in the people around us.
Bless all those who care for us in school and at home. Help us show our care for them and to say sorry when we need to.
May (our saint) protect us and help us to live as well as we can
Giving thanks and glory to God as they did.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

First Day of School
I wonder what you’re doing now
And if everyone is treating you kind,
I hope there is a special person,
A nice friend that you can find.
I wonder if the teacher knows
How special you are to me
And if the brightness of your heart
Is something the teacher can see?
I wonder if you think of me And if you need a hug.
I already miss the sound of your voice
And when you give my leg a tug.
I wonder if you understand
My joy at seeing you grow,
And on this day, know my heart breaks. As out in the world I’m letting you go!

LEAVING CERT Sending all our School Leavers best wishes as they embark on the next stage of their lives. It is what is written on your heart that matters far more than what is printed on Exam Results.