Monday, August 05, 2024

Clonmacnois Parish Bulletin August 4th 2024


Clonmacnois Parish

August 4th  2024

Eighteenth Sunday (B)

Fr.  Tom Cox (Adm)                                              Tel. 090 9674125/  086-8319500 






‘‘Work for food that endures to eternal life’’ Jack Dempsey was one of the most famous and popular boxers in history. On July 4th 1919 he reached the pinnacle of his career when he defeated Jess Willard to become heavyweight champion of the world. The next morning when he awoke in his hotel room he had a strange sense of emptiness inside. When asked to explain this surprising feeling, he replied: ‘success didn’t taste the way I thought it would. I had won the world championship, so what’? Down through the ages people have discovered as Dempsey did, that worldly success, fame, adulation do not satisfy the deepest hungers of the human heart. Seeking satisfaction in the things of the world is like chasing the wind. Something more is needed, and in chapter six of St. John’s Gospel Jesus points the way. He is the Bread of Life and our hearts will always be restless until they rest in Him. Every longing that we try to satisfy apart from Him will fall short. Come to think of it, the main difference between the greatest saint and the greatest sinner is where they go to satisfy the hungers of their hearts. The seventeenth century French philosopher Blaise Pascal expressed it better than most when he wrote: ‘There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each person which cannot be satisfied by any created thing, but only by God the Creator made known by Jesus Christ’



Contractor Quotes sought

The Clonfanlough Hall Committee is currently applying for grants to fund renovation work on the hall. The priorities are;
1. Hall roof
2. Heating, lighting and electrical works
3. Upgrades to kitchen, bathroom, stage, painting and decorating
We invite contractors interested in providing quotes for any or all of these projects to contact Lorraine Guinan - 086 8677904 or Derek Hennessy - 0879180251 as soon as possible.




Mon 5th 10am Mass

Tues 6th 10am  Mass

Wed 7th 10am Mass

Thurs 8th No Mass

Fri 9th 10am Mass

Sat 10th August 7pm

-John Bogan 1st A.

-Tommy O’Connor & deceased family members


Sun 4th August 10:30am Peoples Intentions

Sun 11th August 10:30am Peoples Intentions

CLUAIN CHIARAIN Mass  Wednesday 7th  August  @ 7:30pm  Anniversary of  Sean Rohan RIP

OFFERTORY  July 28th   €655 Offertory €75 Shrine Thank you for your financial support. You can also support using electronic transfer if it is more convenient. Bank details are :

Clonmacnois Parochial Account.


Aug 6 th The Transfiguration Tradition names Mt Tabor as the site of this revelation. A church first built there in the fourth century was dedicated in honour of the Transfiguration. One of the accounts of the Transfiguration is always read on the second Sunday of Lent.

Aug 9th St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Born in 1891 in Poland, her real name is Edith Stein, a convert from Judaism, she became a Carmelite sister. Both Jewish and Catholic she fled to Holland when the Nazi came to power but she was captured and sent to Auuschwitz where she died in its gas chambers on the 9th of August 1942.

LIGHT THE FIRE - In Ballintubber Abbey this Sunday, August 4th. 1.15pm Rosary. 2pm Holy Mass. 3pm Eucharist Healing Service. This will be led by Archbishop Francis Duffy, Dana Rosemary Scanlon and Deacon John Taaffe. Please bring a fold up stool.

SUMMER FESTIVAL - Clongowes Wood College, Co. Kildare, 15th-18th August. Hear amazing talks, meet other young Catholics, explore your faith. Come and see. Ages 16-35. Donation only. FREE buses. Tel: 01 6753690. Email: /


SHANNONBRIDGE/DOON G.A.A.  LOTTO July 29th  ’24 Draw  Results Numbers drawn 9-17-21-23 No Winner, Three  Match 3. Jackpot now  €10,400. Next draw 5/8/24


MINISTRIES Readers:  10/8/24 @7pm Anniv. Intention Reader  11/8/24 :10:30am Enda Molloy (CF) Communion 10/8//24 @7pm John Mitchell  11/8/24 @10:30 Maura Molloy Church Care D. Fitzpatrick, D O’Carroll, L. Moran  (SB) Marian Devery, Anne Kelly (CF) (July) Counters Shannonbridge  (August) Servers; 10/8/24 @7pm H & E Mitchell (Cemetery)11/8/24 @ 10:30am H. Guinan,  O. & E. Shrahan, L. Butler


Fr. Tom writes… I will hopefully have an Annual Rota printed and available for collection in each Sacristy from next weekend for Readers, Eucharistic Minister, Church Care/Altar Rota. It seems best and allows people to plan and arrange things

MARY’S MEALS - Are walking to Knock from St. John’s in Kilkenny and from Tipperary starting in Thurles on 7th August over 9 days, 7th to 15th August, to raise funds to feed starving children in the poorest countries in the world. We begin on 7th August from Tipperary (Wed) Thurles - (Thurs) Templemore - (Fri) Roscrea - (Sat) Birr - (Sun) Ferbane - (Mon) Athlone - (Tues) Roscommon - (Wed) Ballymoe - (Thurs) Ballyhaunis - Knock. If anyone would like to walk all, a day, 5k or 1k or if anyone would assist in collections, please contact Josephine 087 2037173 or Fr. Eamonn 087 9077985.

SHANNONBRIDGE ACTIVE RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION (S.A.R.A.) meeting on Tuesday 6th August in the Old Fort (River Café) at 11am

Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of Knock: Wednesday 14th August – Thursday 22nd August 2024.

FOOT CARE:  MOBILE Foot Health Practitioner Service House Calls Available Daytime and Evening:Maura  (086) 8053671

MEALS ON WHEELS if you would like to receive these  (4 meals delivered twice weekly Mon & Wed)  contact 087-2410587

 FR. TOM COX - Who moves to Keadue, Arigna & Ballyfarnon Parish on August 23rd will celebrate his last weekend Vigil Mass on Saturday, August 17th at 7pm in Shannonbridge Church. There will be a cup of tea and refreshments in Shannonbridge Community Centre afterwards. All are very welcom




While every effort has been made to print an accurate list of burials since our last gathering– there may be an error. Please review and let me know.

(Clonmacnois Parish deaths in heavy print)

Teresa Egan Bloomhill 18/7.23

Seamus (Jimmy) Galvin Clonaderig 27/7/23

Mary Allen  (Shanonbridge) 9/8/23

Aidan Farrell Clonaderig12/8/23

John Bogan Enfield 12/8/23

Ethna Daly Ballinahowen 1/9/23

Kieran Rigney Rashina 20/9/23

Daniel Farrelly Shannonbridge 28/9/23  

Celine Grennan 13 October 2023

Kathleen Darcy (Clonascra)30/10/23

Elizabeth (Lily)Flannery Ballinasloe 18/11/23

Martin Donegan (Shannonbridge) 20/11/23

Oliver T. Egan (Maynooth) 5/12/23

Olive Spain (Clonaderig)6/12/23

Christopher Mooney  (Athlone) 9/12/23

Michael O’Brien (Fardrum) 8/12/23

*Michael Fitzpatrick 10th December 2023 (interred elsewhere)

Annie Anderson (Creevagh) 1/1/24

Demot (Derry) Killeen (Shannonbridge) 18/1/24

Josephine Egan (Maynooth) 30/1/24

Joseph O’Leary (Clonascra) 17/2/24

Patricia Canny (Sheffield )24/2/24

Winifred Robinson (Gorey)4/4/24

Jimmy Fox (Roscarn Ballinasloe) 9/4/24

Bernadette Kenny (Serenity Lodge)   24/4/24

Martin Ryan (Bloomhill) 20/5/24

Aidan Duffy (Skerries)15/5/24

Thomas  McEvoy (Clonascra) 15/6/24

Mary Healy (Serenity Lodge) 19/6/24

LOUGH DERG—3 DAY PILGRIMAGE  Fri. 31st May to Thurs. 15th Aug. Adm. €80. Booking advised 071 9861518 or Concessions available for students, seniors and groups.


 ANNUAL DIOCESAN PRILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK will take place on Sunday 1 st September

Parish Pattern Day Mon Sept 9th @7pm             Clonmacnois Pattern Day Sun Sept 15th@3pm

 Parish  Cemetery Masses

-Friday August 16th @7pm in Cloniffeen











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